Tag: JSS 1

Introduction to Adverbs ( Features and Functions)

Subject :  English Studies Term : First Term Week: Week Nine Class : JSS 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Literature: Introduction to Figures of Speech ( Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Alliteration, Assonance) Topic :   Speech Work: / / Grammar: Introduction to Adverbs ( Features and Functions) Comprehension: Unit 9b page

Literature: Introduction to Figures of Speech

Subject :  English Studies Term : First Term Week: Week Eight Class : JSS 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Composition: Introduction to Letter Writing and Types Topic : Comprehension: Unit 9 Composition: Features of an Informal Letter with sample model Literature: Introduction to Figures of Speech ( Simile, Metaphor, Personification,

Introduction to Letter Writing and Types

Subject :  English Studies Term : First Term Week: Week Seven Class : JSS 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Grammar: Adverbs : Identification, definition, Topic : 7. Speech Work: / a:/ Comprehension: Unit 8, page 103. Every Man and Death Composition: Introduction to Letter Writing and Types . Literature –

Adverbs : Identification, definition, Types and examples.

Subject :  English Studies Term : First Term Week: Week six Class : JSS 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Grammar: Comparision of Adjectives, Topic : 6. Speech work /ae / Grammar: Adverbs : Identification, definition, Types and examples. Composition – Descriptive Essay: A Market Place Comprehension: Unit 7 Literature –

Comparision of Adjectives, Absolute Adjectives: Excellent, Superior, Total

Subject :  English Studies Term : First Term Week: Week Five Class :   JSS 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Grammar: Adjectives: Definition, Identification, Topic : 5. Comprehension : Unit 7(a) page 91 Oduduwa Grammar: Comparision of Adjectives, Absolute Adjectives: Excellent, Superior, Total Speech work: Vowel /e / Composition: Paragraph

Adjectives: Definition, Identification, Types of Adjectives

Subject :  English Studies Term : First Term Week: Week Four Class :   JSS 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Topic : 4. Comprehension: Unit 6, page 79. Two good Friends Grammar: Adjectives: Definition, Identification, Types of Adjectives Composition: Narrative Essay– “My First day in Secondary School” Speech Work: Vowels

Transitive, Intransitive, Auxiliary and Lexical, Regular and Irregular

Subject :  English Studies Term : First Term Week: Week Three Class :   JSS 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Pronouns: Meaning, Identification, Types. Topic : 3. Comprehension: A Conversation, Page 43 Grammar/Structure: Verbs: Definition, Identification with examples. Types of verbs: Transitive, Intransitive, Auxiliary and Lexical, Regular and Irregular (should

Types of Pronouns Jss 1 English First Term Week 2

Subject :  English Studies Term : First Term Week: Week 2 Class :   JSS 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Nouns and types of Nouns Topic : 2. Speech work: Pure Vowel sounds (Monothongs) with examples Comprehension: Unit 2, page 31 Vocabulary development: Your School Subjects Grammar/Structure: Pronouns: Meaning, Identification,

Topic: Parts of speech: Noun (functions)

WEEK ONE Topic: Organs of speech Content The organs of speech are parts of the human body which are used for speech production. The lung serves as the power house from which air flows. When we speak, we breathe normally and as the stream of air flows out from the lungs through the narrow space

Concept of estimation and values , capacity ,volumes and mass

  Subject :  Mathematics Term : First Term Week: Week  Ten Class : Jss 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Fractions Continued: (a) Multiplication and Division of fractions (b) Prime numbers and factors   WEEK TEN   TOPIC: ESTIMATION Estimation: (i) Concept of estimation and reasons (ii) Estimation of dimensions