Tag: JSS 1


BUSINESS STUDIES The legal means by which people earn their living is called A. business B. services C. Goods D. Trade The exchange of goods for goods and services for services is called a. trade by barter b. trade by exchange c. trade by engage d. trade by moving The activities or services engaged in


  JSS 1 EXAMS QUESTIONS THIRD TERM BASIC TECH   BASIC TECH ____ the processes (methods) and products (materials) that make life easy and stress free (a) Machine (b) Tool (c) Equipment (d)Technology Technology is derived from the Greek words tekhnē, which refers to a/an___ (a) art or craft (b) test (c) training (d) trash. The following


  BASIC SCIENCE Matter can broadly be classified into——–and ———–[a] monkey and birds [b] living things and non-living things [c] living things and man [d] non-living things and table. Examples of living things are the following except———–[a] bird [b] goat [c] grass [d] plastics All of the following can be compressed except———– [a] oxygen [b]

Fine Art Exams Jss 1 Second Term

Edu Delight Tutors Fine Art Exams Jss 1 Second Term Section A …..is the raw material or medium required in presenting three dimensional statues in stone carving (a) Wood (b) Bronze (c) Ivory (d) Soapstone Pottery is a craft that deals purely with the modeling of ceramic wares from ………..(a) brass (b) clay (c) a

First Term Exam Questions JSS 1 PHE

  Edu Delight Tutors PHE JSS 1 2ND TERM QUESTIONS SECTION A Most of the food we take comprises ___________ A. life B. blood C. water D. good Water is needed in the following areas except __________ A. transportation B. ocean C. agriculture D. domestic affairs One of the following is an example of contact

Which of the following is not a proper fraction?

JSS1. Maths Which of the following is not a proper fraction?(a) ¼ (b) ¾ (c )3/2 (d) 5/8 Express 3 1/7 as an improper fraction is (a) 11/7 (b)( c) 7/22 (d) 22/ 7 What fraction of the figure shown is shaded?(a) 2/11 (b) 3/9 ( c) 8/3 (d) 4/11. Which of the following is

Second Term Security Education Exams JSS 1

Edu Delight Tutors  Online scheme, Past Questions and Other Resources SUBJECT: SECURITY EDUCATION CLASS: JSS 1 TIME: 1HRS OBJECTIVES All these crimes are very common among youths except (a) Rape (b) Examination malpractice (c) Weapon smuggling (d) Robbery and stealing An act of intentionally taking another person’s property without permission is called (a) Gang robbery

Second Term Exams Jss 1 CRS

  Edu Delight Tutors  SUBJECT C.R.S CLASS: J. S. S ONE DURATION 2HR (1) The attribute of God that makes Him knowledgeable of all things is His—————- (a)omnipresence (b)omniscient(c)omnipotent(d) omnivorous (2) Man signifies————-(a)Adam (b)God (c)the image of God (d) clay. (3) The breath of God in man makes man ————- (a)a person(b)the friend of God

First Mid Term Test Jss 1 Info Tech

Edu Delight Tutors  SUBJECT: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLASS: JSS ONE  OBJECTIVES The ______age was a period in late 18th and early 19th centuries. (a) industrial (b) middle age (c) stone (d) none of the above How many information ages do we have presently? (a) 5 (b)3 (c) 3 (d) 2 Jacquard’s loom was used in the

What did God create on each day

——- is a thing that is wanted or required. (a)Scarcity (b)Shift (c)Need (d)Option God provides our need because He —— us. (a)hates (b)values (c)struggles with (d)forbids God wants us to _____ first. (a)seek his kingdom (b)search for good (c)struggle for food (d)be lazy We make our requests known to God through _____. (a)electronic mail (b)wailing