Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 Biology

Edu Delight Tutors



1. Which of the following is not an organ? (A) Hair (b) Tongue (c) Rhizome (d) Corn (e) Heart

2. One major differences between Osmosis and Diffusion is that diffusion (a) Does not need a semi – permeable membrane (b) Does not take place in living tissues (c) Takes place only in a liquid medium (d) Takes place only in a gaseous medium (e) can not be demonstrated experimentally

3. Which of the following can be used for vegetative propagation? (a) Ginger Stem (b) Yam Leaf (c) Plantain roots (d) Sweet Potato Tuber (e) Plantain roots

4. Which of the following is a method of artificial vegetative propagation? (a) Creeping stem (b) Layering (c) Corn (d) Rhizome (e)Bulbil

5. Which of the following is not a function of the blood? (a) Maintenance of body temperature (b) Formation of Clot (c) Distribution of bile (d) Transportation of excretory materials (e) Distribution of hormones

6. Which of the following statements about the circulation of blood is not correct? (a) Deoxygenated blood flows into the heart through the Vena Vavae (b) Blood is pumped out of the heart through the aorta (c) Oxygenated blood from the lungs is carried to the left auricle (d) The Oxygenated blood enters the lungs through the pulmonary vein (e) Ventricles contract to pump blood into the aorta

7. A difference between the auricle and the ventricle of the mammalian heart is that the(a) Ventricles carry deoxygenated blood (b) Ventricles do not have outlets (c) Auricles have no Valves (d) walls of the ventricles are less muscular than that of the auricles (e) walls of the ventricles are more muscular than that of the auricles

8. Which of the following organisms respire through the surface? (a) Man (b) Fish (c) Tridax (d) Amoeba (e) Hibiscus

9. The stomata of a leaf perform the same functions as (a) Spiracles of Insects (b) Trachea of Toads (c) Pharynx of man (d) Liver of man (e) Scales of Fish

10. Which of the following does not happen during inspiration? (a) Intercostal muscles contract (b) Ribs move forward (c) Thoracic Cavity increases (d) Diaphragm Relaxes (e) Internal air decreases

11. Which of these is not an excretory product of plants? (a) Tanin (b) Gum (c) Alkaloid (d) Sweat (e)Anthocyaxin

12. Which of these is not a function of the kidney? (a) production of urine (b) Maintenance of acid base balance in the body (c) Osmo – Regulation (d) Removal of Urea (e) Production of Bile

13. In which part of Kidney does ultrafiltration take place? (a) Bowman’s Capsule (b) Distal Convoluted Tubule (c) Proximal Convoluted Tubule (d) Collecting duct (e) Afferent arteriole

14. Which of the following organs is concerned with detoxication of harmful compounds? (a) Kidney (b) Lungs (c) Gall Bladder (d) Liver (e) Pancreas

15. The hormone that promotes secondary sexual characteristics in females is (a) Insulin (b) Thyroxin (c) Testosterone (d) Oxytocin (e) Oestrogen

16. Which of the following organisms lacks a reproductive organ? (a) Chlamydomonas (b) Toad (c) Pride of Barbados (d) Cockroach (e) Man

17. The collective name for the female part is (a) Gynoecium (b) Androecium (c) Ovary (d) Stigma (e) Style

18. If the petals of a flowering plant are removed, which of the following processes is likely to be affected? (a) Transpiration (b) Pollination (c) Germination (d) Photosynthesis (e) Dispersal

19. Which of the following processes removes Co2 from the atmosphere? (a) Respiration (b) Photosynthesis (c) Transpiration (d) Excretion (e)Combustion

20. The role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle includes the following except (a) Fixing atmospheric nitrogen (b) Converting ammonia to nitrates (c) Converting nitrates to nitrates (d) Converting Carbohydrates to carbon dioxide (e) Causing the decay of dead organisms

21. The mode of nutrition which describes feeding habits in animals is (a) Autotrophic (b) Holozoic (c) Holophytic (d) Saprophytic (e)Photosynthesis

22. Which of the following organisms has homodont dentition? (a) Rabbit (b) Man (c) Sheep (d) Cate (e)Lizard

23. The pancreatic duct opens into the (a) Caecum (b) Ileum (c) Colon (d) Duodenum (e) Oesophagus

24. The enzyme that acts on milk in the stomata is (a) Intertase (b) Trypsin (c) Diastase (d) renin (e) Ptyalin

25. Which of the following plants is a carnivore? (a) Desmodium (b) Sundew (c) Mushroom (d) Platycerium (e)Liver wort

26. Which of the following contains a reducing sugar (a) Milk (b) Cassava (c) Grape Fruit (d) Beans (e) Plantain

27. Which of the following instruments can be used to measure relative humidity?(a) Anemometer (b) Hygrometer (c) Wind Guage (d) Barometer (e) Thermometer

28. In a food chain, each stage in the chain is a (a) Chain Level (b) web Level (c) Consumption Level (d) Trophic Level (e) Productive Level

29. Excessive loss of water from the leaf is prevented by the (a) Vascular Bundles (b) Cuticle (b) Midrib (d) Parenchyma (e) Mesophyll

30. The earthworm is important because (a) Its body is always moist (b) Each of its segment has chetae (c) It has a clitellum (d) it aerates the soil (e) it reproduces fast

31. Which of the following plant parts is not a storage organs? (a) Carrot root (b) sugar cane stem (c) Onion Leaf (d) Banana Stem (e) cassava Root

32. Oil is sprayed over stagnant water in which mosquitoes breed in order to (a) Provide landing surface for the adult (b) Prevent larva or pupa from attaching itself to the surface (c) Prevent the water from Overheating (d) Lubricate the Larva for easy movement (e) provide surface for laying their eggs

33. Termites are called social insects because (a) The nests are built by the nasute Soldiers (b) They Live together in communities (c) The queen allocates duties to the workers (d) The King and queen do mate (e) The functions of the workers and soldiers are very important

34. Which of the following organisms does not exist as a single cell? (a) Amoeba (b) Euglena (c) Volvox (d) Chlamydomonas

35. Which of the following diseases result from the deficiency of insulin? (a) Cretinism (b) Goitre (c) Beri – Beri (d) Diabetes

36. Roots hairs absorb water from the soil by (a) Diffusion (b) Osmosis (c) Plasmolysis (d) Transcolation

37. The vessels that carries blood from the heart to the lung is called an artery because it (a) Contains oxygenated blood (b) Contains more blood that the other vessels (c) Carries blood away from the heart (d) It has thick inelastic wall

38. The teeth used for tearing and cutting are (a) Canine and Molars (b) Premolar and Incissors (c) Molar and Incissors (d) Canine and Incissiors

39. Terrestrial Plants exchange gases through the following except (a) Chloroplast (b) stomata (c) Lenticels (d) Root – cells

40. The importance of a balanced diet is to (a) Maintain Constant size of an animal (b) Provide good taste in the food (c) Increase the effectiveness of digestion (d) Provide good health for an individual



1. Name four similarities found in plant and animal cells

i. In a tabular form, list four different cells found in man and give a function for each of the cells

b. Name the two types of reproduction usually associated with organisms

2. Define the term metamorphosis

i. Name the two types of metamorphosis that organisms undergo and mention two organisms that undergo each type

b. Stat four economic importance of insects and name an example of each of the insects involved.

3. What is pollution?

a. Name two pollutants each of air and water

b. State four effects of water pollution

c. Mention four ways of preventing water pollution in an environment

4. What is balanced diet

a. Name four classes of food other than proteins

i. Give one example of food substance for each class named

ii. State three functions of proteins in humans

iii. Describe the appearance of a child with protein deficiency


Study the specimen carefully and use them to answer the following questions

1. Mention one structural similarity among specimens A, B, C, D and E

2. State the observable reproductive structure in each of the specimen A, B, C, D and E

3. In a tabular form, list the structural differences between specimen A and C

4. Mention the stages of development in F and H

5. State the habitat of F, G and H

6. State two economic importance of specimen G and H













