Learning about Main Ideas and Supporting Details on Insurance



English Studies






SS 2


  1. (i) Comprehension – Learning about Main Ideas and Supporting Details Unit 1   Basketball, pg 19(ii)
  2. Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with the Human Body System and Functions
  3. Speech Work: Cluster of Two, Three and Four Consonants
  4. Writing (Expository): Meaning, Features and Examples


Previous lesson: 

The pupils have previous knowledge of

 Comprehension:Reading for Main Points Structure: Revision on Nominalization of Adjectives and Verbs. Speech Work: Review of Consonants Followed by /j/ and /u/ Sounds. Summary: Revision of the Features of Summary.


Behavioural objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to

  • Read Comprehension passage and extract the main points
  • Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with the Human Body System and Functions
  • Speech Work: Cluster of Two, Three and Four Consonants
  • Writing (Expository): Meaning, Features and Examples


Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards



Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • Education Curriculum





Comprehension – Insurance, Effective English, pg 33.

The passage explains that people can insure anything. It also reveals how insurance companies get enough money to pay for any loss incurred by the insured. These companies pool the premiums paid by multiple policy holders and invest them in order to generate a profit.

The passage also discusses how important it is for individuals to read and understand their insurance policies before signing them. This helps ensure they are getting the coverage they want and need, while avoiding any unexpected costs or loopholes in their coverage.

Overall, insurance can provide peace of mind and protection, but it is important to carefully consider and understand the details of a policy before buying it.


Insurance is a form of protection that compensates individuals for financial losses in the event of unexpected circumstances, such as accidents or natural disasters. It can be purchased for a variety of things, including homes, vehicles, and even personal belongings

When purchasing insurance, individuals pay premiums to an insurance company. These premiums are pooled with those of other policy holders, and the insurance company invests this money in order to generate a profit. In the event of a loss, the insurance company compensates the individual for their loss using these funds

However, it is important for individuals to carefully read and understand their insurance policies before signing them. This helps ensure they are getting the coverage they want and need, while avoiding any unexpected costs or loopholes in their coverage

Overall, insurance can provide peace of mind and protection, but it is important to carefully consider and understand the details of a policy before buying it.

Points to Note

1. Different types of insurance include auto, health, life, and homeowners insurance.

2. Premiums are the monthly or yearly payments made to an insurance company in exchange for coverage.

3. Deductibles refer to the amount of money an individual must pay out-of-pocket before their insurance kicks in.

4. Insurance policies often have exclusions, which are specific events or circumstances that the insurance does not cover.

5. It is important to review and compare different insurance options before purchasing a policy to ensure it meets your needs.


Read the passage again and answer the questions which accompany it.

1. Which of the following is NOT usually covered by insurance?

A) Car accidents

B) Flood damage

C) Medical expenses

D) Personal belongings

E) Home repairs

Answer (D) Personal belongings

2. What happens to premiums paid by policy holders?

A) They are used to pay for any loss incurred by the insured individual

B) They are given back to the policy holder if they do not file any claims

C) They are invested by the insurance company in order to generate a profit

D) They are donated to charity organizations

Answer (C) They are invested by the insurance company in order to generate a profit

3. What is the purpose of having a deductible in an insurance policy?

A) It limits the amount of money the insurance company must pay out

B) It determines the monthly premium payments

C) It determines what circumstances are covered by the insurance

Answer D) It allows for a refund of premium payments if no claims are filed

(A) It limits the amount of money the insurance company must pay out

4. What is the importance of understanding and reviewing an insurance policy before purchasing it?

A) It helps ensure that the coverage meets your needs

B) It allows for lower premium payments

C) It allows for more coverage options

D) It prevents unexpected costs or loopholes in coverage

Answer (D) It prevents unexpected costs or loopholes in coverage

5. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when comparing insurance policies?

A) The monthly premium payment

B) The deductible

C) The reputation of the insurance company

D) The color of the insurance card

Answer (D) The color of the insurance card

  1. Vocabulary Development – Words Associated with Human Body Parts.

Content:  Words, Meanings.

Body Parts.

  1. Skin – This is an elastic organ that covers the entire body.
  2. Ears – The ears are found on both sides of the head. It is almost a funnel like organ used for perceiving sounds.
  3. Eyes – The eyes are spherical organs found in front of the head within the eye sockets.
  4. Nose – This is the protruded part of the face which has two nostrils which channel air to the nasal cavity.
  5. Mouth – The mouth is the channel to the digestive stem. It constitutes two lips, jaw, teeth and tongue which aid chewing and swallowing of food.
  6. Lungs – This is a pair of pale pink broad organs found in the chest region, mainly for respiration and gaseous exchange.
  7. Kidney – This is a pair of reddish bean shaped organs found in the abdomen. The kidneys produce urine and excreta waste product of metabolism.
  8. Spleen – This organ serves as a reservoir for blood in the body.
  9. Heart – This is a muscular structure found in the thoracic (chest) region. It pumps blood through the arteries to other organs of the body.
  10. Brain – The brain is the center of reasoning and intelligence and it controls the nerves system in the body.
  11. Oesophagus– This is a long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. It aids in swallowing and digestion.
  12. Liver – This large brown organ found in the abdomen is responsible for essential bodily functions such as metabolism, protein synthesis, and detoxification.
  13. Intestines – The intestines are a long tube found in the abdomen that facilitate absorption of nutrients from food into the bloodstream. It includes the small intestine and the large intestine.
  14. Pancreas – This organ is found in the abdomen and produces insulin, a hormone essential for proper metabolization of sugar. It also aids in digestion.
  15. Muscles – Muscles are responsible for bodily movement and contraction.
  16. Bones – Bones serve as support structures for the body, protecting internal organs, providing attachment to muscles, and storing minerals.
  17. Blood – Blood is a vital liquid that carries oxygen and nutrients to cells and removes waste products from the body through circulation.
  18. Circulatory system – This system includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood, responsible for circulating blood throughout the body.
  19. Nervous system – The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, responsible for coordinating and regulating bodily functions.
  20. Immune system – This system includes specialized cells and organs that defend the body against foreign substances and infections.

Other parts of the body are the legs, hands etc. all which perform different functions


What are the five sense organs?

Make sentence with each.

The five sense organs are the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin.

1. I can see the beautiful flowers with my eyes.

2. I can hear the birds chirping with my ears

3. The delicious meal smells good to my nose

4. The ice cream tastes sweet on my tongue

5. I can feel the soft fur of the cat with my skin.


Topic: Speech Work:

Cluster of Two, Three and Four Consonants.

Content: Definition, Basic Types, Examples.

In English, certain phonemes occur together regularly to form a sequence of sound units called cluster. English consonants are a good examples of this phenomenon. A consonants cluster is the sequence of two or more consonant sounds without any intervening vowel. For example str at the beginning of straight and strain forms a clusters

A cluster of consonants may occur at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word. Above all, there may occur a cluster of two three or four consonants.




Initial Medial Final
Smile Plantain Cast
Gland Plastic Band
Dwell Okro King
Play Offset dogs
Plate Condemn Books



Initial Medial Final
Scrawl Restrain Ants
Splint Constrain Lumps
Scrap Construction Nests
Square Transform Opts
Binds Demonstrate Masks



Initial Medial Final
…………………… Constrain Sixths
…………………… Construction Prompts
…………………… Demonstrate Glimpsed
………………….. …………….. Example
…………………. ……………. Exempts


The presence of a consonant cluster in some words is however not easy to identify by just looking at written forms of such words. Such words manifest the cluster only when pronounced.



Communicate /kemju:nikeɪt/

Queue /kju:/

Music /mju:zɪk/

Duty /dju:tɪ/

Cure / kjuә/

Queen /kwi:n/

Question /kwestәn/

Quark /kwa:k/

(see more examples from Consonants Followed by /j/ and /u/).


Note:The maximum number of cluster of consonants that may occur before a vowel is three while the maximum number of consonants in a cluster that may occur after a vowel is four (CCCVCCCC) according to the syllable structure. It means that four consonants cluster may not occur at the beginning of a word. (CCCCCVC) will not be possible in English syllable structure.

Examples: *sprink would never form a word in English as it violates the maximum number of consonants that can occur before a vowel (three). However, words like shrieks /ʃri:ks/ and splints /splɪnts/ are possible as they adhere to the maximum number of consonants (three) that can occur before a vowel within English syllable structure.

However, four sounds clusters after a vowel is possible in English words such as glimpsed /glimpts/, creased /kri:st/, and glimpses /glimps/. These words adhere to the maximum number of consonants (four) that can occur after a vowel within English syllable structure.

Note: The occurrence of consonant clusters in English words is not predictable and it may vary depending on accents and dialects. For example, the word ”



  1. Write five(5) examples of four consonant cluster which occurs at the end.
  2. Write the syllabic structure of the following words e.g. class /CCVC/
  1. Stand
  2. Shrink
  3. Tray
  4. Loaves.
  5. Marks
  • Topic: Writing – Expository


Definition, Features, Sample Question.


An expository essay is one that requires you to explain a thing or a process. The explanation demands writing a great deal about what distinguishes the subject of the essay from all other things. Such topics explain how a camera works; or how to mend a puncture.


Basic Features

Exposition combines narration, descriptions, with explanation, illustration and argumentation.

  1. It must have a heading.
  2. It must have an introductory paragraph.
  3. Its body should contain at least three well developed paragraphs which serve as the content.
  4. It must contain a concluding paragraph.
  5. The present tense is usually used in expository essays.


Sample Questions

There has been an explosion in Nigeria’s population. In an article for publication, identify the major causes of explosion in population and suggest ways to manage the explosion.




Paragraph (Introduction) 1: Definition of population explosion.

Paragraph 2: Major cause of explosion in population.

Paragraph 3: Other causes of the explosion in population.

Paragraph 4: Effects of explosion in population.

Paragraph 5: Suggestions on how to manage the population.

Paragraph 6: Conclusion.


Some of the major causes of population explosion in Nigeria include improved healthcare and medical advancements leading to decreased mortality rates, cultural beliefs that value large families, and high fertility rates. Other contributing factors could be lack of access to family planning and contraception, limited education on family planning options, and poverty leading to a reliance on children for financial support.

The effects of population explosion can include strain on resources and infrastructure, increased pollution and environmental degradation, and socioeconomic issues such as unemployment and crime.

To manage the population explosion in Nigeria, access to family planning options and education on them should be improved for all individuals. In addition, providing economic opportunities for people to support themselves and their families can also help to manage and control population growth. Ultimately, a combination of cultural shifts, access to resources, and economic opportunities is necessary to effectively address the issue of population explosion in Nigeria.


Write out a full essay on the sample question using the given outline.



  1. What are the features of an expository essay.
  2. Make nouns from the following verbs and adjectives. organize, scarce, clear, strong.

Marking Guide

Some features of an expository essay include a clear and defined thesis statement, evidence to support the main points, and objective language.


The noun forms of these words would be: organization, scarcity, clarity, strength.





Choose the most appropriate option

  1. We are looking forward to __ the editor A. met B. meet C. meeting D. meets
  2. I wonder if you are averse to __ parties A. go B. going C. went D. gone
  3. He is insistent __ doing the job alone A. for  B. on C. that D. at
  4. Your aptitude __ grammar should have improved by now A. on B. with C. for D. in
  5. Moses has shown enough aversion __science A. to B. for C. with D. on

Marking Guide.

The correct answers are B, B, B, D, A.