Underline the correct answer from the section below.

  1. God creates a lot of things and He wants us to ___(a) create (b) destroy (c) create
  2. ___helped the Israel to cross Red sea. _____ (a) Herod (b) Pharaoh (c) Egyptians
  3. ___helped the Israel to cross Red sea. (a) Joshua (b) Aaron (c) Moses
  4. ______ was the forefather of Israel in Egypt (a) Joseph (b) Abraham (c) Moses
  5. ____ was the last child of Jesse (a) Aaron (b) David (c) Obed
  6. _____ was the leader of the Philistine army. (a) David (b) Goliath (c) Pharaoh
  7. ___ was the son of Nun (a) Moses (b) Joshua (c) Aaron
  8. ___succeeded Moses (a) Joshua (b) Aaron (c) Peter
  9. ____led the Israelites to the Canaan land (a) Moses (b) Aaron (c) Joshua
  10. ___was the wife of Samson (a) Deborah (b) Delilah (c) Rebecca
  11. Deborah told ____ to take ten thousand men to fight the Canaanites
  12. ___means the coming of the Holy spirit an the Apostles. (a) Christmas (b) Easter (c) Pentecost
  13. The Holy Spirit rested on the Apostle like ____of fire. (a) tongue (b) flame (c) smoke
  14. ____is power given to someone to encourage him to do a great thing successfully. (a) confidence (b) inspiration (c) encouragement
  15. Holy Spirit guides our ____while spreading the good news. (a) utterances (b) footsteps (c) lives
  16. The Apostles were able to preach ____after receiving the Holy Spirit (a) shyly (b) boldly (c) prodly
  17. when Jesus was being baptized, the Holy Spirit came upon him in the form of a ____(a) bird (b) eagle(c) dove
  18. ___is the third person of the trinity (a) Jesus (b)Holy Spirit (c) God
  19. _____ was stoned to death (a) Jesus (b) Harlot (c) Stephen
  20. ___ saw the vision of Jesus standing at the right side of God (a) Stephen (b) Joel (c) Abraham
  21. ___people believed and were baptized on the day of Pentecost. (a) 3000 (b) 5000 (c) 10,000
  22. Holy Spirit would guide the Apostles into all ____(a) cities (b) truth (c) perfection
  23. ___ was a Prophetess and a judge in Israel (a) Rebecca (b) Deborah (c) Delilah

Supply the correct answers to the questions below.

  1. ____ was the king of Canaanite during the time of Deborah.
  2. _____ was the woman who decided to go to war.
  3. ___________ defeated the army of Philistine.
  4. Joshua was the son of _______________
  5. God help __________ to divide river Jordan into two
  6. _______ was the leader of the Israelites when the wall of Jericho fell down flat.
  7. ____________ is sword was used to cut of his head.
  8. David used his _______ to fling a stone towards Goliath.
  9. _______ perished in the red sea
  10. ___________ was the father of David
  11. Goliath was a _______________________
  12. _______________ was the promised land of the Israelites
  13. God provided ___________ for the Israelites from a rock.
  14. God instructed Moses to appoint ______________
  15. The angel if the Lord appeared to ____________ is mother when she was still pregnant .


Bible Knowledge Primary 5 First Term Examination


Attempt all the questions

  1. What is inspiration? _____________________________
  2. What are the prophecy of prophet Joel? (mention 4)

i. __________________________________________

ii. _________________________________________


iv. _________________________________________

3. Give at least two spiritual significance of the Day of the Pentecost

i. __________________________________________

ii. _________________________________________

4. What are the roles of Holy Spirit? (mention 3)

i. __________________________________________

ii. _________________________________________


5. (a)Who is the Holy Spirit? _______________________

b. What is the meaning of This is my beloveth child with whom am well pleased _________________________
