Basic 4 Home Economics Evaluation Test

Home Economics Examination: Primary 4
Term: Second Term
Class: Primary 4

General Instructions for Teachers and Students:

To Teachers:

  • Please ensure that students understand the instructions clearly before starting the exam.
  • Emphasize to the students that they should avoid all forms of malpractice and work independently.
  • This exam will test the students on the topics covered during the term, so ensure they have the necessary materials to complete it.

To Students:

  • Read each question carefully before answering.
  • Choose the best answer from the options provided for multiple-choice questions.
  • For short-answer questions, write your answer clearly and simply.
  • For True/False questions, choose the correct option based on what you have learned.
  • Be honest and do your best. Working on your own is important to show what you know.
  • Take your time and review your answers before submitting the exam.

Good luck, and do your best!

Part A: Objective Questions

(30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. Boiling is a method of cooking that uses ________ to cook food.
    a) Oil
    b) Water
    c) Dry heat
    d) Steam
  2. Roasting food helps to make it ________ on the outside.
    a) Wet
    b) Brown and crispy
    c) Soft
    d) Sour
  3. The main difference between boiling and roasting is that boiling uses ________ while roasting uses ________.
    a) Water, oil
    b) Heat, water
    c) Oil, water
    d) Water, dry heat
  4. ________ is an example of food that is often boiled.
    a) Meat
    b) Vegetables
    c) Cake
    d) Fish
  5. In personal grooming, we should clean our ________ to keep them healthy.
    a) Teeth and hair
    b) Clothes
    c) Shoes
    d) Books
  6. One reason for wearing clothes is to protect the body from ________.
    a) The sun
    b) Food
    c) Water
    d) Computers
  7. ________ is a type of stitch used to join fabric pieces together.
    a) Running stitch
    b) Back stitch
    c) Satin stitch
    d) All of the above
  8. A good way to care for clothes is to ________ them after wearing.
    a) Clean
    b) Fold
    c) Throw away
    d) Ignore
  9. ________ is the method of cooking that involves using a frying pan.
    a) Roasting
    b) Boiling
    c) Frying
    d) Grilling
  10. Personal hygiene involves ________ the body clean.
    a) Ignoring
    b) Keeping
    c) Hiding
    d) Decorating
  11. Clothes are important because they help us ________ from the cold.
    a) Hide
    b) Protect
    c) Grow
    d) Sit
  12. To prepare liquid soap, you mix ________ and sodium hydroxide (lye).
    a) Water
    b) Oil
    c) Sugar
    d) Salt
  13. A common tool used for personal grooming is a ________.
    a) Knife
    b) Comb
    c) Spade
    d) Ruler
  14. Wearing clothes helps us maintain our ________.
    a) Shape
    b) Dignity
    c) Food
    d) Hair
  15. Roasting food takes place mostly in a ________.
    a) Pot
    b) Grill
    c) Oven
    d) Pan
  16. A stitch used to join two pieces of fabric is called a ________ stitch.
    a) Running
    b) Embroidery
    c) Sewing
    d) Knot
  17. Liquid soap is a ________ form of soap.
    a) Solid
    b) Crumbly
    c) Thick
    d) Liquid
  18. We should wash clothes regularly to ________ them clean.
    a) Keep
    b) Make
    c) Destroy
    d) Rip
  19. ________ is an important part of personal grooming for both men and women.
    a) Brushing teeth
    b) Playing sports
    c) Watching TV
    d) Sleeping
  20. The method of cooking that involves dry heat from an oven is called ________.
    a) Steaming
    b) Boiling
    c) Roasting
    d) Frying
  21. A stitch used for making patterns on fabric is called a ________ stitch.
    a) Running
    b) Back
    c) Satin
    d) Weaving
  22. The purpose of caring for personal clothing is to ________.
    a) Make it last longer
    b) Make it dirty
    c) Throw it away
    d) Forget about it
  23. A ________ stitch is used to join fabric temporarily.
    a) Running
    b) Back
    c) Embroidery
    d) Weaving
  24. The method of cooking that uses water at a high temperature is ________.
    a) Frying
    b) Boiling
    c) Roasting
    d) Grilling
  25. The purpose of personal grooming is to ________ the body.
    a) Decorate
    b) Keep clean
    c) Hide
    d) Ignore
  26. To care for tools used in personal grooming, you should ________.
    a) Use them without cleaning
    b) Clean them after each use
    c) Throw them away
    d) Hide them
  27. Clothes help to keep our ________ comfortable.
    a) Feet
    b) Head
    c) Body
    d) Eyes
  28. ________ is a method of cooking that involves submerging food in hot oil.
    a) Boiling
    b) Frying
    c) Roasting
    d) Grilling
  29. Wearing clothes protects us from harmful ________.
    a) Weather
    b) Food
    c) Cars
    d) Books
  30. Boiling is done by placing food in ________.
    a) Hot water
    b) Cold water
    c) Oil
    d) Dry heat

Part B: Theory Questions

(30 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Explain the method of boiling and give one example of food that can be boiled.
  2. How does roasting help to make food crispy?
  3. Describe the process of preparing liquid soap.
  4. What is the purpose of wearing clothes?
  5. Why should we care for our personal clothing?
  6. How do you perform personal grooming?
  7. What are the benefits of using different stitches when sewing?
  8. Describe how you would take care of your clothes.
  9. Why is personal hygiene important?
  10. How would you explain the difference between boiling and roasting to someone?
  11. What are some basic tools you can use for personal grooming?
  12. Why do we need to keep our grooming tools clean?
  13. Explain how to care for your clothes to make them last longer.
  14. What is the importance of wearing clothes in different weather conditions?
  15. How can personal grooming affect your appearance?
  16. What are the steps involved in preparing liquid soap?
  17. Why is it important to know different types of stitches in sewing?
  18. How does roasting food in an oven help preserve its flavor?
  19. What tools do you use for personal grooming, and why are they important?
  20. How do you care for your grooming tools to prevent damage?
  21. Explain why regular washing and care for clothes is necessary.
  22. What is the role of clothes in protecting us from harmful substances?
  23. Why should we understand the uses of different types of stitches?
  24. How do you maintain personal hygiene during daily routines?
  25. What is the process of roasting food in an oven?
  26. How can you make liquid soap at home?
  27. Why do we need clothes that suit different occasions?
  28. Explain the importance of using a backstitch in sewing.
  29. How can boiling help preserve the nutrients in food?
  30. Why is it important to maintain a proper grooming routine?

Part C: True or False Questions

(30 True or False Questions)

  1. Boiling is done by using dry heat. (True/False)
  2. Roasting helps make food brown and crispy. (True/False)
  3. Liquid soap is made by mixing oils and water only. (True/False)
  4. Personal hygiene involves keeping the body clean. (True/False)
  5. Clothes are only worn for fashion. (True/False)
  6. Backstitches are used to make permanent seams in sewing. (True/False)
  7. Boiling is a method of cooking that uses water or other liquids. (True/False)
  8. Roasting requires using a frying pan. (True/False)
  9. Clothes protect us from weather and other harmful elements. (True/False)
  10. The purpose of wearing clothes is only to look good. (True/False)
  11. Liquid soap is always made with sodium hydroxide. (True/False)
  12. A running stitch is a temporary stitch used for joining fabrics. (True/False)
  13. Tools used for personal grooming need to be cleaned regularly. (True/False)
  14. Roasting food should be done in an oven. (True/False)
  15. We should always wear the same clothes regardless of the weather. (True/False)
  16. Boiling helps to cook food thoroughly. (True/False)
  17. Personal grooming includes brushing your teeth and hair. (True/False)
  18. Clothes protect the body from cold and heat. (True/False)
  19. Roasting is a wet-heat method of cooking. (True/False)
  20. Liquid soap can be made without the use of lye. (True/False)
  21. A backstitch is used to create embroidery on fabric. (True/False)
  22. Clothes should be washed after wearing them. (True/False)
  23. Wearing clothes helps to protect our dignity. (True/False)
  24. Personal grooming is only for special occasions. (True/False)
  25. A stitch can be used for both decoration and joining fabric pieces. (True/False)
  26. Roasting can make food dry. (True/False)
  27. Boiling vegetables helps to soften them. (True/False)
  28. Liquid soap is made by mixing different oils. (True/False)
  29. Clothes are used only to keep us warm. (True/False)
  30. Wearing clean clothes contributes to good health. (True/False)

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions

(30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions without Options)

  1. Boiling is a cooking method that uses ________ to heat the food.
  2. The best way to care for clothes is to ________ them regularly.
  3. Liquid soap is made by mixing ________ and water.
  4. Personal grooming involves keeping your ________ clean.
  5. Roasting is usually done in a ________.
  6. A ________ stitch is used for hemming fabric.
  7. Wearing ________ protects us from the sun.
  8. ________ is a method of cooking that uses dry heat.
  9. Personal hygiene is important for ________ health.
  10. The main purpose of wearing clothes is to ________ the body.
  11. Boiling is used for cooking ________ foods like vegetables.
  12. To prepare liquid soap, you need to mix ________ with lye.
  13. A ________ is an example of a personal grooming tool.
  14. Clothes help us to stay ________ in cold weather.
  15. A ________ stitch is used to join fabric pieces temporarily.
  16. Roasting makes food ________ and ________.
  17. ________ is an important part of personal care for keeping the body clean.
  18. The purpose of wearing clothes is to ________ the body from the cold.
  19. ________ helps to make food soft when boiled.
  20. Clothes should be cleaned after ________ them.
  21. A ________ stitch is a permanent type of stitch.
  22. Wearing clothes helps us feel ________ and confident.
  23. A method of cooking that uses hot air is called ________.
  24. Personal grooming includes brushing your ________.
  25. Liquid soap is a ________ form of soap.
  26. Roasting requires ________ heat.
  27. Washing clothes regularly helps keep them ________.
  28. Personal clothing should be ________ after each use.
  29. Wearing clothes helps to ________ the body from harmful elements.
  30. ________ is an example of a food item that can be roasted.

End of Examination