Second Term Primary 3 Bible Knowledge Examination Questions
NAME: ……………………………………………
- Answer all questions.
- Write your answers clearly.
- Read each question carefully before answering.
- For multiple-choice questions, circle the correct answer.
- For theory questions, write your answer in full sentences.
- ________ gave birth to Jesus.
(a) Esther
(b) Mary
(c) Bola
(d) Joy - The ________ wise men visited Jesus.
(a) Nine
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) Six - Jesus was born in _________.
(a) Nigeria
(b) Togo
(c) Bethlehem
(d) Egypt - King ________ planned to kill Jesus.
(a) Herod
(b) Peter
(c) John
(d) Moses - Jesus turned water into ______.
(a) Oil
(b) Wine
(c) Cream
(d) Snack - For us to become children of _____________, we must be born again.
(a) Man
(b) God
(c) Mummy
(d) Uncle - A good shepherd is someone who loves his ______.
(a) Hen
(b) Cat
(c) Sheep
(d) Goat - The ________ is the word of God.
(a) Bread of life
(b) Cake of life
(c) Blood of life
(d) Rice and stew - ______ is the holy book used by Christians.
(a) Textbook
(b) Bible
(c) Quran
(d) Story book - __________ paid for our sins.
(a) Thomas
(b) Jesus
(c) Nicodemus
(d) Peter - ________ separated us from God.
(a) Food
(b) Soap
(c) Sin
(d) Dance - ________ said that Christians are the salt of the earth.
(a) Moses
(b) James
(c) Jesus
(d) Isaac - _______ perished in the Red Sea.
(a) Nigeria
(b) Egyptians
(c) Israelites
(d) Jericho - The Passover means to _______.
(a) Jump over
(b) Dance over
(c) Cross over
(d) Eat over - A good shepherd knows his sheep and calls them by name.
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Maybe
(d) None of the above - Jesus had ________ disciples.
(a) 24
(b) 12
(c) 15
(d) 21 - Food without salt is ______.
(a) Nice
(b) Sweet
(c) Tasteless
(d) Good - ___________ had the children of Israel out of Egypt.
(a) Moses
(b) John
(c) Isaac
(d) Peter - Jesus fed five thousand people with _______ loaves of bread and ______ fishes.
(a) Five and two
(b) Six and three
(c) Four and three
(d) Three and seven - Christians are the followers of _________.
(a) Mohammed
(b) Jesus Christ
(c) John the Baptist
(d) Samuel Peter - Jesus is the _______ of the world.
(a) Light
(b) King
(c) Good Shepherd
(d) Teacher - Jesus is known as the _______ to the Father.
(a) Road
(b) Way
(c) Truth
(d) Door - Who is the Savior promised in the Bible?
(a) Moses
(b) Jesus Christ
(c) John
(d) Peter - The promise of a Savior was made to the ___________ people.
(a) Israelites
(b) Egyptians
(c) Romans
(d) Greeks - Who called Jesus “the bread of life”?
(a) Peter
(b) Mary
(c) Jesus Himself
(d) John - Jesus’ resurrection means He is the ________.
(a) Way
(b) Light
(c) Life
(d) Door - ________ is the way, the truth, and the life.
(a) Jesus
(b) Moses
(c) Peter
(d) Paul - Jesus taught us to forgive others ________ times.
(a) Five
(b) Seven
(c) Three
(d) Seventy-seven - Jesus healed the sick and ________ the blind.
(a) Cured
(b) Taught
(c) Raised
(d) Opened - A good shepherd cares for his sheep and ________.
(a) Leads them to the pasture
(b) Ignores them
(c) Runs away from them
(d) Calls them by name
Answer the following questions in full sentences.
- What does the bread of life mean in relation to Jesus?
- Who is a good shepherd, and what are their qualities?
- Christians are the salt of the earth. What does this mean?
- What does the name “Emmanuel” mean?
- What is Passover, and why is it significant?
- How can Christians be the light of the world?
- What is suffering, and how does Jesus’ suffering relate to us?
- According to the Bible, what is the only way to the Father?
- What is prayer, and why is it important in a Christian’s life?
- Why is Jesus called the Good Shepherd, and how does He guide His followers?
State whether the following statements are true or false.
- Jesus was born in Nazareth. (True/False)
- The wise men followed a star to find Jesus. (True/False)
- Jesus is the only way to the Father. (True/False)
- Moses was the one who performed miracles in the New Testament. (True/False)
- Jesus is known as the bread of life. (True/False)
- Christians are called to be the light of the world. (True/False)
- The Passover is celebrated to remember Jesus’ resurrection. (True/False)
- Jesus taught His disciples to love their enemies. (True/False)
- The good shepherd always protects and cares for the sheep. (True/False)
- Jesus’ resurrection shows that He is the way, the truth, and the life. (True/False)
Good Luck!