Second Term Primary 3 Bible Knowledge Examination Questions


NAME: ……………………………………………


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write your answers clearly.
  • Read each question carefully before answering.
  • For multiple-choice questions, circle the correct answer.
  • For theory questions, write your answer in full sentences.


  1. ________ gave birth to Jesus.
    (a) Esther
    (b) Mary
    (c) Bola
    (d) Joy
  2. The ________ wise men visited Jesus.
    (a) Nine
    (b) Four
    (c) Three
    (d) Six
  3. Jesus was born in _________.
    (a) Nigeria
    (b) Togo
    (c) Bethlehem
    (d) Egypt
  4. King ________ planned to kill Jesus.
    (a) Herod
    (b) Peter
    (c) John
    (d) Moses
  5. Jesus turned water into ______.
    (a) Oil
    (b) Wine
    (c) Cream
    (d) Snack
  6. For us to become children of _____________, we must be born again.
    (a) Man
    (b) God
    (c) Mummy
    (d) Uncle
  7. A good shepherd is someone who loves his ______.
    (a) Hen
    (b) Cat
    (c) Sheep
    (d) Goat
  8. The ________ is the word of God.
    (a) Bread of life
    (b) Cake of life
    (c) Blood of life
    (d) Rice and stew
  9. ______ is the holy book used by Christians.
    (a) Textbook
    (b) Bible
    (c) Quran
    (d) Story book
  10. __________ paid for our sins.
    (a) Thomas
    (b) Jesus
    (c) Nicodemus
    (d) Peter
  11. ________ separated us from God.
    (a) Food
    (b) Soap
    (c) Sin
    (d) Dance
  12. ________ said that Christians are the salt of the earth.
    (a) Moses
    (b) James
    (c) Jesus
    (d) Isaac
  13. _______ perished in the Red Sea.
    (a) Nigeria
    (b) Egyptians
    (c) Israelites
    (d) Jericho
  14. The Passover means to _______.
    (a) Jump over
    (b) Dance over
    (c) Cross over
    (d) Eat over
  15. A good shepherd knows his sheep and calls them by name.
    (a) Yes
    (b) No
    (c) Maybe
    (d) None of the above
  16. Jesus had ________ disciples.
    (a) 24
    (b) 12
    (c) 15
    (d) 21
  17. Food without salt is ______.
    (a) Nice
    (b) Sweet
    (c) Tasteless
    (d) Good
  18. ___________ had the children of Israel out of Egypt.
    (a) Moses
    (b) John
    (c) Isaac
    (d) Peter
  19. Jesus fed five thousand people with _______ loaves of bread and ______ fishes.
    (a) Five and two
    (b) Six and three
    (c) Four and three
    (d) Three and seven
  20. Christians are the followers of _________.
    (a) Mohammed
    (b) Jesus Christ
    (c) John the Baptist
    (d) Samuel Peter
  21. Jesus is the _______ of the world.
    (a) Light
    (b) King
    (c) Good Shepherd
    (d) Teacher
  22. Jesus is known as the _______ to the Father.
    (a) Road
    (b) Way
    (c) Truth
    (d) Door
  23. Who is the Savior promised in the Bible?
    (a) Moses
    (b) Jesus Christ
    (c) John
    (d) Peter
  24. The promise of a Savior was made to the ___________ people.
    (a) Israelites
    (b) Egyptians
    (c) Romans
    (d) Greeks
  25. Who called Jesus “the bread of life”?
    (a) Peter
    (b) Mary
    (c) Jesus Himself
    (d) John
  26. Jesus’ resurrection means He is the ________.
    (a) Way
    (b) Light
    (c) Life
    (d) Door
  27. ________ is the way, the truth, and the life.
    (a) Jesus
    (b) Moses
    (c) Peter
    (d) Paul
  28. Jesus taught us to forgive others ________ times.
    (a) Five
    (b) Seven
    (c) Three
    (d) Seventy-seven
  29. Jesus healed the sick and ________ the blind.
    (a) Cured
    (b) Taught
    (c) Raised
    (d) Opened
  30. A good shepherd cares for his sheep and ________.
    (a) Leads them to the pasture
    (b) Ignores them
    (c) Runs away from them
    (d) Calls them by name

First Term Examination Questions Christian Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12


Answer the following questions in full sentences.

  1. What does the bread of life mean in relation to Jesus?
  2. Who is a good shepherd, and what are their qualities?
  3. Christians are the salt of the earth. What does this mean?
  4. What does the name “Emmanuel” mean?
  5. What is Passover, and why is it significant?
  6. How can Christians be the light of the world?
  7. What is suffering, and how does Jesus’ suffering relate to us?
  8. According to the Bible, what is the only way to the Father?
  9. What is prayer, and why is it important in a Christian’s life?
  10. Why is Jesus called the Good Shepherd, and how does He guide His followers?


State whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. Jesus was born in Nazareth. (True/False)
  2. The wise men followed a star to find Jesus. (True/False)
  3. Jesus is the only way to the Father. (True/False)
  4. Moses was the one who performed miracles in the New Testament. (True/False)
  5. Jesus is known as the bread of life. (True/False)
  6. Christians are called to be the light of the world. (True/False)
  7. The Passover is celebrated to remember Jesus’ resurrection. (True/False)
  8. Jesus taught His disciples to love their enemies. (True/False)
  9. The good shepherd always protects and cares for the sheep. (True/False)
  10. Jesus’ resurrection shows that He is the way, the truth, and the life. (True/False)


Good Luck!

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