Rights and Duties of a citizen in Nigeria


SUBJECT:: Social Studies.

TOPIC:: Rights and Duties of a citizen.





Citizen have duties and responsibilities to the communities that they live in.For the community to function well,citizen must perform their duties.


Here are some of the duties of a citizen to the community…..

(a)Keeping the community clean.

(b) Obeying the rules and laws of the community.

(c) Taking part in community work.

(d) Paying taxes.

(e) Voting during elections.


Rights of a citizen:::::


As citizens and human beings, we all have the freedom to do certain things. These freedoms are called ‘Rights’..

All people no matter their job or culture, we have rights as a citizen of Nigeria.


As a citizen of Nigeria÷÷


***l have the right to live.

**l have the right to move about freely.

***l have the right to live and work anywhere in Nigeria.

***l have the right to speak the truth and give correct information at all time.

***l have the right to practice ant religion of my choice.

***l have the right to be protected by the police the court.


Respecting Rights.

It is important as good citizens to respect the rights of other people. I must treat people the same way l expect to be treated.

Being a community Helper…

As a good citizens, we must always try to help out and solve any problems we find in our community


Speaking Out::::

As citizens of Nigeria, we must take our rights very seriously. The government is there to protect the right of its citizens. They must not deny the citizens their rights.

Citizens whose rights have been denied must speak out.

We can speak out by writing to our leaders.

We can also write articles and send them to the newspaper.



(1)Who is a citizen.??



(2) What are rights??



(3)List three duties of a citizen to the community.


(4) State three rights of a citizens.


(5)How can we speak out,as a citizen of Nigeria.??