Second Term Examination Christian Religious Studies Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Second Term Examination

Primary 3 – Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Instructions for Teachers and Students

For Teachers:

  1. Ensure that all students are seated properly before the exam begins.
  2. Read all instructions clearly to students before they start writing.
  3. Ensure no student has any unauthorized material (e.g., textbooks, notes, or written papers).
  4. Walk around the class to monitor students and prevent malpractice.
  5. Collect all scripts immediately after the exam and mark accordingly.

For Students:

  1. Write your name, class, and date at the top of your answer sheet.
  2. Read each question carefully before answering.
  3. Do not copy from your classmates or bring any extra notes to the exam hall.
  4. If you do not understand a question, ask the teacher politely.
  5. Stay quiet and focused until the exam is over.
  6. Submit your work when the teacher asks for it.

Part A: Objective Questions

30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options (a, b, c, d)

  1. Jesus is the ______ of the world.
    a) King
    b) Light
    c) Shepherd
    d) Bread
  2. Christians are called the ______ of the earth.
    a) Salt
    b) Light
    c) Bread
    d) People
  3. The Lord is my ______; I shall not want.
    a) Shepherd
    b) Teacher
    c) Friend
    d) Parent
  4. Jesus is the ______ to the Father.
    a) Door
    b) Way
    c) Key
    d) Light
  5. Psalm 23 teaches us to ______ in God.
    a) Fear
    b) Trust
    c) Ignore
    d) Doubt
  6. Jesus is called the Bread of ______.
    a) Joy
    b) Life
    c) Light
    d) Water
  7. Christians should ______ others.
    a) Hate
    b) Love
    c) Ignore
    d) Fight
  8. Jesus came to save us from ______.
    a) Hunger
    b) Sin
    c) Wealth
    d) Health
  9. Salt is used to ______ food.
    a) Burn
    b) Preserve
    c) Spoil
    d) Hide
  10. The Good Shepherd ______ for His sheep.
    a) Cares
    b) Ignores
    c) Fights
    d) Punishes
  11. Christians should show ______ to others.
    a) Love
    b) Anger
    c) Fear
    d) Jealousy
  12. Jesus is the ______ Shepherd.
    a) Kind
    b) Good
    c) Wise
    d) Mighty
  13. The Lord protects His ______.
    a) People
    b) Sheep
    c) Enemies
    d) Children
  14. Jesus feeds our ______ with His words.
    a) Body
    b) Spirit
    c) Mind
    d) Heart
  15. Salt makes food ______.
    a) Sour
    b) Tasty
    c) Bitter
    d) Soft
  16. Jesus teaches us to ______ our enemies.
    a) Love
    b) Ignore
    c) Fight
    d) Hate
  17. Christians should be a good ______ to others.
    a) Leader
    b) Example
    c) Follower
    d) Helper
  18. Jesus gives us ______ life.
    a) Short
    b) Eternal
    c) Difficult
    d) Painful
  19. Christians should ______ God’s teachings.
    a) Forget
    b) Follow
    c) Change
    d) Doubt
  20. Jesus is the ______ of Life.
    a) Bread
    b) Light
    c) Salt
    d) Water
  21. We should follow Jesus’ ______.
    a) Friends
    b) Teachings
    c) Enemies
    d) Wealth
  22. Jesus helps us overcome ______.
    a) Fear
    b) Joy
    c) Strength
    d) Wisdom
  23. Christians should help those in ______.
    a) Trouble
    b) Wealth
    c) Sin
    d) Power
  24. Salt is used to make food ______.
    a) Bitter
    b) Tasty
    c) Hard
    d) Spicy
  25. Psalm 23 says, “I will fear no ______.”
    a) Light
    b) Evil
    c) Love
    d) Happiness
  26. Jesus is the ______ and the Life.
    a) Bread
    b) Shepherd
    c) Way
    d) Light
  27. Jesus shows us the ______ to the Father.
    a) Truth
    b) Path
    c) Way
    d) Door
  28. We should ______ God in all things.
    a) Trust
    b) Doubt
    c) Fear
    d) Ignore
  29. Jesus is our Good ______.
    a) Teacher
    b) Shepherd
    c) King
    d) Guide
  30. Christians should bring ______ to the world.
    a) Light
    b) Darkness
    c) Sorrow
    d) Confusion

Part D: Fill in the Gaps

30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Jesus is the ______ of the world.
  2. Christians are the ______ of the earth.
  3. The Good Shepherd cares for His ______.
  4. Jesus came to save us from ______.
  5. Salt makes food ______.
  6. We should always ______ our enemies.
  7. Jesus gives us ______ life.
  8. Christians should be a good ______ to others.
  9. Jesus is the ______ of Life.
  10. Christians should follow God’s ______.
  11. We should always ______ in God.
  12. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for His ______.
  13. Jesus is the ______ Shepherd.
  14. Christians should be the light of the ______.
  15. Salt is used to make food ______.
  16. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the ______.
  17. The Lord is my ______; I shall not want.
  18. We should love our ______ as ourselves.
  19. Psalm 23 teaches us not to ______.
  20. Jesus is the ______ and the Life.
  21. We should show ______ to those in need.
  22. Christians should spread the good ______.
  23. The Lord prepares a ______ for us in the presence of our enemies.
  24. Jesus teaches us to ______ others.
  25. Jesus is the ______ of the world.
  26. We should always be ______ in all we do.
  27. Christians should pray to ______ always.
  28. We must trust God with all our ______.
  29. The Bible teaches us to be ______ to one another.
  30. Jesus is the ______ that leads to eternal life.

This examination fully covers all topics from the second term in an easy-to-understand format.