Examination Questions First Term Islamic Religious Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes 13
Examination: Islamic Religious Studies
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: Primary 1
Term: First Term
Week: 12
Age: 6 years
Test Structure
- Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (30 questions)
- Options provided: a, b, c, d.
- Theory Questions (20 questions)
- Short-answer questions.
- True or False Questions (10 questions)
- Evaluate pupils’ understanding and retention of knowledge from the first term.
- Assess comprehension of key concepts in Islamic Religious Studies.
- Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:
- Choose the correct option (a, b, c, d) to complete each statement.
- Write the chosen option neatly.
- Theory Questions:
- Provide clear and concise answers.
- Support answers with relevant examples or references.
- True or False Questions:
- Mark whether each statement is true or false.
- Clearly indicate your choice.
Topics Covered
- Attributes of Allah (Al-Khaliq, Ar-Rabb, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim)
- Prophets of Allah (Adam (AS), Nüh (AS), Hud (AS), Salih (AS), Lut (AS))
- Suratul-Fatihah (Verses 1-7)
- Articles of Faith in Islam
- Names of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an
Example Questions
- Allah is known as the ________, the Creator of everything.
- a) Al-Khaliq
- b) Ar-Rahman
- c) Ar-Rabb
- d) Ar-Rahim
- Prophet ________ was sent to the people of ‘Ad.
- a) Adam (AS)
- b) Nüh (AS)
- c) Hud (AS)
- d) Lut (AS)
- The first Surah in the Qur’an is ________.
- a) Suratul-Ikhlas
- b) Suratul-Baqarah
- c) Suratul-Fatihah
- d) Suratul-Anfal
Theory Questions:
4. Explain the significance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the last Prophet of Allah.
5. What are the six Articles of Faith in Islam? List them and briefly explain each.
6. How do the attributes of Allah (Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim) impact the lives of Muslims?
7. Describe one of the functions of Prophet Nüh (AS) as mentioned in the Qur’an.
8. Why is Suratul-Fatihah considered important in Islamic prayers?
9. List five names of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an and explain their meanings.
10. Discuss the concept of Tawhid (Oneness of Allah) in Islam.
True or False Questions:
11. Prophet Adam (AS) was the last Prophet sent by Allah. (True/False) 12. Suratul-Fatihah has seven verses. (True/False)
13. Ar-Rahman means the Most Gracious. (True/False)
14. Prophet Hud (AS) was sent to the people of Thamud. (True/False)
15. The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Musa (AS). (True/False)
16. The Shahada is one of the Articles of Faith in Islam. (True/False)
17. Al-Khaliq refers to Allah as the Sustainer. (True/False)
18. Prophet Lut (AS) warned his people about their immoral acts. (True/False)
19. Muslims believe in the existence of Angels as part of their faith. (True/False)
20. Ar-Rahim refers to Allah as the Most Merciful. (True/False)
Evaluation Criteria
- Accuracy of answers.
- Understanding of concepts.
- Clarity and coherence of responses.
- Correct spelling and grammar.
- Collect answer sheets promptly.
- Provide feedback and discuss any common mistakes.
- Encourage continuous learning and revision for future assessments.
This examination aims to comprehensively assess pupils’ understanding of Islamic Religious Studies topics covered in the first term, ensuring a thorough evaluation through varied question formats.
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
- Allah is known as __________, the Creator of everything.
- a) Al-Khaliq
- b) Ar-Rahman
- c) Ar-Rabb
- d) Ar-Rahim
- Prophet __________ was sent to the people of ‘Ad.
- a) Adam (AS)
- b) Nüh (AS)
- c) Hud (AS)
- d) Lut (AS)
- The first Surah in the Qur’an is __________.
- a) Suratul-Ikhlas
- b) Suratul-Baqarah
- c) Suratul-Fatihah
- d) Suratul-Anfal
- Muslims believe in the Oneness of Allah, known as __________.
- a) Tawhid
- b) Shirk
- c) Iman
- d) Hajj
- The Prophet __________ was known for his patience and wisdom.
- a) Adam (AS)
- b) Ibrahim (AS)
- c) Nüh (AS)
- d) Musa (AS)
- The Qur’an was revealed in the month of __________.
- a) Ramadan
- b) Shawwal
- c) Dhul-Hijjah
- d) Muharram
- __________ is considered the seal of all Prophets.
- a) Prophet Adam (AS)
- b) Prophet Musa (AS)
- c) Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
- d) Prophet Isa (AS)
- Suratul-Fatihah consists of __________ verses.
- a) 5
- b) 6
- c) 7
- d) 8
- The first man created by Allah was __________.
- a) Adam (AS)
- b) Nüh (AS)
- c) Ibrahim (AS)
- d) Isma’il (AS)
- __________ is known as the Messenger of Allah to the people of Thamud.
- a) Prophet Adam (AS)
- b) Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
- c) Prophet Hud (AS)
- d) Prophet Salih (AS)
- The declaration of faith in Islam is known as __________.
- a) Adhan
- b) Shahada
- c) Salah
- d) Zakat
- Allah’s attribute __________ signifies His role as the Nurturer and Sustainer.
- a) Al-Khaliq
- b) Ar-Rabb
- c) Ar-Rahman
- d) Ar-Rahim
- The two angels assigned to record deeds are __________ and __________.
- a) Jibril and Israfil
- b) Munkar and Nakir
- c) Raqib and Atid
- d) Kiraman and Katibin
- The pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims is called __________.
- a) Hajj
- b) Umrah
- c) Eid
- d) Zakat
- Prophet Musa (AS) received the __________ from Allah on Mount Sinai.
- a) Torah
- b) Psalms (Zabur)
- c) Injeel (Gospel)
- d) Qur’an
- The __________ is the night journey of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascension to heaven.
- a) Hijrah
- b) Laylat al-Qadr
- c) Isra and Mi’raj
- d) Eid al-Adha
- The sacred month of fasting for Muslims is __________.
- a) Rajab
- b) Sha’ban
- c) Ramadan
- d) Dhul-Hijjah
- The Day of __________ is the final judgment day in Islam.
- a) Qiyamah
- b) Jannah
- c) Barzakh
- d) Eid
- The first revelation of the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was in the cave of __________.
- a) Hira
- b) Thawr
- c) Uhud
- d) Arafat
- __________ is the obligatory charity given by Muslims.
- a) Zakat
- b) Sadaqah
- c) Khums
- d) Fitrah
- The place of worship for Muslims is called a __________.
- a) Church
- b) Temple
- c) Mosque
- d) Synagogue
- The migration of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Mecca to Medina is known as __________.
- a) Hajj
- b) Hijrah
- c) Isra
- d) Qiyamah
- The act of supplication and prayer in Islam is called __________.
- a) Salah
- b) Sawm
- c) Zakat
- d) Hajj
- __________ is the blessed month of celebration marking the end of Ramadan.
- a) Shawwal
- b) Dhul-Qa’dah
- c) Muharram
- d) Rajab
- The daily ritual prayers in Islam are called __________.
- a) Hajj
- b) Umrah
- c) Salah
- d) Zakat
- __________ is the fourth pillar of Islam, the fast observed during Ramadan.
- a) Hajj
- b) Sawm
- c) Zakat
- d) Shahada
- The pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims is called __________.
- a) Hajj
- b) Umrah
- c) Eid
- d) Zakat
- The month of fasting for Muslims is __________.
- a) Rajab
- b) Sha’ban
- c) Ramadan
- d) Dhul-Hijjah
- The pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims is called __________.
- a) Hajj
- b) Umrah
- c) Eid
- d) Zakat
- The month of fasting for Muslims is __________.
- a) Rajab
- b) Sha’ban
- c
Theory Questions
- Explain the significance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the last Prophet of Allah.
- List and briefly explain the five pillars of Islam.
- What is the importance of Suratul-Fatihah in Islamic prayers?
- Briefly describe the concept of Tawhid (Oneness of Allah) in Islam.
- Who were the parents of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)?
- What are the names of the two sons of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)?
- Describe one key event from the life of Prophet Musa (AS) as mentioned in the Qur’an.
- What is the significance of fasting during the month of Ramadan for Muslims?
- Explain the concept of Zakat (obligatory charity) in Islam.
- What is the importance of Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) in Islam?
- Describe the roles of Jibril (Gabriel) and Mika’il (Michael) in Islamic belief.
- Who is Maryam (Mary) in Islamic belief and what is her significance?
- Briefly explain the concept of Jihad in Islam.
- What is the significance of the Kaaba in Islam?
- Describe the concept of Sunnah in Islam and its importance.
- Who are the major prophets mentioned in the Qur’an and give one key attribute or lesson associated with each.
- Explain the role of the Qur’an in the life of a Muslim.
- What is the meaning and significance of Eid al-Fitr in Islam?
- Briefly describe the concept of forgiveness (Tawbah) in Islam.
- Why is knowledge (ilm) important in Islam and how does it guide Muslims?
Evaluation Criteria
- Answers should be clear, concise, and relevant to the question.
- Correct spelling and grammar will be considered.
- Answers should demonstrate understanding of key concepts in Islamic Religious Studies.
True or False Questions
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the first Prophet sent by Allah. (False)
- Suratul-Fatihah consists of five verses. (False)
- Ar-Rahman means the Most Gracious. (True)
- Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was sent to the people of Thamud. (False)
- The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Musa (AS). (False)
- The Shahada is one of the Six Articles of Faith in Islam. (False)
- Al-Khaliq refers to Allah as the Sustainer. (False)
- Prophet Lut (AS) warned his people about their immoral acts. (True)
- Muslims believe in the existence of Angels as part of their faith. (True)
- Ar-Rahim refers to Allah as the Most Merciful. (True)
Evaluation Criteria
- Correct answers should be clearly indicated as either True or False.
- Answers should reflect understanding of concepts taught in Islamic Religious Studies.
- Ensure answers are accurate and aligned with Islamic teachings.
These True or False questions are designed to assess students’ knowledge and comprehension of key concepts in Islamic Religious Studies, providing a straightforward format for testing understanding of the material covered in the first term
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