Meaning of National Values

Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 2 Class : Basic 4 / Grade 4 / Primary 4   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of various topics that have been taught in their previous classes Topic : Topic: Responsibilities of every member of the family Behavioural

Civic Education Primary 4 Revision

Subject : Civic Education Class : Basic 4/ Grade 4 /Primary 4 Week : Week 1 Topic : Revision of Previous First Term Weekly Topics   Content  What are values What are national positive values Mention four positive values that are expected from every law abiding Nigerians What is culture Who are our elders Mention

Primary 4 Civic Education 1st, 2nd and 3rd Term Lesson Notes

Primary 4 First Term Scheme Of work Civic Education First Term Civic Education Primary 4 Week 1   Our values   week 2   Respect for other people’s culture   Week 3   Community leadership   Week 4 Communalism   Week 5   Types of Government   Week 6   Difference between traditional and constitutional

Vocation Pry 1 First Term Exams

VOCATIONAL CLASS: GRADE ONE NAME OF PUPIL: …………………………………………… ………………………… DATE:………………….….……………………….. SECTION A (1) Measuring tape is used mostly by ______ (a) Tailor (b) Tools box (c) Farmer (2) Which of the tools is used for cleaning? (a) Saw (b) Table (c) Marker (3) A hairdresser work in a _______ (a) Salon (b) Hospital (c) School


C.R.K TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL________________ ______________ DATE __________ 1. Who is the creator of heaven and the earth? (a) Satan (b) God 2. What are the things God created? (a) Plant, animals and man (b) spoon, broom and shoes. 3. God is our heavenly father. Yes /No 4. God loves

Social Habits Nursery 2 First Term Exams

PHYSICAL SOCIAL and EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL_________________ __________________ DATE __________ 1. ____________ is the ability to move from one place to another. (a) Movement (b) dancing 2. What is movement? (a) Movement is when somebody is sitting (b) movement is moving from one place to another 3. What

Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Exams

BASIC SCIENCE TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL: ______________________ DATE: __________ Multiple Choice Questions Orange, green, and purple are ______________. (a) primary colours (b) secondary colours Yellow, red, and blue are _______. (a) secondary colours (b) primary colours Living things are those things that have ________ in them. (a) life (b) hope

First Term Examinations Primary 3 Basic Science

First Term Examinations Basic Science and Technology Grade 3 1 hour   Read the following questions below carefully and pick the best answer from the given alternatives 1. Living things are things that have…… in them (a) stone (b) lives (c) water 2. All living things will inevitably become non living things one day….. (a)

Nursery 2 Social Habits First Term Exams

EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________   1. Family is a group of people related by blood or _________ (a) religion (b) marriage (c) wedding 2. Nuclear family consist of (a) Uncle, children and Auntie (b) father, mother and children (c) brother, Grandpa and