Organization and Cooperation

Subject : Social Studies Topic : Organization and Cooperation Class : Primary 5 Term :  Second Term Week : Week 2 Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of Leadership  that have been taught in their former lessons and classes Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

Meaning and Types of Leaders Primary 5 Social Studies

Subject : Social Studies Topic : Leadership Class : Primary 5 Term :  Second Term Week : Week 1 Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of topics that have been taught in their former lessons and classes Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to explain leadership

Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work For Three Terms .

Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work For Three Terms . First Term , Second Term and Third Term  Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work  First Term           Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work For Second Term     Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work    Week 1  Revision   Week 2

Primary 6 Social Studies First Term Second Term and Third Term Scheme

Primary 6 Social Studies First Term Second Term and Third Term Scheme   Primary 6 Social Studies First Term       Primary 6 Social Studies First Term  Week 1 External influences on Nigerian family   Primary 6 Social Studies First Term  Week 2 The influence of working parent on the Nigerian life    Primary 6

Primary 2 Civic Education Second Term Revision And Test

Primary 2 Civic Education Second Term Revision And Test Edu Delight Tutors     Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic  / Primary 2  / Class 2   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 10   Topic  : Primary 2 Civic Education Second Term Revision And Test   Answer The Following  Questions 


THE IMPORTANCE OF POLITICAL LEADERS IN THE COMMUNITY Edu Delight Tutors     Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic  / Primary 2  / Class 2   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 9   Topic  : THE IMPORTANCE OF POLITICAL LEADERS IN THE COMMUNITY   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have

Problems Created By Bad Political Leaders In Nigeria

Problems Created By Bad Political Leaders In Nigeria Edu Delight Tutors     Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic  / Primary 2  / Class 2   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 8   Topic  : Problems Created By Bad Political Leaders In Nigeria   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have

How Political Parties are Formed

How Political Parties are Formed Edu Delight Tutors     Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic  / Primary 2  / Class 2   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 7   Topic  : How Political Parties are Formed   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Disadvantages of choosing