SS 3 Mock Exams Commerce

COMMERCE 1. Which of the following is not a business resource? a. (a) Man (b) Materials (c) Markets (d) Machines 2. Which of the following is the most important business resource? a. (a) Money (b) Management (c) Materials (d) Man power 3. Which of the following clearly defines business a. (a) The process of planning,

Mock Exams Civic Education SS 3

CIVIC 1. Laws made by military government are called a. A. constitution B. decrees C. bye-laws 2. Laws made by local government in Nigeria are called a. A. constitution B. decrees C. bye laws 3. 3. The head of the executive in Nigeria is the a. A. President B. Vice President C. Senate President 4.

Mock Examination CRS SS3

CRS 1. Jesus was baptized at the .(a) lake (b)River Jordan(c) River Galilee (d) dead sea 2. 2. Jesus was baptized by . (a) John the Baptist (b) St Paul (c) St Peter (d) St Augustus 3. 3. The statement, “this is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased”, “Son” here refers to

Mock Exams Chemistry SS 3

CHEMISTRY 1. The structure of 1,2,3-trichloro-2-methyl butane is 1. a) CH3 H H H b) Cl Cl Cl H 2. H- C – C – C – C – H H- C – C – C – C – H 3. ClCl H HClClCl H 4. c) ClClCl H d) H HHH 5. H –

Mock Exams SS 3 Biology

BIOLOGY 3. The maintenance of a constant internal environment is referred to as (a) plasmolysis (b) diuresis (c) homeostasis. (d) glycolysis 4. All the organs below are homeostatic in function except (a) liver (b) kidney (c) food vacuole (d) skin 5. Which of the following is not a kidney disease? (a) oedema (b) hepatisis (c)

Mock Exams Agric Science

AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE 1. The deficiency symptom peculiar to Vitamin B in livestock is……… a. A)night blindness B)sterility C)loss of appetite D) delay in blood clotting. 2. Which of the following is not a symptom of Malnutrition in Livestock……… A) bloat B) night blindess C) milk Fever D) anaemia 3. When an animal is being fed

Ss3 Geography Exam Questions 2nd Term

Edu Delight Tutors . SECTION B Mt Everest is in which continent? (a) Europe (b) Australia (c) Asia (d) Africa Alps mountain is in which continent? (a) Europe (b) North America (c) South America (d) Asia Andes mountain is in which continent? (a) South America (b) North America (c) Asia (d) Europe The Rockies mountain

Ss 3 Financial Accounting Exams 3rd term

Ss 3 Financial Accounting Exams 3rd term SECTION A Goodwill is a ——- (a) current asset ( b) intangible asset( c) current liability( d)fictitious asset Vendor means the seller of the (a) business (b) asset (c) liabilities (d) capital Capital reserve is( a) current assets( b) fixed assets (c) liabilities (d) equity The double entry

CRS 2nd Term SS 3 Exams

Edu Delight Tutors Second Term Examinations CRS SS 3. SECTION A Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples for ___days after his resurrection. A.20 B.30 C.40 D. 50 There were __________disciples praying and waiting in the upper room before the coming of the Holy Spirit. A.600 B.300 C. 120 D.200 Jesus told his disciples to tarry

Ss 3 civic 2nd Term Exams

  SECTION A The act of choosing a leader by voting is called (a) franchise (b) appointment (c) election _________ is a document that contains the name and details of people who are qualified to vote during election? (a) ballot paper (b) ballot box (c) voters register which of these forms of government best promote