Fractiles, quartiles, deciles, and percentiles are terms used in statistics to describe different points that divide a dataset into various segments, helping to understand the distribution of data. Here’s a breakdown of each term: Fractiles: Fractiles are points on a number scale that divide a dataset into specific portions. Quartiles, deciles, and percentiles are examples

Frequency Polygons and frequency curves

Line Graphs: Line graphs use lines to connect data points, usually representing trends or changes over time. They’re great for showing continuous data and how it fluctuates. Bar Graphs: Bar graphs are made up of vertical or horizontal bars to represent data. They’re perfect for comparing categories or groups and showing the magnitude of different


Class Boundaries: Imagine we’re dealing with a set of data, and we want to organize it into groups to better understand it. Class boundaries, also known as true class limits, are numbers that help us define these groups. For instance, in a series of points like 59.5, 62.5, and so on, these points are called

Descriptive Statistics

Four Scales of Measurement: Nominal: Data is categorized into distinct groups with no specific order. Examples include gender, ethnicity, and eye color. Ordinal: Data can be ranked or ordered, but the differences between values are not consistent or meaningful. Example: Education levels (e.g., high school, college, postgraduate). Interval: Data is measured on a scale where

Some Basic Statistical Concepts and Notations

Quantitative Variables take values that very in terms of magnitude. They are easy to measure and compare with one another. These may be scores obtained in a test, weight, height, age, distance, number etc. Qualitative Variables are those that differ in kind. They are only categorized. The differences are usually in kind such as marital

The Meaning of Statistics

(1) Define the term “Statistics” correctly.. (2) Distinguish between statistics and statistic. (3) Discuss the place of statistics in education. (4) Explain the relationship between statistics and probability. (5) Explain clearly some basic statistical concepts and notations.   (1) Statistics refers to the study of collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. It involves methods

Meaning of parametric and non parametric test

  Parametric tests are statistical tests that make specific assumptions about the underlying distribution of the data, such as normality and homogeneity of variance. They typically involve parameters that define the population distribution, like means and variances. Examples include t-tests, ANOVA, and linear regression. Non-parametric tests, on the other hand, do not assume any specific


Weekly Topics for First Term Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1   Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Fun with Shapes and Colours Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Week 2 Meaning of Art Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 First Term Lesson


  Week 1 Topic: Simple machine Behavioral objectives: At the end of the lessons, the pupils should be able to Explains the meaning of simple machine. Identify simple machines. Instructional materials Cutlass, Can open, Spoon .and references materials Scheme of work And other relevant materials 6 years basic Education curriculum Online information Building background connection