…   CLASS: PRIMARY 2                  SUBJECT: AGRIC. SCIENCE NAME…………………………………………   Insects are _________ animals. (a) little (b) big  (c) great _________ is an insect. (a) Rat  (b) Butterfly  (c) Weed Name three common insects: ________________________, _______________________, ________________________ Insects have three main parts.  (  True    /    False) Name the three main parts of an insect: ______________________,


…………………………..       CLASS: PRIMARY 2                  SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:………………………………… Exercise is a deliberate _____________ of the body. (a) jogging                (b) movement  (c) eating Exercise helps in circulation of blood and __________________               (a) product (b) breathing (c) oxygen Exercise helps the breathing system.    (  Yes   /    No) Exercise helps in the digestion of _____________________


      ….     CLASS: PRIMARY 2                SUBJECT: LITERATURE NAME:………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Agu lived in a town called ________________ (a) Ikorodu (b) Ikutun  (c) Ikoyi Agu told his mother that he would like to become ______________ (a) Teacher (b) farmer  (c) Butcher Agu’s mother sells ____________ and _______________ in the market. Agu loved eating ___________

Computer users make use

    /.   CLASS: PRIMARY 2                     SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDIES     NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………   Computer users make use of their _________ to type. (a) legs                      (b) fingers  (c) ears The black and white monitor also called _____________ (a) speaker (b) mouse  (c) monochrome The monitor looks like the ________________ (a) keyboard              (b) Television 


…     CLASS: PRIMARY 2              SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………   1.) Complete the following letters: A            B            _______     _______         E K       _______           M          _______     _______ E             F                 G           _______     _______ I        _______           K               L                 M P       _______       _______   _______     _______

Decorative Stitches are examples 4

  Class: Basic 4 Subject: Home Economics Topic: Evaluation Test   (1) There are _______ type of Stitches (a) 5 (b) 2 (2) Basic Stitches can be classified into (a) private/public Stitches (b) temporary/ permanent stitches (3) Decorative Stitches are examples of________ (a)minor Stitches (b) permanent stitches (4)__________ is the fastening of cloth , leathers,

Count and write the correct answers

    Class: K-G2.   Subject: Number _Readiness.   Topic: Test    Count and write the correct answers.    1. 🍎🍎🍎🍎 ________   2. ⚽⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽_______   3. ✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏______   4. 🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕_______   5. 🍍🍍_____   6. 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉_______   7. 👕👕👕______   8. 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳_______   9. 👞👞👞👞👞👞👞👞👞_________   10. 🎒______     Circle the smallest number

Reading Readiness KG 2

    Class: K-G2.   Subject: Reading _Readiness.   Topic: Test     Matching of the same letters.     a m   b l   c k   d j   e i   f h   g g   h f   i e   j d   k c   l b   m

What is a balanced diet?

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Agricultural Science TOPIC: Assessment Test   Answer the following questions.   1. What is a balanced diet?   2. State two importance of a balanced diet (i) ______________________________________________   (ii)______________________________________________   3. List the six classes of food.   (i)_________________________________   (ii)_________________________________   (iii)_________________________________   (iv)_________________________________   (v)__________________________________   (vi)_________________________________

Twinkle, twinkle little

  Subject: Rhyme  Topic : Evaluation.    Answer the following questions   1) A _____has a tail?  a) dog (b) Lion   2) I see the ____?   a) water (b) moon   3) Baa, baa, ________?   a) red (b) black    4)When l was a______? a) Baby (b) Sister   5) Twinkle, twinkle