- School Hours
- School hours are from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM.
- Members of staff must be present on the school premises throughout this period every day.
- Assembly and attendance registration occur between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM.
- Classes begin at 8:30 AM.
- Teachers/Helpers on duty must remain on the school premises until 4:00 PM to maintain discipline and ensure all pupils are picked up.
- Absence from School Premises
- Absence from the school premises must be approved in writing by the Head Mistress or HM Assistant.
- A pass must be obtained before leaving the premises.
- Permission for Absence
- Express permission for absence must be obtained in writing at least two days prior to the intended time off.
- Frequent lateness to work will result in a query and potential suspension.
- Illness and Emergencies
- In case of illness, a doctor’s report must be presented to the Head Teacher or Assistant Head Teacher within 24 hours.
- For maternity leave, a request must be submitted at least two weeks before delivery.
- Visitors and Communication
- Visitors (other than parents/guardians) will not be entertained during school hours or on the school premises unless permitted by the Head Teacher or Assistant Head Teacher.
- Phone calls are not allowed during school hours. Teachers should not engage in private work during school hours.
- Any communication with parents/guardians must be approved by the Head Teacher or Assistant Head Teacher.
- Discipline
- Teachers are responsible for enforcing discipline in their classes and on the school premises at all times.
- Enforcement of Discipline
- All staff, especially teachers, must ensure that pupils adhere to the school code of conduct and dress code.
- Corporal punishment will only be applied in extreme cases and with express permission and supervision from the School Administration (Head Mistress and Assistant).
- Teaching Environment
- Teaching must be conducted in a clean and tidy environment at all times.
- Interaction with Parents/Guardians
- Parents/guardians must be treated with great courtesy, honesty, and firmness at all times.
- Parents/pickers/guardians MUST SIGN the Pickers Form every day in the presence of the Class Teacher before pupils are released to them.
- Parents Visiting Day (P.V.D.)
- Teachers must be present to attend to parents during P.V.D. (Parents Visiting Day/Open Day).
- Teachers must be as helpful and positive as possible. All pupils’ records must be made available during P.V.D./Open Day.
- Class Time Interaction
- Parents must be attended to outside of class hours. Teachers should not engage with parents during class time.
- Record Keeping
- All class work, pop quizzes, and assignments must be promptly graded and recorded.
- Teachers must fill in records daily for class work, assignments, etc.
- Lesson Notes and Records
- Lesson notes and other essential records must be completed and submitted to the Assistant Head Mistress for vetting at the end of the week.
- Preparation of Lesson Notes
- Lesson notes must be ready by Friday for vetting before the commencement of teaching on Monday.
- Staff Relationships
- Relationships among all staff must be cordial, polite, honest, and conducted with the utmost courtesy.
- Staff Expectations
- Diligence, dedication to duty, commitment, and selfless service toward achieving the school’s vision are expected from all staff.
- Identification
- Staff members must wear identity cards on the school premises.
- Gross Misconduct
- All cases of pupils’ gross misconduct must be referred to the Disciplinary Committee, headed by the Assistant Head Mistress.
- Supervision on Playground
- Teachers must stay with the pupils on the playground to monitor their activities.
- Teaching Aids and Assistance
- Class lessons must be conducted with teaching aids as much as possible. Assistance should be provided to pupils based on their needs.
- Pupil Meals
- Arrangements for pupils’ meals (lunch) should be made before break periods, and their snacks should be provided on time.
- Playgroup Supervision
- The Helper/Assistant Class Teacher should supervise the playgroup pupils before they are picked up.
- Dress Code
- All staff must adhere to the school dress code.
- Instructional Conduct
- Teachers should follow all instructions from the Head Teacher and Assistant Head Teacher.
- Payment Records
- All records of payments must be accurately documented by the Account Officer.
Staff Name:____________
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.