Parent Executive Management
Parent Executive Management
- Parent executive comprises of chairman (parent), secretary (School secretary), treasurer (parent), Two Parent relation officers (Parents), school administrator, Proprietor and Principal or head teacher
- The chairman oversees the affairs and matters of parents in the school. His authority involves parent advocacy, parent grievance presentation, school advocacy, parent initiation program, directing parent forum and involvement in school matters that concerns parents
- The school secretary is in charge of documentation of plans, meeting outcomes and entire parent forum activities. He or she also preside as the parent forum secretary who remind continuously of the conclusions, deductions and decisions made at the forum
- The treasurer oversees money contributed by parents for developmental projects in the school. He or she facilitates parents complain and observation section of parent forum. He or she also sees to the complaint being resolved by working closely with the school. He or she will be the spokesperson of the parents when it comes to complain matters
- The office of parent relation officer is saddled with the responsibility of passing information to parents. He or she is also responsible for mobilizing parents for parent forum. The attendance of parents at parent meetings is the responsibility of the parent relation officer. He or she facilitates communication of parent expectations and intentions to school at the parent forum
- School administrator is responsible for school advocacy in the area of fees, financial implication of projects and administrative concern of the school. He or she is saddled with the responsibility of relating with parents on the administrative work of the school. He or she facilitates the school administrative concerns and development in the parent forum and see to the implementation and outcome
- School Principal or Head teacher is responsible for school advocacy in the area of books, teachers’ relations and academic concern of the school. He or she is saddled with the responsibility of relating with parents on the academic work of the school. He or she facilitates the school academic concerns and development in the parent forum and see to the implementation and outcome
- Parent executive meeting comes up a week before the parent forum day.
- The matters to be discussed are the projects or programs coming up and the implication on the parents
- It is mandatory for executive members to be around for the meeting as decisions from executive meeting largely determines what will be discussed or not discussed
- Absence from executive meeting will risk removal due to busy schedule
- Parent executive meeting shall be presided by the school proprietor while parent forum shall be presided by parent executive chairman
- The tenure for parents in the parent executive meeting must not be more than 2 sessions
- In the case of conflict meeting between proprietor or the school head and parents, there could be impromptu meeting of executives
- All executives should be aware of their responsibilities and must make it work