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J S S 3
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
One year there had been no rain in the forest. Everything was so dry that there was no food in kanu’s village. He and his family went hungry they searched in vain, for something to eat.
Kanu’s son, Okon, was big enough to go and hunt for himself. One day wandering far from the village, he came upon a big hole in the ground lying near it were three large nuts. Okon was very hungry
He knew that if he took the nuts home he would have to share them with his family. He decided to eat it himself.
He cracked the first nut hard on the stone. The nut shot out of the shell and bounced into the hole. He tried the second one, being more careful. Somehow the nut eluded him and rolled down the hole. Angrily he took the third nut and swore that if he lost it he would go down into the hole himself.
Sure enough, when the shell split, the nut shot into the air, over okon’s shoulder and into the hole. He scrambled down the hole after it, and was never seen again.
- When okon went into the Hole
(a) He could not find the nuts (b) He disappeared forever
© He was killed by Lion (d) The hole got lost
- Okon cracked the nut by ……..
- Bitting them (b) Hitting them with hammer (c) Rolling them down
(d) Striking them with stone
- Okon did not take the three nuts home because he _____________
(a) Decided to hide them in the hole (b) Did not want them
(c) Knew that his family wanted them (d) wanted all for himself
- The big hole which okon found was ________ the village
(a) A long way from (b) A short way from (c) Just outside (d) Not far from
- What lesson can we learn from the passage?
(a) It is bad to be jealous (b) It is not good to be jealous
© We should always cracknuts carefully
(d) We should not wander far from the village alone.
From the list of words letter A – D choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.
- The school was founded many years ago
(a) Expanded (b) closed (c) established (d) produce
- The principal has just bought a car
(A) Sold (b) Purchased (c) repaired (d) displayed
- The policeman was rewarded for his bravery
(a) Ability (b) courage (c) Strength (d) goodness
- I am always eager to visit the university campus
(a) Reluctant (b) anxious (c) afraid (d) happy
- His mother showered a lot of affection on her children
(a) Love (b) success (c) respect (d) anger
- Our dynamic governor is very generous
(a) Selfish (b) Hard – fisted (c) Tight – fisted (d) open handed
- That new play is boring it is a waste of money.
(a) Interesting (b) Humorous (c) Uninteresting (d) Good
- The students were told to abandon the project if it would be too costly
(a) Delay (evade (c) give up (d) continue
- The most competent teacher in the school received an award last week.
(a) Adequate (b) cautious (c) Efficient (d) pertinent
- All diggers sometimes risk their lives
- Care for (b) Help (c) Endanger (d) prevent
Choose from the list of words A – D the one which is opposite in meaning to the word underlined.
- The federal ministry of health says smoking is dangerous
- Risky (b) safe (c) interesting (d)Comfortable
- The boy whispered his name into the teacher’s ear
- Spoke (b) Called (c) pronounced (d) shouted
- Could you see that tall and slim man in the crowd
- Fresh (b) ugly (c) fat (d) short
- I cannot release my car to him, he will spoil it
(a) Repair (b) develop (c) construct (d) Build
- Ahmed was afraid when were ascending the hill
(a) Going up (b) climbing (c) descending (d) weeding
Choose from the options letter A – D the best interpretation you consider most appropriate for each sentences.
- At last, segun let the cat out of the bag. This means that
- Was careless (b) revealed (c) allow the cat to escape
(d) Showed kindness to the cat
- The presiding judge maintained that the lawyer had actually hit the nail on the head .
This means that the lawyer had _______________
(a)Disclosed the secret (b) said the truth (c) Destroyed his opponent
(d) damaged the nail
- I could not but cry at the site of the accident
(a) i could not cry (b) I didn’t cry (c) I cried (d) I refused to cry
- The house is well maintained.
(a) The house is well built (b)The house is well planned
(c)The house is well looked after (d) The house is well furnished
In the passage below, The numbered gaps indicate missing words. from the list provided below the passage.
Choose the word from letter A – D , that is most suitable to fill each of the numbered gaps.
It was a serious 25 two lorries travelling in the opposite the directions 26 and one of them burst into flames .
There was 27 shouting screaming and weeping . The dead and the injured were later 28 in 29 to the nearby hospital . The dead were taken to the 30 while the injured were taken to the emergency 31
The 32 in the theatre did their best to save the lives of the 33 while the relations of the 34 were sent for.
A | B | C | D | |
25 | Incident | Incidence | Accident | Havoc |
26 | Coincident | Collided | Collected | Clashed |
27 | Some | Great | Numerous | Loud |
28 | Held | Converge | Conveyed | Flown |
29 | A train | An ambulance | A plane | A car |
30 | Cemetery | Burial | Mortuary | |
31 | Hospital | Home | Hall | Ward |
32 | Operators | Surgeon | Nurses | Dentist |
33 | Casualties | Soilder | People | Patient |
34 | Disease | Bury | Deceased | sick |
Choose from alternative letter A – D , the word that best completes each of the following sentences
- Almost everyone i know has given ___________ smoking
(a) from (b) off (c) up (d)away
- When Mary ___________ at the library , she found out that she had forgotten her book
(a) Arrives (b) leaves (c)arrived (d)left
- The _______ of the priest lasted thirty minutes
(a) Address (b) speech (c) sermon (d)talk
- Jane met Janet at the Bank and they hugged ______________
(a) Themselves (b) One another (c) Themself (d)each other
- My brother and _____________ were at the party
(a) myself (b) me (c)us (d) I
- She did not eat ______________ lunch
(a) Some (b) any (c) few (d)many
- Which of these sounds is not a vowel
(a) /ӕ / (b) / Ҽ / (c) /s / (d) /ᴔƾ /
- The word ABILITY has ________ syllables
(a) 5 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 7
43, /P /
(a) Psalm (b) Cap (c) physics (d) typhoid
- / b/
(a) Ball (b) womb (c) doubt (d) debt
- One of these is not a common to all the genres of literature
(a) Theme (b) Dialogue (c) Subject matter (d) diction
- The major genres of literature are __________
(a) Prose, Novel, and short stories (b) prose, Poem and novel
(c) Poetry, prose and drama (d) Play , verse and novel
47. The device used in statement “Lisabi was a tiger in battle”
(a) a literature (b) metaphor (c) simile (d) pun
- The clothes and other things the actor put on, in a play are called
(a) Dressing (b) cost (c) costume (d) rehearsal
Read this poem carefully and answer the questions that follows :
The Land never knows peace
Where a few have too much
And many none at all
The yam of tis world
Is enough for all months
Which pay daily homage
To the gods of the throat
Enough for the aged
Awaiting day’s task refreshing
And the young peeping
At tomorrow
From mother’s back.
- The ” few and the many” in the poem refers to the _____
(a) Rich and the educated (b) Poor and the illiterates (c) Rich and poor
(d)Men and women
- “Yam in line 4 stands for _______
(a) Football (b) root crops (c) Resources (d Posts
- “Mouth” as used here is termed synecdoche. what does it means
(a) It means using mouth to eat (b) It means using a part to represent the whole
(c) It means using the mouth to speak (d) It means using the part of the body to illustrate
- What is ”The gods of the throat ” according to the poem?
(a) Ogun (b) Money (c) Age (d) Food
- Keye Abiona Tommorrow is Another Day
- Why did Ogundeji decided to borrow money from chief kolejo
(a) In order to prepare his farm that particular year (b) To get money to bury his father
(c) To pay his children’s school fees (d) So that he can pay his Bank loan
- How does chief kolejo treat his creditors?
(a) He allow them to pay installment (b)He enslaves their relations until they pay
(c) He sends them to prison (d) He confiscates their belongings
- Eventually, Chief kolejo allows Ogunsile to go home in order to _____-
(a) Go and marry (b) Bury his father (c) Help his father to build his hut
(d) Cllecgt his money from his father
- Who is the kind person that helped Ogunsile escape from the chiefs cells
(a) Nike (b) TuTu (c)Feyi (d) Bemo tutu’s dog
- The Book The Bridge as written by
(A) Chukwubike Agoziem (B) Babatunde Abimbola (C) Ngozi Ezeonu
(D) Chimamanda Adichie
58 ____________ was the real name of baba tile’s wife
(A) Solabomi (B) Atinuke (C) Tiwalola (D) Iya Tile
- Baba tile’s favorite news paper was ________________
(a) Daily times (b) The guardian (c) News paper (d) AIT
- How many admission letters did ireti have, after the interviews
(a) Three (b) Two (c) One (d) four
Continuous writing
Answer two questions from this section , your answer should not be more than 250 words .
(1) . You are a speaker in a debate competition on the topic “Farmers are more beneficiary to the society than Doctors ” write contributions for or against the motion.
(2). Write a story to illustrate the saying “Make hay while the sunshine s?
(3)Write a letter to the principal of your school, to seek permission to be absent from schools for two weeks . State two reasons why he should allow you.
(4) Write a letter to your friend in another school, to explain how you spent your last holiday.
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