Second Term Exams Agricultural Science JSS 1


Jss 1

Second Term Exams Agricultural Science JSS 1

  1. The reproductive part of a plant is _______. (a)stem (b)root (c)leaf (d) flower
  2. Which of these animals is noted for the production of common table egg. (a) Pigeon (b) Chicken (c) Turkey (d)Goose
  3. Fishes are reared in ______ . (a) kitchen (b) market (c)pond (d)none of the above
  4. The major food required for growing children is ______. (a)salt (b)leaves (c) protein (d) roughage
  5. The most important need of man as provided by Agriculture is ______. (a)money (b)rice (c) food (d)wood
  6. The rearing of sheep, cattle and goats from one pasture to another is called ______. (a) pastoring (b) pastoral farming (c)mixed farming (d) commercial farming
  7. Which part of the plant is the center for photosynthesis? (a) Root (b) Stem (c) Leaves (d) Flower
  8. Which part of the plant absorbs water into the plant? (a) Stem (b) Leaves (c)Root (d) Flower
  9. The breeding of bees for honey is called _______. (a) Aquaculture (b) Horticulture (c) Apiculture (d) Cultural
  10. Breeding and rearing snails is called ______ (a)apiarist (b)heliculture (c)bee rearing (d) agriculture
  11. Agriculture provides ______ for our housing. (a)plank (b)forest (c)wood pulp (d) forestry
  12. Forestry is a form of Agriculture that the nature of ______ and their uses. (a) trees (b) citrus (c) mangoes (d) banana
  13. Clothes are made from _______. (a)wood (b)cottons (c) animals (d) rubber
  14. The large production of crops and animals is a common characteristics of _______. (a) Agriculture (b) Commercial farming (c) Subsistence farming (d) Modern agriculture
  15. The rearing and breeding of fish is called ______. (a) snailry (b)fishery (c) Aquaculture (d)deposition
  16. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the ______. (a) flower (b)overy (c) stigma (d) nectar
  17. Agricultural products sold in a foreign country earns Nigeria ______. (a)loan (b) foreign goods (c) foreign exchange (d) none of the above.
  18. Cattle, sheep and goats are all together called _____. (a) living animals (b) livestock (c) living things.
  19. The major provision from animals is _______. (a) food (b)meat (c)bones (d) clothes
  20. _______ is used for producing children syrups. (a) fish (b)bees (c)honey (d)oil


  1.  Define agriculture.
  2. Write out eight (8) importance of agriculture that you know.
  3. State five (5) characteristics of commercial farming.
  4. Write out five (5) problems of pastoral farming.
  5. Define the following;

a, Snailry:

b, Apiculture:

c, Forestry:

d, Livestock rearing:

e, Horticulture:


