SUBJECT:   GEOGRAPHY              TIME ALLOWED: 2HRS         CLASS:           S.S 3

Section A

Instruction: Answer all question in this section

  1. The scale of the map is approximately. (a) 1:10 000 (b) 1:25 000 (c) 1:200 000 (d) 1:50 000 (e) 1: 100 000
  2. What is the approximate straight line distance between Tiki and Tanko? (a) 20. 0km (b) 27. 0km (c) 36. 0km (d) 46. 0km (e) 16. 0km
  3. The approximate bearing of Joma from Tanko is (a) 450 (b) 500 (c) 650 (d) 2950 (e) 3150
  4. Which of the following settlements is not visible from Tanko? (a) Kevu (b) Magu (c) Bore (d) Wazo (e) Joma
  5. Which of the following is likely to be the most important railway town? (a) Magu (b) Tanko (c) Wazo (d) Gomi (e) Kiti
  6. Which of the following settlements is located on a col? (a) Kofi (b) Gomi (c) Joma (d) Magu (e) Basa
  7. The rivers of Tanko district (a) flow into the ocean (b) are characterized by meanders (c) have their sources in the central highlands (d) have radial drainage patterns (e) are seasonal rivers
  8. The main occupation of the inhabitants of Joma area is likely to be (a) fishing (b) lumbering (c) mining (d) animal rearing (e) pottery-making
  9. There are few settlements north and south of Kofi because (a) it is mainly on grassland (b) there are no railways (c) nobody wants to live there (d) it is a highland area with steep slopes (e) there are no roads
  10. The cultivation of sugar cane is most likely to take place (a) north of Wazo (b) in the area around Kevu (c) south-east of Wazo (d) around Lori and environs (e) in the area around Kagora
  11. Which of the following statements is not true of the solar system? (a) the rays of the sun gives energy to the system (b) all the planets rotate round the sun (c) all the planets have their orbits round the sun (d) the planets revolve around the sun (e) the sun is at the centre of the system
  12. In the southern hemisphere, the autumnal equinox occurs on (a) 21st March (B) 21st June (c) 23rd September (d) 22nd December (e) 4th January
  13. The layer of earth found immediately beneath the crust is called (a) hydrosphere (b) lithosphere (c) mesosphere (d) barysphere (e) core
  14. “They are formed from the accumulation of materials derived from other rocks which have been cemented together”. This is a description of (a) metamorphic rocks (b) Plutonic rocks (c) organically formed sedimentary rocks (d) colvanic rocks (e) mechanically formed sedimentary rocks
  15. Which of the following is a volcanic plateau? (a) kukuruku (b) Terra Rosa (b) Deccan (b) Graben (e) Atlas
  16. The overriding portion of the thrust fold is termed (a) a simplefold (b) an overfold (c) a syncline (d) a nappe (e) an anticline
  17. Depositional plains refer to all the following except (a) alluvial plains (b) structural plains (c) deltaic Plains (d) flood plains (e) drift plains
  18. When the roof of a coastal cave collapses, it forms (a) a doline (b) an estuary (c) a gorge (d) a lagoon (e) a geo
  19. During wave actions, the rush of water onshore is called (a) longshore drift (b) swash (c) undertow (d) backwash (e) tidal current
  20. The Red Sea has a higher degree of salinity than the Mediterranean Sea because the former (a) is smaller in size than the latter (b) is located in a rift valley while the latter is located in a geosynclines (c) receives a smaller amount of fresh water than the latter (d) is linked with the Indian ocean while the latter is linked with the Atlantic (e) is nearer a hot desert than the latter
  21. Most warm ocean currents flow (a) on the eastern side of continents (b) towards the equator (c) in the Pacific ocean (d) on the western side of continents (e) towards the high latitudes
  22. Which of the following combinations of factors influences atmospheric pressure? I. latitude II. Soil moisture III. Altitude IV. Temperature (a) I,II and III only (b) I,II and IV only (c) I, III and IV only (d) I and II only (e)II, III and IV only
  23. Which of the following local winds are hot? I. Sirocco II. Leveene III. Mistral IV. Bora (a) I and II only (b) I and III only (c) II and III only (d) II and IV only (e) III and IV only
  24. Which of the following combinations of factors influences atmospheric pressure? I. latitude II. Soil moisture III. Altitude IV. Temperature (a) I,II and III only (b) I, II and IV only (c) I,III and IV only (d) I and II only (e) II, III and IV only
  25. When you observe the wind vane, the head of the arrow shows the (a) speed of the wind (b) direction to which the wind is blowing (c) duration of the wind (d) weight of the wind (e) direction from which the wind is blowing
  26. Use the table below to answer questions 26 and 27.
  J F M A M J J A S O N D
TEMPERATURE(OC) 24 24 27 28 30 29 27 27 27 28 27 25
RAINFALL (mm) 2 2 0 0 18 505 610 368 269 48 10 0

          The annual range of temperature is (a) 30C (b) 40C (c) 50C (d) 60C (e) 70C

  1. The above climatic data refers to the (a) warm temperate climate (b) equatorial climate (c) savannah climate (d) cool temperate climate (e) desert climate
  2. Which of the following least explains the advantages of Koppen’s classification of climates over the Greek classification? (a) There are five major divisions in Koppen’s classification (b) the Greek classification is rather too generalized (c) Koppen’s classification is based on both rainfall and temperature whereas the Greek classification is based on temperature only (d) The values of rainfall and temperature used by Koppen’s are based on the requirement of certain plants (e) The Koppen’s classification was developed more recently than the Greek classification
  3. A soil profile refers to the (a) gradient of the soil (b) slope of the soil (c) vertical section of the soil (d) mineral composition of the soil (e) horizontal equivalent of the soil exaggeration
  4. The cool-temperate woodland is characterized by (a) sparse undergrowth and broad-leaved deciduous trees (b) very sparse vegetation of xerophytic plants (c) wiry grass and shrubs (d) rolling grassland that are treeless (e) tree with leaves appearing brown throughout the year
  5. Interdepence within the ecosystem can best be interpreted to mean that components of the ecosystem (a) prey on one another (b) harm one another (c) regulate one another (d) interact with one another (e) create one another
  6. Which of the following is not a measure of environmental control? (a) preservation (b) Stabilization (c) Regradation (d) Afforestation (e) Conservation
  7. The concept of environmental balance can be taken to mean that an alteration in one of the components of the ecosystem may likely result in the (a) minimization of the processes within the system (b) reversal of the processes within the system (c) acceleration of the processes within the system (d) stabilization of the processes within the system (e) stopping of the processes within the system
  8. The rapid exhaustion of non-renewable natural resources may least be aided by one of the following. Which is it? (a) increased urbanization (b) reckless exploitation (c) inadequate technology (d) natural disaster (e) excessive demand
  9. Through which of the following sea routes is crude oil from Nigeria transported to Europe? (a) North-Atlantic (b) Trans-pacific (c) Far-East (d) South-Atlantic (e) Trans-Indian
  10. Which of the following continents has the largest population? (a) Africa (b) Asia (c) Europe (d)North America (e) South America
  11. Which of the following is most hindered by line squalls, harmattan haze and rainy season clouds? (a) River transport (b) Road transport (c) Rail transport (d) Air transportation (e) Ocean Transport
  12. All the following are major sources of air pollution except? (a) gas flaring (b) domestic cooking (c) aviation combustion (d) industrial furnaces (e) vehicle combustion
  13. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between rural and urban centers? (a) Cities are not as important as rural areas (b) Rural areas are more productive than cities (c) Cities can exist without the rural not as important as rural areas. (d) Cities and rural areas depend of each other (e) Rural areas exist only to serve the cities
  14. The only factor that least explains the pattern of population distribution in Nigeria is the (a) Arab slave raiding (b) stability of government of the old kingdoms (c) physical factor of rainfall (d) movement of people from one place to another (e) occurrence of earthquakes in certain areas.
  15. Which of the following is the characteristic pattern or rural settlements in the eastern scarplands of Nigeria? (a) Satellite (b) Nucleated (c) Elongated (d) Dispersed (e) Linear
  16. Which of the following statements is correct about the Sokoto plains? (a) It is not an area of inland drainage (b) It lies in the middle of the country and borders the Rivers Benue and Niger (c) It is a pear-shaped upland area (d) It consists of the basement complex rocks (e) It is dissected by rift valleys and plateaus
  17. The following rivers take their sources from the highlands of Western Nigeria except (a) Shasha (b) Wase (c) Owena (d) Osse (e) Siluko
  18. The region has volcanic plugs, inselbergs and a crater lake. Which of the following geographical regions is being described? (a) Eastern scarplands (b) Western uplands (c) North-central plateau (d) Eastern highlands (e) North-eastern highlands
  19. All the following are important timber producing countries in Africa except (a) Nigeria (b) Ghana (c) Cote D’Ivorie (d) Mauritania (e) Zaire
  20. The major problem facing the rearing of livestock in East Africa is the (a) competition for land with arable cultivators (b) torrential rainfall which destroys livestock feeds (c) poorly developed rail transportation network (d) inferior breed of cattle which produce only meat (e) inadequate veterinary services
  21. All the following are problems facing the cultivation of fruits in the Mediterranean region of Africa except (a) long gestation period (b) frost action (c) inadequate water (d) re-stocking (e) inadequate processing methods
  22. All the following can be made from the by-products of crude oil except (a) plastic (b) synthetic rubber (c) glass (d) detergents (e) insecticides
  23. Which of the following countries in Africa has the greatest hydro-electric potential? (a) Nigeria (b) Zaire (c) Egypt (d) Cameroun (e) Zimbabwe
  24. Which of the following is not among the objectives of ECOWAS? (a) promotion of unified budgetary system (b) promotion of cultural, social and political ties (c) Promotion of economic cooperation (d) Elimination of trade restrictions (e) Promotion of a unified currency system.


This section is divided into Section A & B.

 Answer Question 1 and any other 2..



  1. Study the map extract map on the scale 1:50, 000 showing an area in Nigeria.
  • Draw an outline of the area on a scale of 1: 150,000
  • In your outline mark and name the main road (i) shade one area below 100m

(ii) What is the length of the main road?

(iii) Describe the settlement pattern area on the map

  • Relate the relief with  communication on the map.


2(a)    Distinguish between: (i) Latitude and Longitude; (ii) Standard Time and Greenwich Mean Time

(b)      If the Greenwich Mean Time is 10:00a.m 5th July when the Local Time in a place X is 4.48a.m 4th July, Find the longitude of place X.

3(a)    Define the term sedimentary rock and describe any two processes of its formation

(b)      Discuss any three ways in which sedimentary rocks are important to man.

4(a)    Draw a labeled diagram of a simple soil profile

(b)      Describe the characteristics of any two of the zones in the soil profile drawn in (a) above. Give reasons for each characteristic.



Answer 3 questions.

1(a)    Explain how each of the following has affected world population: (i) improved medical care (ii) advanced technology and industry.

(b)      Highlight four factors which account for the high density of population in America.

  1. Give reasons for the (a) low volume of trade between Nigeria and other countries of Africa; (b) high volume of trade between Nigeria and Britain.

3(a)    On a sketch map of Nigeria, show and name one industrial zone in each of the following areas: (i) north of the Rivers Niger and Benue; (ii) east of the River Niger; (iii) west of the River Niger.

(b)      Name one cottage industry and one manufacturing industry in any one of the zones shown on your map.

(c)      Account for the location of each of the industries named in (b) above.

4(a)    Explain any four factors which limit the rate of development in the southern coastlands of Nigeria.

(b)      In what four ways can the development of the region be enhanced?