Category: SS 1

Reproduction in Spirogyra

SSS 1 Biology Third Term Week 7         Reproduction in Spirogyra Spirogyra is a filamentous algae. It reproduces asexually by conjugation. In spirogyra, sexual reproduction takes place by conjugation. Sexual reproduction in Spirogyra is isogamous, i.e. male and female gametes of similar size fuse together in the sexual reproduction. 1. Asexual Reproduction


SSS 1 Biology Third Term Week 6         REPRODUCTION IN UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS CONTENT Reproduction in Amoeba by Asexual Reproduction by Binary Fission Multiple Fission Reproduction in Paramecium by Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction Reproduction in Spirogyra by Asexual or Vegetative Reproduction or Conjugation Reproduction in the Earthworm by Sexual Reproduction   Reproduction in

Characteristics of Arid Lands

SSS 1 Biology Third Term Week 5         ARID LANDS Arid lands are places of water scarcity or where water remains frozen. Tropical hot desert is known for excessive heat and inadequate rainfall resulting in dryness. In the cold deserts the soil is frozen for most of the year. The heat of


SSS 1 Biology Third Term Week 4     TERRESTRIAL HABITAT: FOREST, GRASSLANDS AND ARID LANDS CONTENT 1. Forest Characteristics of Forest Strata in a Rain Forest Distribution of Organisms in a Forest Adaption of Plants and Animals in a Forest Grassland Characteristics of Grassland Distribution of Plants and Animals in Grassland Some Adaptation of


SSS 1 Biology third Term Week 3     FRESH WATER HABITAT CONTENT Traits of Freshwater Habitat Types of Freshwater Zones in Contemporary Water Habitat Fresh Water Organisms Adaptation of Organisms to Fresh Water   Traits of Freshwater Habitat The freshwater habitat contains the lakes, ponds, streams, springs, and rivers. These water our bodies are

Distribution of the Organisms in the Habitat and their Adaptive Features

SSS 1 Biology third Time period Week 2       Distribution of the Organisms within the Habitat and their Adaptive Options 1. Splash zone/Shore organisms: On rocky shores, periwinkles and shore slaters are discovered within the space that water splashes when waves break (additionally referred to as splash zone). Barnacles, oysters, mussels and limpets

SSS 1 Biology third Term Week 1

SSS 1 Biology third Term Week 1     Week 1 Kinds of Aquatic Animals   Week 2 Distribution of the Organisms in the Habitat and their Adaptive Features     Week 3 Fresh Water Habitat      Week 4 Terrestrial Habitats      Week 5 Characteristics of Arid Lands     Week 6 REPRODUCTION

Kinds of Aquatic Habitat

SSS 1 Biology third Term Week 1   AQUATIC HABITAT: MARINE CONTENT Which means of Aquatic Habitat Kinds of Aquatic Habitat Main Zones of a Marine Habitat Distribution of the Organisms within the Habitat and their Adaptive Options   Which means of Aquatic Habitat An aquatic habitat is a physique of water through which organisms

Biology SSS 2 Second Term E Notes Scheme of Work

  Weekly Lesson Notes And Lesson Plan Biology Second Term   Week 1 CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES     Week 2 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT     Week 3 PESTS AND DISEASES OF CROPS     Week 4 Invertebrate and Vertebrate Pests       Week 5 Management And Control of Pests         Week


  Topic :  Biology Subject : Adaptation in Type and Features of Residing Organisms As a result of Environmental Situations Time period : Second Time period Week: Week 11 Class : SSS 2   Earlier lesson :  The pupils have the earlier data of ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT TOLERANCE that was taught within the final lesson  
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