Category: Online lesson Notes and Scheme of work

Primary 4 or Basic 4 Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work For  Primary Four Basic 4             Primary 4 or Basic 4   Primary  4 Scheme of Work  First Term    Primary  4 Scheme of Work  Second Term   Primary  4 Scheme of Work   Third Term              

Lagos State Model Colleges   Day or Boarding Status

 Lagos State Model Colleges/Upgraded Secondary Schools.   Click on the School names for more info like   Contact Address ,Emails, and Phone Number  S/N Name of Model College 1 Vetland Junior Grammar School, Ifako-Ijaiye 2 Lagos Junior Model College, Ojo 3 Lagos State Girls Junior Model College, Agunfoye 4 Lagos State Model Junior College, Igbonla

All Classes  Examination Question Links

Carefully Selected Examination links For All Classes      . Examination Question Links For All Classes     SSS 3   Examination Question Links       SSS 2   Examination Question Links         SSS 1   Examination Question Links       JSS 3 / BASIC 9  Examination Question Links       JSS


*MODERN TEACHING METHODS IN SCHOOL* The specific ways students learn are: 1. Through the five senses. 2. Through curiosity. 3. Through imitation. 4. Through association. 5. Through activities. 6. Through play. 7. Through dramatization. 8. Through discussion. 9. Through questions and answers. *FACTORS THAT DETERMINE TEACHING METHODS* 1. The subject being taught. 2. Type of

Termly Report Format

TERMLY REPORT FORMAT. A termly report is a document that provides a summary overview of the current status and performance of an organization or business unit. In addition to providing detailed information about the performance and financial health of a company, the termly report format typically includes recommendations for improvement in areas where necessary. Typically,

ICT exams ss 3 Second Term

Ss3 ICT Exams SS 3 Section A 1. The process by which a database is moved back to a consistent and usable state is called………. (a) cash recovery (b) crash recovery (c) past recovery (d) undo recovery 2. The recovery algorithm that uses no-force and steal approach is ………….. (a) ARIAS (b) ARIES (c) ARREARS

SS 2 Second Term English Language Exams

SS 2 Second Term English Language Exams SECTION A By nature, armed robbers are ruthless: I have never seen a ________ one among them. A. humane B. barbarous C. ferocious The taxi driver slowed while overtaking the lorry when the proper thing to do was for him to have _________ A. accelerated B. negotiated C.

Exam Questions Second Term SS 1 Commerce

SS 1 Commerce Answer all questions I. The study of all the activities involved in the distribution of goods and services is known as A. Trade B. Commerce C. AIDS to trade D. Chain of distribution 2. The final person and the last link in the chain of distribution is are respectively A. Consumer and

Exam Questions Third Term SSS 1 Biology

3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: S.S.1 SUBJECT: BIOLOGY OBJECTIVES 1. Overcrowding is a situation whereby ___________ (a) population in a habitat decreases beyond normal (b) population in a habitat increases beyond normal (c) population in a habitat is static (d) all of the above 2. _________ is the average number of individual of a species per
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