SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Answer all questions Every Nigerian ______ pays some amount of money as tax to the government of the country (a) goat (b) friend (c) citizen (d) student Citizens of a country work together for the success of their ________
I WISH I HAD KNOWN THESE PROFOUND DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE AND WISDOM!!! 1. Intelligence results in arguments. Knowledge results in settlements. 2. Intelligence is energy of will. Knowledge is energy OVER will. 3. Intelligence is warmth, it burns. Knowledge is heat, it comforts. 4. Intelligence is pursuit of data, it tires the seeker. Knowledge is
Why Staff Are Not United: Implications and Solutions for Schools Staff unity is essential for a school’s growth and progress. When division exists among staff members—whether between teachers or between management and staff—it can halt a school’s development. Without unity, it is impossible for the institution to thrive. This post explores the causes of division