Category: Nursery 2


  Class: Nursery 2 Subject : Social Studies  Topic : Cleanliness   Cleanliness means taking care of ourselves and also being healthy.    It is good to stay clean with ourselves and keep our belongings clean.    1. Children always wear clean clothes,  2. Brush your teeth two times a day,  3. Comb your hair, 

Converting from Kobo to Naira.

  Class: Nursery 2 Subject : Mathematics Topic :Counting and Writing of figures 1-200, Converting from Kobo to Naira.   1. Counting and writing of figures 1-200 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Convert the following from Kobo to naira.    Examples: 100kobo make #1. 00                     200kobo make #2. 00

Simple addition and subtraction

Nursery 2 Mathematics Question. Simple addition and subtraction 1).7 + 9 = 2).8 – 5 = 3).7 + 7 = 4).14 – 6 =   Multiplication of numbers 5).3 × 4= 6).2 × 8= 7).3 × 3= 8).2 × 5=   Addition of numbers (TU) 9).    T U 3 5 3 4    

Revision Social Habits Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

We can see with our _______. a) Nose b) Eyes c) Ears d) Hands _______ is the head of the family. a) Mother b) Father c) Brother d) Sister The name of my school is _______. a) Olanike Dairo b) Island Builder’s Baptist School c) Happy Kids Academy d) Bright Future School An elephant’s _______.

Write out objects in school

Nursery 2. Write the names of the objects 1.🍦———— 2.🎂———– 3.🍬———– 4.👃———- 5.👠———— 6.🎒———– 7.👗———– 8.🥄———– 9.🥪———- 10.🥚‐———

Religion And Places of Worship

Subject :  Social Habits / Social Norms Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 2 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Friendship  (Birthday)   that was previously that in their class   Topic : Religion And Places of Worship   Behavioural objectives : At the end

Reading readiness

Date: Thursday, 30th April,2020. Class: KG 2 Subject: Reading readiness Topic: Reading of letter a – z, identification of letter a – g Reading of letter a – z: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Nursery 2 English Language

Date: Wednesday, 29th April, 2020. Class: Nursery 2 Subject: English language Topic: Days of the week Write days of the week from Sunday-Saturday 1. _______________________. 2. _______________________. 3. _______________________. 4. _______________________. 5. _______________________. 6. _______________________. 7. _______________________. 8.How many days do we have in a week? ____________ 9.The first day of the week is ____________________.
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