Category: Nursery 2


SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 2 CIVIC 1. Every child has the right to education (a) True (b) False 2. Co – operation help to achieve desired goals (a) True (b) false 3. Patriotism is the love of your country and how to defend it (a) true (b) false 4. Obeying rules and regulations bring good

Basic Science Nursery 1 Second Term Examination

SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 1 BASIC SCIENCE 1. Living things can move from one place to another (a) True (b) false 2. ________ is a living thing (a)Stone (b)Hen (c) stick 3. non living things ________ (a) can walk (b) cannot walk 4. _______ makes work eay (a) simple machine (b) Long machine 5. Simple

Nursery 2 Social Studies Examinations

SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 2 SOCIAL STUDIES 1. ___________ is the total way of life of the people (a) Law (b) culture 2. which of these is an element of culture (a) Football (b) Dressing 3. Stealing is an example of bad moral (a) True (b) False 4. Honesty is not a good moral (a)

Colour of Coal Nur 2 Exam Civic Education

SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 1 CIVIC EDUCATION   What is the colour of charcoal (a) Green            (b) Black   What is the colour of a leaf (a) Green            (b) white Responsibility means what ______ (a) You have to do what you should not do (b) you have to do what you should do

2nd Term CRS Exams Nursery 2

TERM: SECOND TERM EXAMINATION Edu Delight Tutors CLASS: NURSERY 2 SUBJECT: C.R.S. 1. Obedience to God brings ______(a) sorrow (b) failure (c) blessings 2. Was Jesus obedient to God? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe 3. Jesus was  rude to his earthly parents (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe 4. Obedient to our parent is

Nur 2 Exams Home Economics

TERM:       SECOND TERM EXAMINATION . CLASS:         NURSERY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS  [mediator_tech]  The nose enables us to _____(a) breathe (b) dance (c) walk The nose is used for _____(a) eating (b) smelling (c) biting What are the two hole of the nose called? (a) eyes (b) ears (c) nose What should be used to clear

Civic Education Nursery 2 Examination

CLASS:         NURSERY 2 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Instruction:  Underline the correct answer. _____ is a place we should report. (a) court    (b) toilet      (c) kitchen We should respect police station. (a) Yes   (b) No We should observe the rules and regulations in _____ (a) market (b) river   (c) school Should we encourage people to visit places

Edu Delight Tutors Nursery 2 Health Habits

TERM: SECOND TERM EXAMINATION EDU DELIGHT TUTORS CLASS: NURSERY 1 SUBJECT: HEALTH HABIT Underline the correct answers. 1. We sweep our classroom with _______ (a) knife (b) broom 2. Is a dirty classroom good for learning? (a) yes (b) No 3. We must come to school very ______ (a) early (b) late 4. We must

SOCIAL Habit NURSERY 1 Examination

TERM:      SECOND TERM EXAMINATION  Edu Delight Tutors  CLASS:         NURSERY 1 SUBJECT: SOCIAL HABIT Good children must be _____ to their parents. (a) helpful     (b) fight Is it good to fight with one another at home? (a) yes    (b) no ______ help their parent at home. (a) goat  (b) children Children must _____ their parent. (a)

2nd Term CRS Nursery 1 Exams

TERM:       SECOND TERM EXAMINATION  Edu Delight Tutors  CLASS:         NURSERY 1 SUBJECT: C.R.S   Underline the correct answer. We are children of ______ (a) devil (b) God We must ______ other people.         (a) hate        (b) love We ______ together. (a) pray  (b) sick It is good to ______ together. (a) pray  (b) fight Good Christian
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