Category: Health Habits

Fruits Watermelon

Subject : Health Habits Topic : Fruits Class : Nursery 1   Term :   Third Term Week : Week 4 Reference Materials :  . Instructional Materials :..     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of     Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able

Avoid accidents at home.

    Class: k g 2   Subject: Health  habits.   Topic: Avoid accidents at home.     How can we avoid accidents at home.   1) by not playing with socket.   2) by not playing with knives.   3) by not playing with soap.   4) by not playing with iron.   5)

Places around us in our neighbourhood

  CLASS: Nursery 1   SUBJECT:: Science   TOPIC: Places around us   Home -work   Re-write the names of the places around us   Playground     Cinema     School     Market     House  

Eating Habits. 

  Class: k g 2   Subject: Health_ Habits.   Topic: Eating Habits.   How do we eat our food.   1) by washing our hands before and after eating.   2) by sitting properly when eating.   3) by not talking when eating.   4) by not rushing our food.   5) by not

Taking Care Of Our Personal Belongings.

    Class: K g 2   Subject: Health Habits.   Topic: Taking care of our personal belongings.     What is personal belongings?   Personal belongings are things that belongs to you. Examples of personal belongings   1) Socks      2) Clothes     3) School bag        4) Shoes   


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2017 CLASS: K. G. II SUBJECT: RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE NAME:………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) Who give us our father and mom? (a) Jacob (b) God 2.) Is it good to assist each other? (a) Sure (b) No 3.) It’s good to learn our Bible on a regular basis? (a) Sure (b) No 4.) It’s good to


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: K.G. II SUBJECT: MUSIC NAME: Higher higher higher Children of /God will you shout Hallelluyah I have a very .big God Victory Victory Halleluyah Lift him up The most excellency is Jesus SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: K.G. II SUBJECT: RHYMES NAME:. Twinkle, twinkle little star I see the moon There are
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