Understanding Suratul Jinn: Insights from Verses 6-10 Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 10
Age: 12 years
Topic: Suratul Jinn
Sub-topic: Chapter 72, Verses 6-10
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recite and explain the meaning of Suratul Jinn, Verses 6-10.
  2. Discuss the significance of these verses in the context of belief in Allah and the unseen.
  3. Identify the characteristics of Jinn as mentioned in the verses.


  • Jinn
  • Surah
  • Unseen
  • Belief
  • Worship

Set Induction:

Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about Jinn in Islamic teachings. Discuss their perceptions of the unseen world and how it relates to belief in Allah.

Entry Behaviour:

Students should be familiar with the basic concepts of Islam, including belief in the unseen.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Copies of the Quran with translation
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Visual aids illustrating the concept of Jinn

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Connect this lesson to previous discussions about the unseen elements in Islam, such as angels and Allah’s creation.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking (analyzing verses and their meanings)
  • Communication (discussing interpretations)
  • Spiritual awareness (understanding the role of Jinn in faith)

Learning Materials:

  • Copies of Suratul Jinn
  • Handouts summarizing key themes

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • “The Meaning of the Holy Quran” (translation)

Instructional Materials:

  • Projector for presentations (if available)
  • Audio materials for recitation of Suratul Jinn

Content: Explanation of the Topic

  1. Introduction to Suratul Jinn:
    • Suratul Jinn (Chapter 72 of the Quran) discusses the creation and nature of Jinn, who are beings created from smokeless fire.
    • It emphasizes their recognition of Allah’s greatness and their reaction to the Quran.
  2. Verses 6-10 Overview:
    • Verse 6: Jinn acknowledge that some humans sought protection from them, leading to a misconception about their power.
    • Verse 7: They admit that they have wrongfully assumed power over humans and have spread falsehoods.
    • Verse 8: Jinn express their curiosity about the heavens and overhear discussions about the divine messages.
    • Verse 9: They realize that the heavens are guarded and that they cannot access the knowledge of the unseen.
    • Verse 10: Jinn conclude that those who seek guidance must rely on Allah and that the truth is revealed only to the believers.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Suratul Jinn is the _____ chapter of the Quran. (a) 70th (b) 72nd (c) 71st
  2. Jinn are created from _____ fire. (a) smokeless (b) smoky (c) bright
  3. Some humans sought _____ from the Jinn. (a) protection (b) fear (c) friendship
  4. Jinn admit that they spread _____ among humans. (a) truth (b) wisdom (c) falsehoods
  5. The Jinn overheard discussions about _____ . (a) angels (b) heavens (c) humans
  6. The heavens are _____ and guarded. (a) open (b) crowded (c) protected
  7. Jinn realize they cannot access the knowledge of the _____ . (a) earth (b) unseen (c) visible
  8. Those who seek guidance must rely on _____ . (a) Jinn (b) humans (c) Allah
  9. The truth is revealed only to _____ . (a) believers (b) Jinn (c) sinners
  10. The verses emphasize the _____ of Allah. (a) weakness (b) greatness (c) limitation
  11. Jinn acknowledge that they have been _____ in their assumptions. (a) correct (b) wrong (c) wise
  12. Seeking protection from Jinn can lead to _____ . (a) safety (b) misunderstanding (c) truth
  13. The Jinn’s curiosity leads them to _____ . (a) hide (b) explore (c) fear
  14. In these verses, the Jinn express their _____ about the heavens. (a) ignorance (b) excitement (c) curiosity
  15. Believers must seek _____ from Allah alone. (a) help (b) fear (c) knowledge

FAQs with Answers:

  1. What are Jinn?
    Jinn are beings created by Allah from smokeless fire, and they are part of the unseen world.
  2. What does Suratul Jinn discuss?
    It discusses the nature of Jinn, their recognition of Allah’s greatness, and their interactions with humans.
  3. Why do some humans seek protection from Jinn?
    Some believe that Jinn have power over the unseen and can help them in various ways.
  4. What do the Jinn acknowledge about their actions?
    They admit to spreading falsehoods and incorrectly believing they have power over humans.
  5. What realization do the Jinn come to regarding the heavens?
    They understand that the heavens are guarded and that they cannot access the knowledge of the unseen.
  6. What is the significance of relying on Allah?
    Relying on Allah ensures that believers seek the truth and guidance from the right source.
  7. How do Jinn perceive the truth?
    They recognize that the truth is revealed only to those who believe in Allah.
  8. Why is understanding Jinn important in Islam?
    Understanding Jinn helps Muslims navigate their beliefs about the unseen and reinforces faith in Allah.
  9. What should Muslims do when faced with misconceptions about Jinn?
    They should seek knowledge from the Quran and authentic teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
  10. What can we learn from Verses 6-10 of Suratul Jinn?
    We learn about the nature of Jinn, the importance of seeking guidance from Allah, and the reality of the unseen world.

Presentation: Steps 1-3

  1. Step 1: Teacher revises the previous lesson on the unseen elements in Islam.
  2. Step 2: Teacher introduces Suratul Jinn and explains Verses 6-10, highlighting key messages.
  3. Step 3: Students discuss their understanding of Jinn and share how these teachings apply to their faith.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Introduce and explain Suratul Jinn, Verses 6-10.
  • Facilitate discussions about the nature of Jinn and their relationship with humans.
  • Encourage students to reflect on the lessons learned from these verses.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about Jinn and their significance.
  • Complete fill-in-the-blank and FAQ activities.
  • Share personal reflections on how the teachings relate to their faith.


  • Review students’ answers in fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Evaluate participation in discussions.
  • Conduct a Q&A session to check understanding.

Ten Evaluation Questions Related to the Topic:

  1. What chapter is Suratul Jinn in the Quran?
  2. How are Jinn created according to Islamic belief?
  3. What misconception do humans have about Jinn?
  4. What do the Jinn acknowledge about their influence over humans?
  5. What do the Jinn overhear about the divine message?
  6. What do the Jinn realize about the heavens?
  7. How can believers seek guidance according to these verses?
  8. What is the importance of relying on Allah?
  9. What do Jinn conclude about the knowledge of the unseen?
  10. How can understanding Jinn enhance a Muslim’s faith?


The teacher will go around to assess students’ understanding, address any misconceptions, and emphasize the significance of recognizing Allah’s greatness and the role of Jinn in Islamic belief.