Exploring the Sources of History JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Lesson Plan Presentation: History JSS 1 First Term

Subject: History

Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 11-12 years
Topic: Sources of History
Sub-topic: Features, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Sources of History
Duration: 80 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain what sources of History are.
  2. Mention two broad sources of History.
  3. Describe the features, advantages, and disadvantages of the two broad sources of History.
  4. Discuss the importance of other allied sources of History today.


  • Primary sources
  • Secondary sources
  • Oral tradition
  • Artifacts
  • Documents

Set Induction

The teacher asks students how they know about their family’s history and what sources they use to learn about it (e.g., stories, pictures, or books).

Entry Behaviour

Students are familiar with storytelling and have encountered historical topics in their past lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. Pictures of historical documents and artifacts
  2. History textbooks
  3. Sample oral history recordings

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students will connect their previous understanding of history and storytelling to the concept of sources of History.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Research skills
  • Communication

Learning Materials

  1. History textbooks
  2. Historical documents (photos, artifacts)
  3. Audio recordings of oral histories

Reference Books

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. Basic History Textbook for JSS 1

Instructional Materials

  1. Whiteboard
  2. Projector to display images of historical artifacts and documents
  3. Printouts of sources of History


Definition of Sources of History

  1. Sources of History are materials or information used to learn about the past.
  2. They provide evidence of historical events and help historians piece together the past.
  3. These sources can be divided into two broad categories: primary and secondary sources.

Two Broad Sources of History

  1. Primary Sources:
    • First-hand accounts or evidence from the time period being studied.
    • Examples: letters, diaries, photographs, government records, artifacts.
  2. Secondary Sources:
    • Accounts that interpret or analyze primary sources.
    • Examples: textbooks, documentaries, history books.

Features of Primary Sources

  1. Direct evidence of historical events.
  2. Provide a close connection to the period in question.
  3. Often contain personal perspectives (e.g., letters, diaries).
  4. Require careful interpretation by historians.

Advantages of Primary Sources

  1. Provide direct, first-hand accounts of historical events.
  2. Offer unique insights into specific moments in time.
  3. Allow historians to form their own conclusions based on original material.

Disadvantages of Primary Sources

  1. May be biased or incomplete.
  2. Can be difficult to find or access.
  3. Require context and analysis to understand fully.

Features of Secondary Sources

  1. Provide an interpretation or analysis of primary sources.
  2. Offer a broader view of historical events.
  3. Can be used to support or refute historical arguments.

Advantages of Secondary Sources

  1. Help to contextualize primary sources.
  2. Easier to access and more widely available.
  3. Provide a summary or analysis of historical events.

Disadvantages of Secondary Sources

  1. Can reflect the bias of the author or historian.
  2. May oversimplify or misinterpret primary sources.
  3. Depend on the quality of the primary sources used.

Other Allied Sources of History

  1. Oral Tradition:
    • Stories passed down verbally from generation to generation.
    • Important in societies with little or no written history.
    • Provides cultural and personal insights into historical events.
  2. Artifacts:
    • Physical objects from the past, such as tools, pottery, and clothing.
    • Offer a tangible connection to historical societies.
    • Help historians understand daily life, technology, and culture.

Importance of Allied Sources in History Today

  1. They fill gaps in written records.
  2. They preserve cultural heritage and identity.
  3. Oral traditions provide insights that written sources may not capture.
  4. Artifacts help reconstruct the everyday lives of people in the past.


  1. Sources of History are __________.
    a. stories
    b. materials used to learn about the past
    c. books about the future
    d. legends
  2. A primary source is __________.
    a. an analysis of past events
    b. a first-hand account from the time period
    c. a textbook
    d. a film about History
  3. One example of a secondary source is __________.
    a. a diary
    b. a history textbook
    c. a photograph
    d. a letter
  4. Primary sources provide __________.
    a. second-hand information
    b. a broad view of historical events
    c. direct evidence of the past
    d. entertainment
  5. One feature of secondary sources is __________.
    a. they offer a personal perspective
    b. they are often incomplete
    c. they interpret primary sources
    d. they are first-hand accounts
  6. Oral tradition is a source of History because __________.
    a. it is passed down in books
    b. it provides stories from the past
    c. it is always written
    d. it explains future events
  7. A disadvantage of primary sources is that __________.
    a. they are difficult to interpret
    b. they are easy to access
    c. they provide an analysis of events
    d. they always give the full picture
  8. Artifacts are examples of __________ sources.
    a. primary
    b. secondary
    c. oral
    d. modern
  9. Historians use secondary sources to __________.
    a. create their own accounts of history
    b. directly access past events
    c. interpret and explain primary sources
    d. record oral stories
  10. Allied sources like oral traditions are important because __________.
    a. they are easy to document
    b. they add cultural insights
    c. they are first-hand evidence
    d. they don’t need interpretation

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What are the sources of History?
    • Sources of History are materials or information used to study the past.
  2. Name two broad sources of History.
    • Primary sources and secondary sources.
  3. What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?
    • Primary sources are first-hand accounts, while secondary sources interpret primary sources.
  4. What is one advantage of primary sources?
    • They provide direct evidence of historical events.
  5. What is a disadvantage of secondary sources?
    • They may reflect the author’s bias.
  6. Give an example of a primary source.
    • A letter or diary from the time period.
  7. How do artifacts help historians?
    • They provide physical evidence of past societies and cultures.
  8. What is oral tradition?
    • Stories passed down verbally through generations.
  9. Why is objectivity important in interpreting sources of History?
    • Objectivity ensures that the interpretation is not biased.
  10. How do secondary sources support primary sources?
    • They help contextualize and explain primary sources.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Differences between History and Storytelling.”
Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Sources of History,” explaining that sources are materials used to study and understand the past.
Step 3: The teacher allows students to share examples of sources they know, guiding them in discussing the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of primary and secondary sources.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the definition of sources of History.
  2. Describes the two broad sources of History and their features.
  3. Guides students in discussing other allied sources of History.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in identifying sources of History.
  2. Compare primary and secondary sources.
  3. Ask questions about the advantages and disadvantages of these sources.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Define sources of History.
  2. What is a primary source?
  3. Name one example of a secondary source.
  4. List two features of primary sources.
  5. What is one advantage of secondary sources?
  6. Why is oral tradition considered a source of History?
  7. How do artifacts help in the study of History?
  8. Mention one disadvantage of using primary sources.
  9. Explain the importance of objectivity in interpreting historical sources.
  10. How can secondary sources support the study of primary sources?


The teacher goes around to mark students’ work, giving feedback and ensuring that students understand the different sources of History, their advantages, disadvantages, and how they are used today.

Captivating Title

“Exploring the Sources of History”

Focus Keyphrase

Sources of History

SEO Title

Sources of History: Primary, Secondary, and Allied Sources Explained



Meta Description

Learn about the different sources of History, including primary, secondary, and allied sources. Understand their features, advantages, and importance in today’s historical studies. Perfect for JSS 1 students.