Mid-Term Assessment on Literature Topics for JSS 2

Literature in English JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Subject: Literature in English
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 7
Age: 12-13 years
Duration: 40 minutes
Topic: Mid Term Assessment and Break
Sub-topic: Assessment on Topics Previously Covered in the Mid-Term
Reference Book: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Recommended Literature Texts (Prose, Drama, Poetry)

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Answer objective questions based on the literary terms and texts studied so far.
  2. Provide short answers to theory questions about characters, themes, and events from the recommended texts.
  3. Determine the truth or falsity of statements related to literary elements.
  4. Fill in the gaps in literary-related sentences based on their understanding of the term’s content.


  • Objective Questions: Questions with multiple-choice answers.
  • Theory Questions: Questions that require short written answers.
  • True or False: Statements that students must identify as true or false.
  • Fill in the Gaps: Questions where students supply the missing words.

Set Induction

The teacher will explain that the assessment is meant to check the understanding of the topics covered so far. It is important for students to recall key concepts and details from the texts and literary terms they have learned.

Entry Behaviour

Students have studied the recommended texts and literary terms in earlier weeks.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Question papers
  • Answer sheets
  • Recommended texts

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students have been studying literary texts and learning various literary terms throughout the term, which will be tested in the assessment.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical Thinking: Analyzing texts and answering questions about them.
  • Communication: Expressing ideas clearly in written form.

Instructional Materials

  • Printed copies of the assessment
  • Worksheets
  • Answer booklets


The mid-term assessment will cover the topics and texts that students have already studied in class. The assessment will be divided into four parts:

Part A: Objective Questions (20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options a, b, c, or d)

  1. A comparison using “like” or “as” is called a ______.
    a) metaphor
    b) simile
    c) onomatopoeia
    d) irony
  2. The main character in a drama or prose is called the ______.
    a) antagonist
    b) protagonist
    c) narrator
    d) villain
  3. A word that imitates the sound it describes is known as ______.
    a) metaphor
    b) simile
    c) onomatopoeia
    d) personification
  4. A recurring idea or message in a story is called the ______.
    a) plot
    b) character
    c) setting
    d) theme
  5. The sequence of events in a literary work is called the ______.
    a) setting
    b) plot
    c) character
    d) dialogue
  6. Dialogue in a drama refers to the ______.
    a) actions of the characters
    b) words spoken by the characters
    c) setting of the play
    d) theme of the story
  7. The term ______ refers to giving human qualities to non-human things.
    a) simile
    b) metaphor
    c) personification
    d) foreshadowing
  8. The place and time in which a story is set is called the ______.
    a) plot
    b) theme
    c) setting
    d) climax
  9. ______ is when the opposite of what is expected happens.
    a) Simile
    b) Metaphor
    c) Irony
    d) Alliteration
  10. A figure of speech that compares two things without using “like” or “as” is called ______.
    a) simile
    b) metaphor
    c) irony
    d) imagery
  11. The lesson or message of a folktale is called the ______.
    a) theme
    b) plot
    c) setting
    d) protagonist
  12. A ______ character is one who undergoes significant change throughout a story.
    a) flat
    b) round
    c) static
    d) minor
  13. ______ is when the author gives hints about what will happen later in the story.
    a) Foreshadowing
    b) Onomatopoeia
    c) Alliteration
    d) Simile
  14. The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words is called ______.
    a) onomatopoeia
    b) alliteration
    c) personification
    d) metaphor
  15. A story’s ______ is the central conflict or tension that drives the plot forward.
    a) resolution
    b) climax
    c) exposition
    d) theme
  16. The main idea of a poem is called the ______.
    a) stanza
    b) line
    c) theme
    d) metaphor
  17. The character who opposes the main character in a story is the ______.
    a) protagonist
    b) antagonist
    c) narrator
    d) hero
  18. A simile compares two things using the words ______.
    a) “like” or “as”
    b) “and” or “but”
    c) “if” or “then”
    d) “as” or “because”
  19. The sequence of events leading to the story’s climax is called the ______.
    a) rising action
    b) falling action
    c) resolution
    d) exposition
  20. The turning point of a story is also known as the ______.
    a) introduction
    b) climax
    c) rising action
    d) resolution

Part B: Theory Questions (20 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Define “metaphor” and provide an example from any story you’ve read.
  2. What is the main idea of the prose text you studied this term?
  3. Explain the role of the protagonist in the drama you’ve studied.
  4. What is the function of dialogue in a play?
  5. How does the setting influence the mood of a story?
  6. Define “irony” and provide an example from any text.
  7. What is foreshadowing, and how is it used in literature?
  8. Who is the antagonist in the drama text you studied?
  9. What is the climax of the story you studied?
  10. Define “personification” and give an example.
  11. What is the resolution of a story?
  12. How does the author use imagery in the poem you studied?
  13. What lesson does the folktale you read teach?
  14. What is the significance of the theme in a literary work?
  15. Describe the rising action of a story.
  16. What is alliteration, and how is it used in poetry?
  17. Explain the difference between a flat character and a round character.
  18. How does irony enhance the plot of a story?
  19. What role does the narrator play in the prose text you studied?
  20. What is the role of the antagonist in the plot?

Part C: True or False Questions (20 Statements)

  1. A simile compares two things using “like” or “as.” (True/False)
  2. The setting of a story refers to the sequence of events. (True/False)
  3. Irony is when something unexpected happens. (True/False)
  4. A metaphor compares two things using “like” or “as.” (True/False)
  5. The protagonist is the main character in a story. (True/False)
  6. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the end of words. (True/False)
  7. A flat character undergoes significant change in a story. (True/False)
  8. The theme is the central message or lesson of a story. (True/False)
  9. Personification gives human traits to non-human things. (True/False)
  10. Dialogue is the conversation between characters in a drama. (True/False)
  11. The climax is the turning point of the story. (True/False)
  12. The antagonist always supports the protagonist. (True/False)
  13. Imagery appeals to the reader’s senses. (True/False)
  14. The rising action leads to the story’s resolution. (True/False)
  15. The theme is the location of a story’s events. (True/False)
  16. Foreshadowing gives clues about what will happen later. (True/False)
  17. A round character is one who remains unchanged throughout the story. (True/False)
  18. Onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like what they describe. (True/False)
  19. The resolution occurs after the climax in a story. (True/False)
  20. Metaphor and simile are the same literary devices. (True/False)

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Without Options)

  1. A word that imitates the sound it describes is called ______.
  2. The main character in a story is called the ______.
  3. The time and place in which a story is set is the ______.
  4. A comparison between two things using “like” or “as” is a ______.
  5. The message or lesson of a story is called the ______.
  6. Dialogue refers to the ______ spoken by characters.
  7. The sequence of events in a story is called the ______.
  8. The climax is the ______ point of a story.
  9. A character who opposes the protagonist is called the ______.
  10. The author gives human qualities to non-human things through ______.
  11. Imagery appeals to the reader’s ______.
  12. The resolution is the ______ of a story.
  13. Foreshadowing gives ______ about what will happen later in the story.
  14. The ______ is the underlying message or idea of a story.
  15. Irony is when the ______ of what is expected happens.
  16. The plot refers to the ______ of events in a story.
  17. Alliteration is the repetition of ______ sounds at the beginning of words.
  18. The ______ is the character who undergoes significant change in the story.
  19. A folktale teaches a ______ to its readers or listeners.
  20. The ______ is the introduction to the characters, setting, and situation in a story.