First Term Examination History JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 14

History JSS 1 First Term Examination Week 14

Examination Instructions for Teachers and Students

For Teachers:

  1. Prepare the Exam Environment: Ensure that the exam room is quiet and free from distractions.
  2. Distribute Exam Papers: Hand out exam papers face down until you instruct students to start.
  3. Explain Instructions Clearly: Read out the exam instructions carefully to ensure all students understand.
  4. Monitor the Exam: Walk around the room to ensure students are working independently.
  5. No Mobile Devices: Make sure students have turned off all mobile devices before the exam starts.
  6. Emphasize Honesty: Remind students that cheating is wrong and can have serious consequences.
  7. Collect All Papers: Ensure all papers are collected at the end of the exam.

For Students:

  1. Arrive Early: Be in the exam room at least 10 minutes before the start time.
  2. Follow the Rules: No talking or sharing of materials during the exam.
  3. Listen to Instructions: Pay attention to the instructions given by your teacher.
  4. Work Independently: Complete the exam without help from others.
  5. No Mobile Devices: Ensure your mobile phone is turned off and put away.
  6. Stay Calm: If you don’t know an answer, move on to the next question and come back if you have time.
  7. Check Your Work: If time permits, review your answers before handing in your paper.

Part A: Objective Questions

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct option (a, b, c, or d) based on what you learned this term.

  1. The study of past events is called __________.
    a) History
    b) Geography
    c) Science
    d) Art
  2. Primary sources include __________.
    a) Textbooks
    b) Diaries
    c) Documentaries
    d) Websites
  3. A timeline shows the __________ of events.
    a) Colors
    b) Order
    c) Size
    d) Shapes
  4. Oral history is based on __________.
    a) Books
    b) Recorded music
    c) Stories told by people
    d) Paintings
  5. Artifacts are __________ from the past.
    a) Pictures
    b) Tools
    c) Ideas
    d) Opinions
  6. Nationalism can create a sense of __________ among people.
    a) Conflict
    b) Unity
    c) Confusion
    d) Distrust
  7. Secondary sources provide __________ about historical events.
    a) Opinions
    b) Firsthand accounts
    c) Direct evidence
    d) Personal diaries
  8. Historians must check for __________ in records.
    a) Color
    b) Bias
    c) Size
    d) Sound
  9. Education helps us understand __________.
    a) Math
    b) History
    c) Science
    d) Art
  10. Cultural values can influence our __________.
    a) Sleep
    b) Decisions
    c) Food
    d) Clothes
  11. The Renaissance was a period of __________.
    a) Decline
    b) Growth
    c) War
    d) Stagnation
  12. Historians often use __________ to find information.
    a) Guesswork
    b) Research
    c) Fiction
    d) Opinions
  13. A biography is an example of a __________ source.
    a) Primary
    b) Secondary
    c) Tertiary
    d) None of the above
  14. The events of World War II happened in the __________ century.
    a) 18th
    b) 19th
    c) 20th
    d) 21st
  15. Oral traditions are important for preserving __________.
    a) Myths
    b) History
    c) Cultures
    d) All of the above
  16. The __________ is a significant artifact from ancient Egypt.
    a) Rosetta Stone
    b) Mona Lisa
    c) Parthenon
    d) Great Wall
  17. Historical maps help us understand __________.
    a) Geography
    b) Climate
    c) Borders
    d) All of the above
  18. History is important because it helps us learn from __________.
    a) Success
    b) Mistakes
    c) The future
    d) Both a and b
  19. Historians analyze sources to understand different __________.
    a) Interpretations
    b) Opinions
    c) Facts
    d) Predictions
  20. A primary source can include a __________.
    a) Newspaper article
    b) Letter
    c) Summary
    d) History textbook

Part B: Theory Questions

Instructions: Answer the following questions in short sentences.

  1. What is history?
    History is the study of past events and their impact on society.
  2. Name two types of primary sources.
    Diaries and letters are two types of primary sources.
  3. Why are timelines important in history?
    Timelines help us understand the sequence and context of historical events.
  4. Explain what oral history is.
    Oral history is the collection and study of historical information through interviews and storytelling.
  5. What do artifacts tell us about the past?
    Artifacts provide physical evidence of how people lived, worked, and interacted in the past.
  6. How does nationalism affect a country’s identity?
    Nationalism can foster unity and pride among citizens, shaping their national identity.
  7. What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?
    Primary sources are original documents or evidence, while secondary sources analyze and interpret primary sources.
  8. Why is it important for historians to be aware of bias?
    Being aware of bias helps historians assess the reliability of sources and gain a balanced understanding of events.
  9. How does education influence our understanding of history?
    Education provides knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to interpret historical events accurately.
  10. Name one way cultural values shape our actions.
    Cultural values influence our beliefs, traditions, and decisions in everyday life.
  11. What is historiography?
    Historiography is the study of how history is written and the different interpretations of historical events.
  12. Describe one way artifacts can be preserved.
    Artifacts can be preserved through careful storage in museums with controlled environments.
  13. What role does archaeology play in history?
    Archaeology uncovers material evidence of past societies, helping us understand their cultures and practices.
  14. How do historians verify the authenticity of sources?
    Historians check the origin, context, and reliability of sources to verify authenticity.
  15. Why is understanding history important for future generations?
    Understanding history helps future generations learn from past mistakes and successes, shaping a better future.
  16. What impact did colonization have on indigenous cultures?
    Colonization often led to the disruption and loss of indigenous cultures and traditions.
  17. How can oral traditions be beneficial for cultural preservation?
    Oral traditions keep stories, values, and practices alive within communities across generations.
  18. Name one significant event that changed the course of history.
    The Industrial Revolution significantly changed economies and societies around the world.
  19. How does studying history help in understanding current events?
    Studying history provides context and perspective for understanding contemporary issues and conflicts.
  20. Why is it important to recognize multiple perspectives in history?
    Recognizing multiple perspectives fosters a more comprehensive understanding of historical events and their impacts.

Part C: True or False Questions

Instructions: Write “True” or “False” next to each statement.

  1. History only studies events from the last 100 years. __________
  2. Primary sources are original materials from the past. __________
  3. All historians agree on the same interpretation of events. __________
  4. Oral history is less important than written history. __________
  5. Artifacts can include tools, clothing, and pottery. __________
  6. Nationalism can lead to unity among people. __________
  7. Secondary sources include biographies and documentaries. __________
  8. History has no relevance to current events. __________
  9. Timelines can help us understand the sequence of events. __________
  10. Cultural values are always the same across different societies. __________
  11. Historians can use movies as primary sources. __________
  12. Artifacts must be preserved to maintain their historical significance. __________
  13. All historical events are recorded in written form. __________
  14. Understanding history can prevent future conflicts. __________
  15. A diary is an example of a primary source. __________
  16. History is only concerned with political events. __________
  17. Museums play an important role in preserving history. __________
  18. Artifacts can be damaged by poor storage conditions. __________
  19. Historians never use digital sources for research. __________
  20. Cultural heritage is important for community identity. __________

Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct words based on what you learned this term.

  1. History is the study of __________ events.
  2. Primary sources include __________ and artifacts.
  3. Secondary sources provide __________ about historical events.
  4. Oral history relies on __________ from people.
  5. Timelines help us track the __________ of events.
  6. Education is key for understanding our __________.
  7. Different viewpoints can lead to better __________ of events.
  8. Artifacts provide clues about __________ cultures.
  9. Museums help preserve our __________ heritage.
  10. The Renaissance was a time of __________ in Europe.


Ensure all students have their papers checked and submit them before leaving the exam room. Encourage them to review the answers and learn from any mistakes made in this examination.