Composition English Grammar JSS 2 First Term Examination Questions

Week 12 Examination Instructions

Instructions for Teachers:

  1. Preparation:
    • Ensure all exam materials are ready before the exam day.
    • Create a quiet and comfortable environment for the examination.
  2. Exam Conduct:
    • Brief students on exam rules and the importance of honesty.
    • Remind students to avoid any form of cheating or help from others.
    • Monitor students closely during the exam to prevent malpractices.
  3. Materials:
    • Provide enough answer sheets or booklets for students.
    • Ensure students have necessary writing tools (pens, pencils, erasers).
  4. Post-Exam:
    • Collect all materials immediately after the exam.
    • Review answers for grading and provide feedback.

Instructions for Students:

  1. Before the Exam:
    • Review all topics covered this term.
    • Ensure you have all materials needed for the exam.
  2. During the Exam:
    • Listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions.
    • Write your answers clearly and legibly.
    • Do not talk to other students or look at their papers.
    • If you have questions, raise your hand and ask the teacher.
  3. Integrity:
    • Do not bring notes, textbooks, or electronic devices into the exam.
    • Do not accept help from classmates.
    • Remember, cheating hurts your learning and your future.
  4. After the Exam:
    • Remain seated until the teacher tells you to leave.
    • Review your answers if you have extra time.
    • Hand in your exam paper when asked.

Exam Structure

Part A: Objective Questions
30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d) to fill in the blanks.

  1. A narrative essay often uses ______ tense.
    a) Past
    b) Present
    c) Future
    d) Perfect
  2. The ______ is the main part of an essay where ideas are explained.
    a) Conclusion
    b) Introduction
    c) Body
    d) Header
  3. A formal letter usually has a ______ tone.
    a) Casual
    b) Humorous
    c) Serious
    d) Friendly
  4. The ______ gives information about the writer in a letter.
    a) Closing
    b) Body
    c) Salutation
    d) Address
  5. Sensory details make writing more ______.
    a) Boring
    b) Engaging
    c) Complicated
    d) Confusing
  6. The body of a letter should contain the ______.
    a) Conclusion
    b) Introduction
    c) Main message
    d) Salutation
  7. An invitation letter should include the event ______.
    a) Theme
    b) Date
    c) Purpose
    d) Location
  8. The conclusion of an essay should ______ the main points.
    a) Add
    b) Summarize
    c) Introduce
    d) Change
  9. A local festival celebrates ______.
    a) Community
    b) Business
    c) School
    d) Politics
  10. The tone of an informal letter is usually ______.
    a) Serious
    b) Casual
    c) Formal
    d) Academic
  11. In a narrative essay, the characters are described in the ______.
    a) Conclusion
    b) Introduction
    c) Body
    d) Header
  12. The ______ includes the date in a formal letter.
    a) Body
    b) Salutation
    c) Header
    d) Conclusion
  13. The greeting in an informal letter is often ______.
    a) Dear Mr.
    b) Hi!
    c) To whom it may concern
    d) Yours sincerely
  14. The use of ______ makes writing more engaging.
    a) Jargon
    b) Figurative language
    c) Complex words
    d) Technical terms
  15. A letter to a teacher is usually written in a ______ style.
    a) Informal
    b) Casual
    c) Formal
    d) Slang
  16. An effective introduction should have a ______ statement.
    a) Weak
    b) Strong
    c) Confusing
    d) Vague
  17. The ______ of an essay often restates the thesis.
    a) Introduction
    b) Body
    c) Conclusion
    d) Header
  18. An invitation letter should include a ______ date for RSVP.
    a) Clear
    b) Confusing
    c) Vague
    d) Misleading
  19. Objective writing focuses on ______.
    a) Opinions
    b) Facts
    c) Feelings
    d) Imagination
  20. The ______ is the last part of a letter.
    a) Body
    b) Closing
    c) Salutation
    d) Signature

Part B: Theory Questions
30 Short Answer Questions
Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. What is the main purpose of a narrative essay?
  2. Describe the structure of a descriptive essay.
  3. How do you properly format a formal letter?
  4. What is the significance of the introduction in an essay?
  5. Why is editing important in the writing process?
  6. What elements make a good letter of invitation?
  7. How can you enhance your descriptive writing?
  8. Define what a local festival is.
  9. What should be included in the conclusion of an essay?
  10. How do you maintain a formal tone in letter writing?
  11. What are the differences between a formal and informal letter?
  12. How can sensory details improve a descriptive essay?
  13. What is the role of feedback in improving writing?
  14. Why is clarity important in writing?
  15. Describe how to create an engaging introduction.
  16. What common mistakes should be avoided in letter writing?
  17. How does a narrative essay differ from a descriptive essay?
  18. What should be considered when choosing a topic for an essay?
  19. What is the importance of having a clear thesis statement?
  20. How can you make your writing more persuasive?

Part C: True or False Questions
30 True or False Questions
Indicate whether each statement is true or false.

  1. A narrative essay is always based on true events.
  2. The body of a letter should contain a detailed conclusion.
  3. Descriptive essays should avoid sensory details.
  4. An informal letter can have a personal tone.
  5. The salutation in a formal letter is always “Dear.”
  6. An effective conclusion does not need to summarize key points.
  7. Sensory details can help engage the reader’s senses.
  8. The introduction of an essay introduces the main idea.
  9. A letter of invitation is always formal.
  10. Editing is unnecessary if you write well the first time.
  11. A local festival is an example of a community event.
  12. Formal letters are often written in a casual style.
  13. The conclusion is the first part of an essay.
  14. The tone of an informal letter can be friendly.
  15. The greeting in a letter is called the closing.
  16. A narrative essay tells a story.
  17. Objective writing includes personal opinions.
  18. The body of an essay contains the main points.
  19. Feedback is important for improving writing.
  20. A formal letter includes a signature at the end.

Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions
30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
Fill in the gaps with the correct word or phrase.

  1. A narrative essay tells a ______ story.
  2. The ______ of an essay is where the main ideas are discussed.
  3. In letter writing, the ______ is the greeting.
  4. Sensory details help create ______ images in writing.
  5. The conclusion of an essay often restates the ______.
  6. An informal letter is written to ______ or family.
  7. A letter of invitation should include the event ______.
  8. The introduction should grab the reader’s ______.
  9. Editing improves grammar and ______ in writing.
  10. A local festival celebrates community ______.
  11. The body of a letter should include the main ______.
  12. A strong introduction includes a clear ______ statement.
  13. The ______ is the last part of a letter.
  14. Objective writing focuses on factual ______.
  15. The conclusion summarizes the main ______ of the essay.
  16. Feedback helps writers identify ______ and weaknesses.
  17. A descriptive essay should use vivid ______.
  18. The ______ in a letter includes the sender’s address.
  19. A formal letter often uses a serious ______.
  20. The salutation in an informal letter can be ______.

This exam format encourages integrity and provides a comprehensive assessment of students’ understanding of the topics covered during the term