Analysis of Prose – Medicine for Love by James E. Literature in English JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Literature in English JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: Literature in English

Class: JSS 2

Term: First Term

Week: 2

Age: 12 years

Topic: Analysis of Prose – Medicine for Love by James E.

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Summarize the plot of Medicine for Love.
  2. Identify and discuss the main characters and their roles in the story.
  3. Analyze the themes presented in the story.
  4. Explore the author’s use of language and style.


  • Prose
  • Plot
  • Character
  • Theme
  • Language
  • Style

Set Induction

Start the lesson by asking students what they know about love stories and their common themes. Discuss how love can affect people’s lives and relationships, linking it to the upcoming analysis of Medicine for Love.

Entry Behaviour

Students should have read Medicine for Love prior to the lesson. They will engage in discussions about the characters and events of the story.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Medicine for Love by James E. (textbook)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chart paper for group work

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss the definition of prose and how stories convey emotions and experiences. Relate this to previous lessons on characterization and themes.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Comprehension
  • Collaborative learning


  1. Summary of Medicine for Love
    • Briefly recount the main events of the story. Focus on the central conflict, key turning points, and resolution.
  2. Character Analysis
    • Main Characters: Identify the main characters in the story, discussing their traits, motivations, and relationships.
      • Example:
        • The protagonist may be someone who faces challenges in love, illustrating their emotional journey throughout the story.
        • Discuss the role of supporting characters and how they influence the protagonist.
  3. Themes in Medicine for Love
    • Love and Sacrifice: Explore how love is portrayed in the story and the sacrifices the characters make.
    • Courage and Vulnerability: Discuss how the characters display courage in expressing their feelings and the vulnerability that comes with love.
    • Conflict: Identify the internal and external conflicts faced by the characters.
  4. Language and Style
    • Analyze the author’s choice of language, imagery, and tone. Discuss how these elements enhance the reader’s understanding of the story.
    • Example: Highlight specific passages that demonstrate the emotional depth of the characters.


  1. The title of the story is ___________.
    • a) Love in Medicine
    • b) Medicine for Love
    • c) Healing Hearts
  2. The main theme of the story revolves around _____.
    • a) friendship
    • b) love and sacrifice
    • c) adventure
  3. The protagonist faces _____ in their love life.
    • a) joy
    • b) challenges
    • c) boredom
  4. In Medicine for Love, the author uses _____ to convey emotions.
    • a) simple sentences
    • b) vivid imagery
    • c) dull descriptions
  5. The supporting characters help to _____ the main character.
    • a) confuse
    • b) challenge
    • c) support
  6. The story demonstrates how love can lead to _____.
    • a) sadness
    • b) joy
    • c) both a and b
  7. The author’s tone in the story is often _____.
    • a) humorous
    • b) serious
    • c) sarcastic
  8. The protagonist’s journey includes _____.
    • a) only happy moments
    • b) challenges and growth
    • c) no conflicts
  9. Characterization in the story helps the reader to _____.
    • a) forget the plot
    • b) understand the characters better
    • c) skip parts of the story
  10. The conflicts faced by the characters are both _____ and external.
    • a) personal
    • b) internal
    • c) both a and b
  11. The setting of the story influences the _____.
    • a) theme
    • b) characters
    • c) both a and b
  12. The resolution of the story shows the _____ of the characters.
    • a) failure
    • b) growth
    • c) stagnation
  13. The language used in the story is important for _____.
    • a) entertainment
    • b) conveying emotions
    • c) making it longer
  14. The relationship between the protagonist and supporting characters is _____.
    • a) irrelevant
    • b) central to the plot
    • c) confusing
  15. The story Medicine for Love teaches us about the power of _____.
    • a) indifference
    • b) love
    • c) hate

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is Medicine for Love about?
    It is a story about the complexities of love and the sacrifices characters make for their feelings.
  2. Who is the protagonist in the story?
    The protagonist is the main character who experiences challenges in love.
  3. What are the main themes of the story?
    Themes include love and sacrifice, courage and vulnerability, and conflict.
  4. How does the author use language?
    The author uses vivid imagery and emotional language to enhance the story.
  5. What challenges does the protagonist face?
    The protagonist faces personal and emotional challenges related to love.
  6. How do supporting characters influence the plot?
    Supporting characters provide insights, challenges, and support to the protagonist.
  7. What conflicts are present in the story?
    Both internal conflicts (personal struggles) and external conflicts (challenges with others).
  8. What is the tone of the story?
    The tone is generally serious and reflective of the themes.
  9. How does setting affect the story?
    The setting influences the mood and the characters’ actions and experiences.
  10. What is the resolution of the story?
    The resolution often shows growth and understanding for the characters.
  11. What literary devices are used in Medicine for Love?
    The author may use metaphor, imagery, and foreshadowing to enhance the narrative.
  12. How is characterization important in the story?
    It helps readers connect with and understand the characters’ motivations and feelings.
  13. Can love lead to personal growth?
    Yes, love often challenges characters and helps them grow emotionally.
  14. What lessons can be learned from the story?
    The story teaches about the complexities of love and the importance of sacrifice.
  15. Is the story relatable to real-life experiences?
    Yes, many readers can relate to the emotions and challenges presented in the story.


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous lesson on features of prose.
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces Medicine for Love and discusses its plot and themes.
  3. Step 3: The teacher facilitates group discussions about characters and themes, encouraging students to share their opinions.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Lead discussions on the story and its characters.
  • Provide examples and explanations of themes.
  • Guide students in analyzing language and style.

Learners’ Activities

  • Participate in group discussions.
  • Summarize the plot and themes in their own words.
  • Create character maps for main characters.


  • Observe student participation and engagement in discussions.
  • Collect summaries and character analyses for evaluation.

Ten Evaluation Questions Related to the Topic

  1. Summarize the plot of Medicine for Love.
  2. Who is the main character, and what challenges do they face?
  3. What themes are present in the story?
  4. How does the setting influence the characters?
  5. Describe the author’s use of language.
  6. What role do supporting characters play in the story?
  7. Identify and explain the internal conflicts in the story.
  8. What is the resolution of the story?
  9. How does the protagonist grow throughout the story?
  10. Why is understanding the themes important for readers?


The teacher concludes the lesson by reinforcing the importance of analyzing prose and understanding the characters and themes in Medicine for Love. Encourage students to reflect on their own experiences with love and relationships as they relate to the topic