How I Spent My Last Holiday

Composition English Grammar JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Subject: English Grammar
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 1
Age: 12-13 years
Topic: Composition Writing
Sub-topic: Writing an Outline for a Narrative Essay – “How I Spent My Last Holiday”
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of a narrative essay.
  2. Identify the structure of a narrative essay.
  3. Create a well-organized outline for the narrative essay “How I Spent My Last Holiday.”


Narrative, outline, holiday, introduction, body, conclusion

Set Induction:

The teacher starts by asking students to share brief stories of how they spent their last holiday. This conversation leads into the introduction of narrative essays, specifically writing about personal experiences.

Entry Behaviour:

Students are familiar with basic sentence structure and have had previous exposure to writing short paragraphs.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and marker
  • Paper and pen
  • Sample outline of a narrative essay

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Students have written descriptive paragraphs before and understand how to structure their thoughts in writing. This lesson will guide them in expanding those skills into a complete narrative essay.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Writing
  • Critical Thinking
  • Organization
  • Creativity

Learning Materials:

  • Notebooks
  • Sample essay outline on “How I Spent My Last Holiday”

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic English for JSS 2 by [Insert Author]

Instructional Materials:

  • Chart showing the outline structure of a narrative essay
  • Example of a narrative essay outline


  1. Definition of a Narrative Essay:
    A narrative essay is a type of essay that tells a story or describes an experience in a structured and organized manner.
  2. Structure of a Narrative Essay:
    • Introduction: This is where you introduce your topic and provide some background information. You may also state what your holiday was about.
    • Body: This is the main part of the essay where you describe your experience in detail. It is usually divided into 2 or 3 paragraphs.
      • Paragraph 1: Describe where you spent your holiday (location, people involved).
      • Paragraph 2: Describe the activities you did during your holiday (sports, traveling, reading, etc.).
      • Paragraph 3: Highlight the most memorable moments of your holiday.
    • Conclusion: Summarize your holiday experience and mention how you felt about it or what you learned.
  3. Steps to Writing an Outline for “How I Spent My Last Holiday”:
    • Step 1: Brainstorm ideas about your holiday (where you went, what you did, who you were with).
    • Step 2: Organize these ideas into sections: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
    • Step 3: Write brief points for each section (for example, what to mention in each paragraph of the body).
  4. Example Outline:
    • Introduction:
      • I spent my last holiday at my grandparents’ house in the village.
      • I enjoyed the peaceful environment and spent time with my cousins.
    • Body:
      • Paragraph 1: Describe the village and the people I stayed with.
      • Paragraph 2: The activities I did, including farming, playing with friends, and reading.
      • Paragraph 3: The most exciting part of my holiday was learning how to fish in the nearby river.
    • Conclusion:
      • I learned many new things during my holiday and had fun spending time with my family.
      • I look forward to visiting again.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. A narrative essay is a type of essay that _____.
    a) Tells a story b) Describes a person c) Persuades someone d) Explains a process
  2. The first part of a narrative essay is the _____.
    a) Body b) Conclusion c) Introduction d) Outline
  3. The conclusion of a narrative essay _____.
    a) Adds new ideas b) Summarizes the story c) Starts a new topic d) None of the above
  4. A good introduction should provide _____.
    a) Conclusion b) Background information c) New information d) Final thoughts
  5. The body of a narrative essay is where _____.
    a) You introduce the topic b) You conclude the story c) You describe the experience d) None of the above
  6. The first paragraph in the body of the essay should talk about _____.
    a) The conclusion b) Your activities c) The location and people involved d) Your emotions
  7. The most exciting moment of your holiday should be included in the _____.
    a) Introduction b) Second paragraph c) Conclusion d) Last paragraph
  8. What is the purpose of an outline?
    a) To confuse the writer b) To organize ideas c) To write the full essay d) To avoid writing
  9. The last paragraph of a narrative essay is called the _____.
    a) Body b) Outline c) Introduction d) Conclusion
  10. An outline should be _____.
    a) Detailed b) Confusing c) Long d) Disorganized
  11. When writing a narrative essay, it is important to include _____.
    a) Only facts b) Personal experiences c) Only opinions d) Only questions
  12. The second paragraph in a narrative essay about a holiday should describe _____.
    a) Your feelings b) The activities you did c) The conclusion of the essay d) None of the above
  13. The best way to organize your ideas before writing is to _____.
    a) Write without thinking b) Create an outline c) Ask a friend d) Copy someone else
  14. The conclusion should _____.
    a) Start the story over b) End the essay on a high note c) Introduce new ideas d) None of the above
  15. How many paragraphs are recommended for the body of a narrative essay?
    a) One b) Two or three c) Five d) None

15 FAQs with Answers for Better Understanding

  1. What is a narrative essay?
    A narrative essay is a type of writing that tells a story or describes an event from the writer’s experience.
  2. Why is an outline important in writing an essay?
    An outline helps organize your thoughts and ensures your essay flows logically.
  3. Can I include more than three paragraphs in the body of my essay?
    Yes, but it is important to make sure each paragraph has a clear point and supports your overall story.
  4. What should the introduction of a narrative essay include?
    The introduction should provide background information and set the stage for the story you are about to tell.
  5. How many paragraphs should the body of a narrative essay have?
    The body usually has 2 or 3 paragraphs, depending on how detailed you want to be.
  6. What should I include in the conclusion of my essay?
    The conclusion should summarize your experience and share how you felt about it or what you learned.
  7. Can I use dialogue in a narrative essay?
    Yes, dialogue can make your essay more engaging, but it should not be overused.
  8. What are some tips for writing a strong conclusion?
    Your conclusion should leave the reader with a final thought or reflection on your experience.
  9. How long should my narrative essay be?
    It depends on the assignment, but a narrative essay should generally be concise and focused on your experience.
  10. Can I write about any holiday experience?
    Yes, as long as it is a personal experience that you can describe in detail.
  11. What is the difference between a narrative essay and a descriptive essay?
    A narrative essay tells a story, while a descriptive essay focuses on describing a person, place, or thing in detail.
  12. How can I make my narrative essay more interesting?
    Use vivid language, include dialogue, and focus on the most exciting or memorable parts of your story.
  13. What should I do if I cannot remember details from my holiday?
    Focus on the parts you do remember and use your imagination to fill in gaps if needed.
  14. Do I need to include dates and times in my narrative essay?
    Only include specific dates and times if they are important to your story.
  15. Can I write a narrative essay in the first person?
    Yes, narrative essays are usually written in the first person because they are based on personal experiences.

Presentation (Steps 1-3)

Step 1: The teacher reviews sentence and paragraph writing from previous lessons to prepare students for the new topic.
Step 2: The teacher introduces narrative essays and explains how to outline a narrative essay. The teacher demonstrates an example outline on the board.
Step 3: The teacher asks students to create their own outlines for the essay “How I Spent My Last Holiday.”

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the structure of a narrative essay.
  • Guide students through creating an outline for their essays.
  • Provide examples of a well-organized essay outline.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the explanation and take notes.
  • Ask questions where necessary.
  • Write their own outlines for the essay “How I Spent My Last Holiday.”


Students will be assessed based on their ability to create a clear and well-organized outline for a narrative essay.

Ten Evaluation Questions

  1. What is a narrative essay?
  2. How many paragraphs should the body of a narrative essay typically have?
  3. What is the purpose of the introduction in a narrative essay?
  4. What is the last paragraph of a narrative essay called?
  5. Why is it important to create an outline before writing an essay?
  6. What should you include in the conclusion of your essay?
  7. What are the key components of a narrative essay?
  8. What details should be in the second paragraph of a holiday essay?
  9. Can you write a narrative essay in the first person?
  10. What makes a narrative essay interesting to read?


The teacher will go around the class, check students’ outlines, and provide feedback on their work.

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