Understanding God’s Promises and Fulfillment in the Bible

Lagos State Primary 4 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Plan

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 4
Term: Third Term
Week: 7
Topic: God’s Promises and Fulfillment
Sub-topic: The Birth of Isaac, Paul’s Conversion, Paul’s Missionary Journeys, Paul in Europe
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain God’s promise to Abraham.
  2. Describe the birth of Isaac.
  3. Narrate Paul’s conversion.
  4. Outline Paul’s missionary journeys.
  5. Identify places Paul visited in Europe.

Key Words

  • Promise
  • Fulfillment
  • Conversion
  • Missionary
  • Journeys

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are familiar with Bible stories from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Bible
  • Pictures/Illustrations of Bible stories
  • Charts showing Paul’s journeys

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

Pupils have learned about Abraham, Sarah, and other Bible stories in previous terms.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Critical thinking
  • Recall

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • The Holy Bible

Instructional Materials

  • Bible
  • Illustrative charts
  • Storybooks
  • Flashcards

Content and Presentation

Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

  • Teacher’s Activities:
    • Review last week’s topic on Abraham’s faith and obedience.
    • Ask pupils questions about Abraham and Sarah.
  • Learners’ Activities:
    • Answer questions about Abraham and Sarah.

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • Teacher’s Activities:
    • Introduce today’s topic: “God’s Promises and Fulfillment.”
    • Explain that God’s promises always come true, using simple examples.
  • Learners’ Activities:
    • Listen and ask questions for clarity.

Step 3: Teaching the Sub-topics

  1. The Birth of Isaac:
    • Teacher’s Activities:
      • Tell the story of God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah.
      • Show pictures of Abraham, Sarah, and baby Isaac.
    • Learners’ Activities:
      • Listen to the story and look at the pictures.
      • Answer questions about the story.
  2. Paul’s Conversion:
    • Teacher’s Activities:
      • Narrate how Saul became Paul on the road to Damascus.
      • Explain the bright light and Jesus speaking to Saul.
    • Learners’ Activities:
      • Listen to the story.
      • Act out the conversion story in small groups.
  3. Paul’s Missionary Journeys:
    • Teacher’s Activities:
      • Use a chart to show Paul’s missionary journeys.
      • Describe the places Paul visited and what he did there.
    • Learners’ Activities:
      • Look at the chart.
      • Point out places on the chart as the teacher mentions them.
  4. Paul in Europe:
    • Teacher’s Activities:
      • Explain Paul’s travels in Europe, including Macedonia and Greece.
      • Discuss Paul’s speech about the “Unknown God” in Athens.
    • Learners’ Activities:
      • Listen and ask questions about Paul’s journeys in Europe.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Guide pupils through each sub-topic.
  • Correct any misunderstandings.
  • Encourage pupils to participate actively.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen attentively.
  • Answer questions.
  • Participate in discussions and activities.


  • Ask pupils to summarize each sub-topic.
  • Use flashcards with questions about the lesson.
  • Conduct a brief quiz to check understanding.

God’s Promises and Fulfillment

The Birth of Isaac

  1. Promise to Abraham:
    • God promised Abraham a son.
    • Even though Abraham and Sarah were old, God assured them.
  2. Fulfillment:
    • Sarah gave birth to Isaac.
    • Isaac means “laughter” because Sarah laughed with joy.
  3. Example:
    • God keeps His promises no matter how impossible they seem.

Paul’s Conversion

  1. Saul’s Life Before Conversion:
    • Saul persecuted Christians.
    • He did not believe in Jesus.
  2. Conversion:
    • On the road to Damascus, a bright light blinded Saul.
    • Jesus spoke to him from the light.
    • Saul became Paul after his sight was restored by Ananias.
  3. Example:
    • Anyone can change and follow God.

Paul’s Missionary Journeys

  1. First Journey:
    • Paul traveled with Barnabas.
    • They preached in Cyprus and Asia Minor.
    • Many people believed in Jesus.
  2. Second Journey:
    • Paul and Silas went to strengthen churches.
    • They visited places like Philippi and Thessalonica.
  3. Third Journey:
    • Paul revisited many cities.
    • He spent three years in Ephesus teaching about Jesus.
  4. Example:
    • Sharing the message of Jesus is important.

Paul in Europe

  1. Macedonia:
    • Paul received a vision to go to Macedonia.
    • He preached in Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea.
  2. Greece:
    • Paul went to Athens and Corinth.
    • In Athens, he spoke at Mars Hill about the “Unknown God.”
  3. Impact:
    • Many people in Europe believed in Jesus.
    • New churches were started.
  4. Example:
    • God can use us to spread His message everywhere.

These stories show how God’s promises always come true and how He can change lives and use people to share His love. 🙏�

Evaluation Questions

  1. God promised Abraham a _____. a) house
    b) car
    c) son
    d) daughter
  2. Sarah laughed with joy because she gave birth to _____. a) Isaac
    b) Jacob
    c) Esau
    d) Moses
  3. The name Isaac means _____. a) love
    b) joy
    c) laughter
    d) peace
  4. Before his conversion, Saul _____ Christians. a) helped
    b) taught
    c) persecuted
    d) ignored
  5. Saul was traveling to _____ when he saw a bright light. a) Jerusalem
    b) Damascus
    c) Rome
    d) Athens
  6. After his conversion, Saul’s name was changed to _____. a) Peter
    b) John
    c) Paul
    d) James
  7. Paul traveled with _____ on his first missionary journey. a) Silas
    b) Timothy
    c) Barnabas
    d) Luke
  8. On his first journey, Paul preached in _____. a) Cyprus
    b) Italy
    c) Egypt
    d) Spain
  9. Paul and Silas went on Paul’s _____ missionary journey. a) first
    b) second
    c) third
    d) fourth
  10. Paul spent three years teaching in _____ on his third journey. a) Rome
    b) Ephesus
    c) Corinth
    d) Athens
  11. Paul had a vision to go to _____ in Europe. a) Spain
    b) Macedonia
    c) Italy
    d) France
  12. In Athens, Paul spoke at _____ Hill. a) Mars
    b) Olive
    c) Mount
    d) Zion
  13. Paul preached in _____ and Corinth in Greece. a) Rome
    b) Athens
    c) Cyprus
    d) Egypt
  14. Paul’s missionary journeys helped start new _____. a) schools
    b) shops
    c) churches
    d) houses
  15. God’s promises always _____. a) fail
    b) come true
    c) change
    d) disappear
  16. Isaac was the son of Abraham and _____. a) Rachel
    b) Rebekah
    c) Sarah
    d) Leah
  17. Sarah was very _____ when Isaac was born. a) young
    b) old
    c) sad
    d) busy
  18. Paul was blinded by a _____ light. a) dim
    b) bright
    c) colorful
    d) red
  19. Jesus spoke to Saul from the _____. a) temple
    b) light
    c) mountain
    d) sea
  20. Ananias helped Saul _____ his sight. a) lose
    b) see
    c) restore
    d) damage
  21. Paul and Barnabas preached about _____. a) Moses
    b) Jesus
    c) Abraham
    d) Noah
  22. Many people _____ in Jesus because of Paul’s preaching. a) doubted
    b) believed
    c) questioned
    d) ignored
  23. Paul and Silas were _____ in prison in Philippi. a) happy
    b) angry
    c) silent
    d) singing
  24. Paul wrote many _____ to the churches he visited. a) letters
    b) songs
    c) stories
    d) prayers
  25. In Ephesus, Paul spoke to the people about the _____ God. a) unknown
    b) angry
    c) new
    d) old
  26. Paul traveled by _____ to many places. a) car
    b) boat
    c) plane
    d) foot
  27. Paul taught people to _____ one another. a) hate
    b) love
    c) ignore
    d) judge
  28. The Holy Spirit _____ Paul to preach. a) stopped
    b) ignored
    c) guided
    d) punished
  29. Paul’s letters are found in the _____ Testament. a) Old
    b) New
    c) Lost
    d) Final
  30. Paul’s journeys show the importance of _____ the message of Jesus. a) hiding
    b) ignoring
    c) sharing
    d) rejecting

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: Who promised Abraham a son? A: God promised Abraham a son.
  2. Q: What was the name of Abraham and Sarah’s son? A: Their son was named Isaac.
  3. Q: What does the name Isaac mean? A: Isaac means “laughter.”
  4. Q: What was Saul doing before he became Paul? A: Saul was persecuting Christians.
  5. Q: Where was Saul going when he saw the bright light? A: Saul was going to Damascus.
  6. Q: Who spoke to Saul from the bright light? A: Jesus spoke to Saul from the bright light.
  7. Q: What was Saul’s name changed to? A: Saul’s name was changed to Paul.
  8. Q: Who traveled with Paul on his first missionary journey? A: Barnabas traveled with Paul.
  9. Q: Where did Paul preach on his first journey? A: Paul preached in Cyprus and Asia Minor.
  10. Q: Who traveled with Paul on his second missionary journey? A: Silas traveled with Paul.
  11. Q: How many years did Paul spend teaching in Ephesus? A: Paul spent three years teaching in Ephesus.
  12. Q: Where did Paul have a vision to go in Europe? A: Paul had a vision to go to Macedonia.
  13. Q: Where did Paul speak about the “Unknown God”? A: Paul spoke about the “Unknown God” in Athens.
  14. Q: How did Paul travel to many places? A: Paul traveled by boat and on foot.
  15. Q: What did Paul teach people to do? A: Paul taught people to love one another.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Who promised Abraham a son?
  2. What is the name of Abraham’s son?
  3. What does the name Isaac mean?
  4. Who was Saul before his conversion?
  5. Where was Saul going when he saw the bright light?
  6. What new name was Saul given?
  7. Who traveled with Paul on his first journey?
  8. Name one place Paul preached on his first journey.
  9. How many years did Paul teach in Ephesus?
  10. In which city did Paul speak about the “Unknown God”?


  • Teacher’s Activities:
    • Review key points of the lesson.
    • Walk around to check pupils’ work.
    • Provide feedback and make corrections as needed.
  • Learners’ Activities:
    • Ask any final questions.
    • Review their notes.

End of Lesson