Understanding Road Accidents Effects on Victims, Damage to Roads and Vehicles Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 4

Term: Third Term

Week: 4

Topic: Understanding Road Accidents

Sub-topic: Effects on Victims, Damage to Roads and Vehicles

Duration: 1 Hour

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Describe the effects of road accidents on victims.
  2. Explain the damage done to roads and vehicles involved in accidents.

Key Words:

  • Road Accidents
  • Effects
  • Victims
  • Damage
  • Roads
  • Vehicles

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils recall the previous lesson on road safety and share any experiences they have had with accidents or damaged roads.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of road accidents and injured victims
  • Diagrams showing damage to roads and vehicles
  • Flashcards of key words

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

The teacher asks pupils about what they already know about accidents and how they affect people and things.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Observation

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Social Studies
  • Primary 4 Social Studies textbook

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Pictures
  • Diagrams
  • Whiteboard and markers


  1. Effects of road accidents on victims.
  2. Damage to roads and vehicles involved.

Effects of Road Accidents on the Victim

  1. Injuries: Victims can get hurt or injured in a road accident. 🤕
    • Example: Broken bones, cuts, bruises.
  2. Pain: Victims may feel pain after an accident. 😣
    • Example: Headaches, body aches.
  3. Trauma: Accidents can cause emotional trauma or fear. 😰
    • Example: Feeling scared to go near roads again.
  4. Hospitalization: Some victims need to go to the hospital for treatment. 🏥
    • Example: Staying in the hospital to recover.
  5. Disability: In severe cases, accidents can lead to disabilities. ♿
    • Example: Unable to walk or move properly.

Damage Done to the Road and Vehicle Involved

  1. Road Damage: Accidents can cause damage to the road surface. 🛣️
    • Example: Potholes, cracks in the road.
  2. Vehicle Damage: Vehicles involved in accidents can get damaged. 🚗💥
    • Example: Dents, scratches, broken windows.
  3. Engine Damage: Accidents can affect the engine of a vehicle. 🔧🚗
    • Example: Engine failure, leaking fluids.
  4. Costly Repairs: Repairing damage to roads and vehicles can be expensive. 💰
    • Example: Paying for repairs and maintenance.

Effects of Road Accidents on the Victim

  1. Road accidents can cause __________ to the victim.
    • a) Joy
    • b) Injuries
    • c) Laughter
    • d) Sleep
  2. After a road accident, the victim may feel __________.
    • a) Hungry
    • b) Pain
    • c) Excited
    • d) Relaxed
  3. Some victims of road accidents need to go to the __________ for treatment.
    • a) Playground
    • b) Supermarket
    • c) Hospital
    • d) Park
  4. Accidents can cause __________ trauma to the victim.
    • a) Emotional
    • b) Physical
    • c) Mental
    • d) Happy
  5. In severe cases, road accidents can lead to __________.
    • a) Happiness
    • b) Disability
    • c) Wealth
    • d) Success

Damage Done to the Road and Vehicle Involved

  1. Road accidents can cause __________ to the road surface.
    • a) Cleaning
    • b) Damage
    • c) Repair
    • d) Growth
  2. Vehicles involved in accidents can get __________.
    • a) Painted
    • b) Damaged
    • c) Fixed
    • d) Cleaned
  3. Accidents can affect the __________ of a vehicle.
    • a) Color
    • b) Engine
    • c) Horn
    • d) Lights
  4. Repairing damage to roads and vehicles can be __________.
    • a) Free
    • b) Fun
    • c) Expensive
    • d) Easy
  5. Accidents can cause __________ repairs to roads and vehicles.
    • a) Quick
    • b) Costly
    • c) Slow
    • d) Simple

Effects of Road Accidents on the Victim

  1. Q: What happens to a person in a road accident?
    • A: They can get hurt or injured.
  2. Q: How does a victim feel after a road accident?
    • A: They may feel pain and scared.
  3. Q: Where do injured victims go for treatment?
    • A: They go to the hospital.
  4. Q: What is emotional trauma from a road accident?
    • A: Feeling scared or upset after the accident.
  5. Q: What can happen in severe road accidents?
    • A: Victims may become disabled.

Damage Done to the Road and Vehicle Involved

  1. Q: What happens to the road in an accident?
    • A: It can get damaged with potholes and cracks.
  2. Q: What happens to vehicles in an accident?
    • A: They can get dents and scratches.
  3. Q: What part of the vehicle can get affected in an accident?
    • A: The engine can get damaged.
  4. Q: How expensive is it to repair damage from accidents?
    • A: It can be costly.
  5. Q: What kind of repairs are needed after accidents?
    • A: Repairs to roads and vehicles can be costly and take time.


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the new topic: “Understanding Road Accidents.”
  • Show pictures of accidents and injured victims to grab attention.

Step 3: Pupils’ Contributions

  • The teacher encourages pupils to share what they know about how accidents affect people and things.
  • Correct and guide pupils’ contributions as needed.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explains the effects of road accidents using pictures and examples.
  • Discusses the damage done to roads and vehicles with pupils.
  • Uses diagrams to illustrate the impact of accidents.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and observe pictures and diagrams.
  • Participate in discussions about road accidents and their effects.
  • Identify and describe the damage done to roads and vehicles.


  • Pupils answer questions orally about the effects of road accidents and the damage done to roads and vehicles.
  • Pupils demonstrate understanding by describing the impact of accidents using examples.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are two effects of road accidents on victims?
  2. Describe how road accidents can cause emotional trauma.
  3. What happens to injured victims after a road accident?
  4. How can accidents lead to disabilities in severe cases?
  5. What kind of damage can road accidents cause to roads?
  6. Describe the damage done to vehicles involved in accidents.
  7. What can happen to the engine of a vehicle in an accident?
  8. Why is repairing damage from accidents expensive?
  9. How can understanding the effects of road accidents help us stay safe?
  10. What can we do to prevent road accidents?


  • The teacher goes round to mark pupils’ work and provide feedback.
  • Reinforce key points about the effects of road accidents and damage to roads and vehicles.
  • End the lesson with a recap and encourage pupils to be careful on the road.