Understanding Characteristics and Composers of the Classical Period Music JSS 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Music
Class: JSS 2
Term: Third Term
Week: 5
Topic: Classical Period Music

Sub-topic: Understanding Characteristics and Composers of the Classical Period

Duration: 1 Week

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will describe the characteristics of Classical Period music.
  • Students will identify key composers from the Classical Period.
  • Students will recognize the influence of Classical music on modern music.

Key Words: Classical Period, symphony, sonata, concerto, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn.

Entry Behaviour:
Students should have a basic understanding of different music periods and be able to differentiate between them.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Music
  • Music textbooks
  • Audio recordings of Classical music pieces
  • Whiteboard and markers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Review the different periods of music history and discuss briefly the transition from the Baroque period to the Classical period.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Historical analysis

Learning Materials:

  • Textbooks on music history
  • Audio recordings of Classical music pieces
  • Diagrams of musical forms (symphony, sonata, concerto)

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Music
  • “Music: An Appreciation” by Roger Kamien

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Audio equipment for playing music
  • Textbooks
  • Diagrams of musical forms


Introduction to Classical Period Music 🎼

  1. Time Period:
    • The Classical Period was from 1750 to 1820.
  2. Key Characteristics:
    • Clarity and Simplicity: Music was clear and not too complex.
    • Balance and Order: Compositions were balanced and structured.
    • Emphasis on Form: Forms like sonata, symphony, and concerto were important.
  3. Main Forms:
    • Symphony 🎻: A large piece for orchestra, usually with four movements.
    • Sonata 🎹: A piece for solo instrument, often with three or four movements.
    • Concerto 🎺: A piece for solo instrument and orchestra.

Famous Composers of the Classical Period 🎵

  1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791):
    • Famous Works: “Eine kleine Nachtmusik,” “The Magic Flute.”
    • Known for his beautiful melodies and clear structures.
  2. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827):
    • Famous Works: “Symphony No. 5,” “Fur Elise.”
    • His music bridged the Classical and Romantic periods.
  3. Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809):
    • Famous Works: “The Creation,” “Symphony No. 94” (Surprise Symphony).
    • Known as the “Father of the Symphony.”

Examples of Classical Music 🎶

  1. Mozart’s “Eine kleine Nachtmusik”:
    • A lively and clear piece for a small orchestra.
    • Listen for the balanced structure and clear melody.
  2. Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 5”:
    • Recognizable by its famous “da-da-da-dum” opening.
    • Shows strong dynamics and dramatic contrasts.
  3. Haydn’s “Surprise Symphony”:
    • Known for the surprising loud chord in the second movement.
    • Displays humor and creativity.

Important Concepts 🎼

  1. Form:
    • Sonata form: Exposition, development, recapitulation.
    • Important for structuring music clearly.
  2. Balance:
    • Equal importance to different musical parts.
    • Creates a sense of harmony and order.
  3. Orchestra:
    • Larger than in the Baroque period.
    • Includes strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion.

Fun Facts 🌟

  1. Mozart started composing at age 5!
  2. Beethoven continued to compose music even after he became deaf.
  3. Haydn was a mentor to both Mozart and Beethoven.

Activities 🎤

  1. Listening Activity:
    • Listen to excerpts from Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn.
    • Identify the characteristics of Classical music in these pieces.
  2. Discussion:
    • Talk about how Classical music makes you feel.
    • Compare Classical music to modern music.
  3. Creative Assignment:
    • Draw a picture of an orchestra playing a symphony.
    • Write a short story inspired by a piece of Classical music.

Evaluation Questions on Classical Period Music:

  1. The Classical Period in music was from __________.
    • a) 1600 to 1750
    • b) 1750 to 1820
    • c) 1820 to 1900
    • d) 1900 to 2000
  2. Classical music is known for its __________.
    • a) complexity
    • b) simplicity and clarity
    • c) randomness
    • d) loudness
  3. A __________ is a large piece for orchestra with four movements.
    • a) sonata
    • b) symphony
    • c) concerto
    • d) opera
  4. Mozart’s full name is __________.
    • a) Ludwig van Beethoven
    • b) Franz Joseph Haydn
    • c) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    • d) Johann Sebastian Bach
  5. Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 5” is famous for its __________ opening.
    • a) quiet
    • b) cheerful
    • c) “da-da-da-dum”
    • d) slow
  6. A piece for solo instrument and orchestra is called a __________.
    • a) symphony
    • b) sonata
    • c) concerto
    • d) quartet
  7. Franz Joseph Haydn is known as the “Father of the __________.”
    • a) Symphony
    • b) Concerto
    • c) Sonata
    • d) Opera
  8. Mozart composed “Eine kleine __________.”
    • a) Symphony
    • b) Concerto
    • c) Nachtmusik
    • d) Sonata
  9. Classical music often has a balanced and __________ structure.
    • a) chaotic
    • b) simple
    • c) ordered
    • d) random
  10. Beethoven was known to compose music even after he became __________.
    • a) blind
    • b) deaf
    • c) old
    • d) tired
  11. Haydn’s “Surprise Symphony” is famous for its __________ chord.
    • a) quiet
    • b) sudden loud
    • c) slow
    • d) long
  12. Classical Period music emphasizes __________.
    • a) improvisation
    • b) form and balance
    • c) dissonance
    • d) electronic sounds
  13. The orchestra in the Classical Period included strings, woodwinds, __________, and percussion.
    • a) electronics
    • b) guitars
    • c) brass
    • d) keyboards
  14. Mozart started composing music at age __________.
    • a) 10
    • b) 15
    • c) 20
    • d) 5
  15. Haydn was a mentor to both Mozart and __________.
    • a) Beethoven
    • b) Bach
    • c) Brahms
    • d) Chopin

Class Activity Discussion on Classical Period Music

  1. Q: When was the Classical Period in music?
    • A: The Classical Period was from 1750 to 1820.
  2. Q: What are the key characteristics of Classical Period music?
    • A: Clarity, simplicity, balance, and form.
  3. Q: What is a symphony?
    • A: A symphony is a large piece for orchestra, usually with four movements.
  4. Q: What is a sonata?
    • A: A sonata is a piece for solo instrument, often with three or four movements.
  5. Q: What is a concerto?
    • A: A concerto is a piece for solo instrument and orchestra.
  6. Q: Who are the main composers of the Classical Period?
    • A: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Franz Joseph Haydn.
  7. Q: What is Mozart famous for?
    • A: Mozart is famous for his beautiful melodies and clear structures.
  8. Q: Name one famous work by Beethoven.
    • A: “Symphony No. 5.”
  9. Q: What is Haydn known as?
    • A: Haydn is known as the “Father of the Symphony.”
  10. Q: What are some common forms in Classical music?
    • A: Symphony, sonata, and concerto.
  11. Q: What is an important characteristic of Classical music?
    • A: Emphasis on balance and order.
  12. Q: How did Beethoven continue to compose music?
    • A: Beethoven continued to compose music even after he became deaf.
  13. Q: What is Mozart’s full name?
    • A: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
  14. Q: How does Classical music differ from Baroque music?
    • A: Classical music is simpler and more balanced than Baroque music.
  15. Q: Why is Haydn’s “Surprise Symphony” called that?
    • A: It has a sudden loud chord that surprises listeners.


  • Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic on the Baroque period in music.
  • Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, explaining the characteristics of Classical Period music.
  • Step 3: The teacher plays audio recordings of pieces by Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn, discussing their contributions to Classical music.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the characteristics of Classical Period music, such as clarity, balance, and form.
  • Discuss the main composers of the Classical Period: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Franz Joseph Haydn.
  • Play and analyze key pieces from these composers to illustrate the discussed characteristics.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations and the music pieces.
  • Participate in discussions about the characteristics and composers of Classical music.
  • Answer questions and complete exercises related to the lesson.


  • Observation of students’ participation in discussions and activities.
  • Written quizzes or assignments to test understanding of the Classical Period music characteristics and composers.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are the main characteristics of Classical Period music?
  2. Name two key composers from the Classical Period.
  3. What is a symphony?
  4. How does a sonata differ from a concerto?
  5. Who composed “Eine kleine Nachtmusik”?
  6. What is one of Beethoven’s most famous symphonies?
  7. Explain the term “balance” in the context of Classical music.
  8. What is the significance of Haydn in the development of the symphony?
  9. How did Classical music influence modern music?
  10. Describe one piece of music from the Classical Period that you listened to in class.


The teacher goes round to mark students’ assignments and quizzes, providing feedback and assistance where needed. Emphasize the importance of the Classical Period in shaping the future of Western music and encourage students to explore more compositions from this era