Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: Third Term
Week: Week 7
Answer the following questions

Part A Objective Questions

  1. Disobedience means not doing what you are _______ to do. a) told b) asked c) given d) shown
  2. Punishment is what happens when you do something wrong and there are _______ for your actions. a) rewards b) consequences c) gifts d) surprises
  3. Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating fruit from the _______ tree. a) special b) forbidden c) tasty d) big
  4. God punished Adam by making it hard for him to grow food and _______. a) sleep b) play c) work d) eat
  5. Eve was punished by having _______ when she has babies. a) joy b) pain c) laughter d) comfort
  6. Adam and Eve were made in the _______ of God. a) garden b) image c) sky d) river
  7. The creation of Adam and Eve was _______. a) special b) normal c) easy d) boring
  8. Animals and plants were created differently from _______. a) Adam and Eve b) each other c) angels d) birds
  9. Adam and Eve were given the job of taking care of the _______. a) garden b) animals c) sky d) ocean
  10. God gave Adam and Eve the power to _______. a) fly b) swim c) think d) sleep
  11. The story of Adam and Eve is found in the _______. a) Bible b) dictionary c) newspaper d) magazine
  12. The creation of Adam and Eve happened in the _______. a) ocean b) forest c) garden d) desert
  13. Adam and Eve were the first _______. a) children b) animals c) humans d) kings
  14. God created Adam and Eve to have _______ over the earth. a) power b) control c) love d) fear
  15. The creation of Adam and Eve shows us how much God _______ us. a) hates b) loves c) fears d) ignores
  16. The parable of the sower teaches us about how people receive __________ message differently. a) God’s b) the teacher’s c) the farmer’s d) the neighbor’s
  17. In the parable of the ten virgins, five were __________ and had enough oil for their lamps. a) wise b) foolish c) happy d) sad
  18. The lesson from the parable of the sower is about receiving God’s message and growing in __________. a) anger b) faith c) sadness d) fear
  19. Being prepared and ready for Jesus’ return is the lesson from the parable of the __________ virgins. a) five b) seven c) ten d) three
  20. Understanding God’s word helps us know what he wants us to do, so we should __________ the Bible. a) play b) read c) eat d) throw
  21. Being kind and loving to others shows that we are following __________ teachings. a) our own b) Jesus’ c) the teacher’s d) the parent’s
  22. Forgiving others shows that we understand __________ forgives us. a) our friend b) our teacher c) God d) the neighbor
  23. Talking to God helps us grow closer to him, so we should __________. a) dance b) sing c) pray d) shout
  24. Treating others with kindness and love shows that we are ready for __________ kingdom. a) our own b) Jesus’ c) the teacher’s d) the parent’s
  25. The parable of the sower teaches us about how seeds grow in different types of __________. a) soil b) water c) air d) fire
  26. The lesson from the parable of the ten virgins is about being __________ for Jesus’ return. a) scared b) prepared c) worried d) angry
  27. Learning from God’s word helps us know what he wants us to __________. a) say b) eat c) do d) play
  28. Being helpful and caring for those in need shows that we are ready for God’s __________. a) home b) school c) kingdom d) park
  29. Forgiving others means letting go of __________ feelings. a) happy b) sad c) angry d) scared
  30. Being kind and loving to others is following Jesus’ __________. a) rules b) teachings c) games d) jokes

Part B Theory

  1. What is disobedience?
  2. What is punishment?
  3. How did Adam and Eve disobey God?
  4. What happened because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience?
  5. How was Adam punished for his disobedience?
  6. What is creation?
  7. How did God create Adam?
  8. How did God create Eve?
  9. What is the difference between Adam and Eve and other creations?
  10. What made Adam and Eve special?
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