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CLASS: J.S.S.2       

TIME: 11/2 HRS

  1. Which of the following would you find in a modern building (a) pit latrine (b) water closet (c) bucket latrine (d) open toilet
  2. The best flower arrangement for a large hall is (a) crescent arrangement (b) circular arrangement (c) horizontal arrangement (d) vertical arrangement
  3. Side cupboard is a piece of furniture commonly found in the (a) toilet (b) kitchen (c) dining room (d) sitting room 
  4. Which of the following does not belong to the group? (a) Bed (b) Pillow (c) Wardrobe (d) Bath tub.
  5. __________ is a bathroom furniture (a) Bath tub (b) Chair (c) Centre table (d) Side cupboard.
  6. Table cloth and table mat are used in the ________ functional area of the house (a) bedroom (b) sitting room (c) kitchen (d) dining room 
  7. The term used collectively to include a variety of textile articles used in the home is household (a) Linen (b) Clothes (c) Cotton (d) Fabric.
  8. Our home surrounding can be beautified using (a) vegetables (b) flowers (c) fruits (d) crops
  9. The functional room where family members keep their personal belongings is ________ (a) Bedroom   (b) Toilet (c) Sitting room (d) Kitchen.
  10. The fabrics used for decorating doors and windows are (a) Curtains and draperies (b) Curtains and sheets (c) Draperies and cases (d) Sheets and linen.
  11. When cleaning the room, it is important to open the windows to (a) Dry the room (b) air the room         (c) Open the room (d) Brighten the room.
  12. Bed linen is an example of ________ (a) Household pets (b) Household linen (c) Household clothing   (d) Household fabric.
  13. A room where you play, read, relax, watch television or listen to radio is called (a) sitting room/ living room (b) kitchen (c) large room (d) bed room
  14. A kitchen can also be called __________ in the home (a) bedroom (b) workshop (c) room (d)dining  
  15. Which of these is a cleaning material? (a) moping stick (b) scrubbing brush (c) broom (d) all of the above
  16. Which of these is a laundry equipment (a) Pegs (b) Laundry brush (c) Iron (d) All of the above.
  17. __________ is a bathroom furniture (a) Bath tub (b) Chair (c) Centre table (d) Side cupboard.
  18. Sweeping of the house should be done when (a) Weekly (b) Daily (c) Monthly (d) Yearly.
  19. The best paper to use with the water closet is (a) Newspaper (b) Fresh paper (c) Soft tissue paper          (d) Dry leaves.
  20. Gas cooker is an example of what (a) Large equipment (b) Small equipment (c) Kitchen cabinet            (d) Kitchen tools.
  21. Large kitchen equipment are _________ (a) Fixed (b) Moveable (c) Transferable (d) Stagnant.
  22. _________ room furniture includes crockery, cupboards, set of chairs, cutlery sideboards, wash hand bowl stand (a) dining (b) bed (d) store (d) sitting
  23. Long-handed soft brooms and brushes are used for removing ______ from walls and ceilings (a) objects (b) cobwebs     (c) waste (d) ropes.
  24. ________ are built in cupboards which provides a working surface and storage space (a) kitchen wardrobe (b) kitchen linen (c) kitchen cabinet (d) kitchen store.
  25. A good bedsheet should be (a) soft, durable and washable (b) durable and small (c) soft and hard wearing (d) all of the above.
  26. Modern kitchen usually have drainage system for (a) rubbish (b) gabbage (c) waste food (d) waste water.
  27. The most hygienic type of toilet is (a) water closet (WC) (b) pit latrine (c) dung hill (d) bucket latrine.
  28. ________ latrine is build outside the house (a) open air (b) pit (c) bucket (d) WC
  29. _______ is used for eating different meals prepared in the kitchen a. bedroom b. dining room c. living room d. sitting room.
  30. The process of selecting options or making a choice from alternative after deep thoughts is __________ (a) decision thinking   (b) decision making (c) deceptive making (d) decline making.
  31. The dwelling place of the family is known as _______ (a) a place (b) dwelling (c) housing (d) a home 
  32. The _______ needs are important for the survival of the family (a) tertiary (b) total (c) primary (d) secondary.
  33. Full grown adults are expected to have _______ number of teeth (a) 36 (b) 32 (c) 46 (d) 28
  34. Sources of carbohydrates are _______ (a) carrot, pine apples, oranges (b) cassava, cocoyam, sugarcane (c) milk, meat, beans (d) palm oil, margarine , butter
  35. Deodorants are used every day because it ________ (a) reduces the odor of our dresses (b) it has strong odour (c) it removes the odour caused by perspiration (d) it makes us feel good and neat.
  36. Which of these is not a good food habit (a) do not talk when food is in your mouth (b) eat 3 regular meals daily (c) you can talk when food is in your mouth (d) chew your food properly when lips are closed.
  37. One of the following is not a large kitchen equipment (a) dish washer  (b) can opener (c) refrigerator (d) gas cooker.
  38. The best time to cut flower is (a) in the afternoon (b) in the evening (c) at mid night (d) early in the morning.
  39. A set of settee is found in the __________ (a) Dining room (b) Sitting room (c) Toilet (d) Kitchen.
  40. The functional area used as relaxation centre for the family members is ___________ (a) Dining room (b) Kitchen (c) Bed room (d) Sitting room.


INSTRUCTION: Answer THREE questions from this section 

  1. How best can you explain yourself as a homemaker(b) Explain what you understood by functional areas of family house with the types(c) Distinguish between the two types of kitchen giving their features.
  2. Explain the meaning of household linen? (b) State four types of house hold linen and their uses
  3. Outline three methods of storing the family clothing (b) State five guidelines for storage of any 1 mentioned above(c) Mention two methods of clothing repairs
  4. Highlight the steps to follow in the daily cleaning of the sitting room(b) State 5 factors that influence the selection of house hold linen
  5. State four uses of flowers in the home(b) Highlight five procedures for maintaining household linen.(c) Outline three  rules for flower arrangements
  6. Mention five ways of managing family crisis ______, ______, ______, ______ and ______
  7. Mention five important guidelines in conflict resolution ______, ______, ______, ______ and ______
  8. What is family crisis
  9. Give five examples of family crisis ______, ______, ______, ______ and ______
  10. Mention five ways of using the sitting room or parlour



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