Understanding Sonship: The Relationship of Believers with God Christian Religious Studies SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Christian Religious Studies (CRS)

Senior Secondary School 1 (SS 1)

First Term

Week 10

Instructional Materials

  • The Holy Bible
  • Reference Materials:
    • Scheme of Work
    • Online Information
    • Textbooks
    • Workbooks
    • 9-Year Basic Education Curriculum

Previous Knowledge

Students have prior knowledge of the concept of “New Life in Christ.”

Topic: Sonship

Biblical References:

  • Romans 8:3, 17, 32
  • Romans 8:1-39
  • Romans 4:6, 7
  • Ephesians 5:3

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

  1. Discuss the qualities that distinguish Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Romans 8:3, 17, 32).
  2. Explain why Christians are considered children of God (Romans 8:1-39; Romans 4:6, 7; Ephesians 5:3).


SUB-TOPIC 1: Jesus Christ the Son of God

Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith, being uniquely recognized as the Son of God. His sonship distinguishes Him from other messengers of God, such as Elisha, Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah.

  1. Annunciation by the Angel
    • During the Annunciation, as recorded by St. Luke, the angel revealed to Mary that her child would be called the “Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:32).
  2. Baptism of Jesus
    • At Jesus’ baptism, a voice from heaven declared Him as the Son of God, a recognition that was reaffirmed during His transfiguration.
  3. Self-Identification
    • Jesus frequently referred to God as His Father, as seen when He raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:45) and during His agonizing prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Even on the cross, He called out, “Father, into Thy hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46).
  4. The Gospel of John
    • The Gospel of John emphasizes Jesus’ divine nature right from the beginning, stating, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…” (John 1:1), signifying that Jesus existed as the Son of God prior to His incarnation.
  5. Key Examples of Jesus’ Sonship
    • Foundation of Faith: Jesus is central to the Christian belief system.
    • Divine Declaration: His introduction as the Son of God at significant events.
    • Father-Son Relationship: Repeated references to God as His Father.
    • Pre-Incarnate Existence: His existence as the Son of God before becoming human.
    • Emphasis in John’s Gospel: The gospel underscores His divine sonship.
Discussion Questions
  1. What sets Jesus apart from other messengers of God?
  2. What did the angel reveal to Mary about her child?
  3. At which events was Jesus declared the Son of God?
  4. How did Jesus refer to God as His Father?
  5. Why is the Gospel of John significant regarding Jesus as the Son of God?
Answers to Discussion Questions
  1. Jesus is distinguished as the Son of God, unlike other messengers who are not.
  2. The angel revealed that Mary’s child would be called the Son of the Most High.
  3. Jesus was declared the Son of God at His baptism, during the transfiguration, and in Gethsemane.
  4. Jesus referred to God as His Father on several occasions, including raising Lazarus and in Gethsemane.
  5. The Gospel of John highlights Jesus’ identity as the Son of God, affirming His pre-incarnate existence.


  1. Use biblical passages to show how Jesus portrayed Himself as the Son of God.
  2. Describe the event in Gethsemane where Jesus referred to God as His Father.
  3. How do Christians benefit from the fact that Jesus is the Son of God?

SUB-TOPIC 2: Christians Are Also Children of God

God sent Jesus in human form to die on the cross for humanity’s redemption. By accepting His death and resurrection, believers become children of God and heirs to God’s kingdom alongside Jesus. This adoption as God’s children liberates believers from worldly bondage.

  1. Scriptural Foundation
    • “And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’ Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ” (Romans 8:16-17).
  2. Paul’s Teaching
    • Paul emphasizes that God sent His Son to save humanity from the law’s bondage. Believers share attributes with Christ, meaning they are also children of God through faith and adoption.

  1. How can someone become a child of God?
  2. State moral lessons derived from Paul’s teaching on the sonship of believers.


  1. According to Paul, how can a Christian become a child of God?
  2. In what two ways can you demonstrate that you are a true child of God?
  3. Write short notes on:
    • (a) Faith
    • (b) Redemption
    • (c) Law
  4. How did Paul convince the Galatians that Christians are children of God?


  1. In which of these events was Jesus declared the Son of God?
    • (a) His birth
    • (b) His ascension
    • (c) His baptism
    • (d) His triumphant entry
    • (e) His resurrection
  2. By which of the following are we qualified to be called sons of God?
    • (a) Righteousness
    • (b) Baptism
    • (c) Faith
    • (d) Confirmation
    • (e) Creation
  3. According to Paul, inside the body of Christ, there is no:
    • (a) Order
    • (b) Authority
    • (c) Division
    • (d) Circumcision
    • (e) Hierarchy
  4. “Abba” is an Aramaic word for:
    • (a) Father
    • (b) Lord
    • (c) Christ
    • (d) Messiah
    • (e) Savior
  5. Before faith came, Christians were held prisoners by:
    • (a) Law
    • (b) Devil
    • (c) Sins
    • (d) Jews
    • (e) Gospel
  6. Which of these does not apply to a Christian?
    • (a) Joint heir with Christ
    • (b) Born again
    • (c) Spiritual being
    • (d) God’s workmanship
    • (e) Human being
  7. The purpose of redemption is to make us:
    • (a) Holy
    • (b) Righteous
    • (c) Blameless
    • (d) Perfect
    • (e) All of the above
  8. The law was given to Moses by:
    • (a) Christ
    • (b) Paul
    • (c) Peter
    • (d) Jesus
    • (e) God
  9. The law is not sin because it is:
    • (a) Just
    • (b) Spiritual
    • (c) Good
    • (d) Holy
    • (e) All of the above
  10. According to Paul, all things work together for the:
    • (a) Destruction
    • (b) Benefit
    • (c) Downfall
    • (d) Progress
    • (e) Perfection
  11. The armor of God is for the purpose of:
    • (a) Worship
    • (b) Evangelism
    • (c) Warfare
    • (d) All of the above
    • (e) None of the above


  1. Explain your understanding of Jesus as the Son of God.
  2. What qualifies Christians as children of God?


  • Read about:
    • (a) The rights and responsibilities of God’s children
    • (b) The rights of citizens of Nigeria

Refer to Melrose Christian Religious Studies for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by L. O. Udokporo et al., pages 29-31.


  1. State five rights of a citizen.
  2. Mention two responsibilities of God’s children.
  3. List two rights of God’s children.


  1. Melrose Christian Religious Studies for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by L. O. Udokporo et al.
  2. Round-Up Christian Religious Knowledge: A Complete Guide for Senior Secondary Certificate, University Matriculation, and PCE Examinations by A.E. Izuchukwu et al.


The topic is presented step by step, facilitating class discussion, questioning, and clarification to foster a deeper understanding of sonship.


Fill in the blanks with the correct option (a, b, c, or d).

  1. Jesus was declared the Son of God at His _______.
    a) Crucifixion
    b) Resurrection
    c) Baptism
    d) Birth
  2. According to Romans 8:16, we cry out to God, “_______! Father!”
    a) Lord
    b) Abba
    c) Savior
    d) King
  3. Christians are considered children of God because of their _______ in Jesus Christ.
    a) Works
    b) Faith
    c) Birth
    d) Wealth
  4. Paul emphasizes that God sent His Son to _______ humanity from the law.
    a) Redeem
    b) Condemn
    c) Judge
    d) Ignore
  5. The Gospel of _______ emphasizes Jesus’ divine nature as the Son of God.
    a) Matthew
    b) Mark
    c) Luke
    d) John
  6. Jesus often referred to God as His _______.
    a) Master
    b) Father
    c) God
    d) Creator
  7. According to Romans 8:17, if we are children of God, we are also _______ of God.
    a) Servants
    b) Friends
    c) Heirs
    d) Disciples
  8. The term “sonship” refers to the relationship between _______ and God.
    a) Jesus
    b) Angels
    c) Believers
    d) Prophets
  9. Jesus’ baptism was significant because it revealed His _______ as the Son of God.
    a) Ministry
    b) Humanity
    c) Power
    d) Identity
  10. To be adopted as children of God means to be _______ into His family.
    a) Born
    b) Created
    c) Transformed
    d) Adopted
  11. The phrase “joint heirs with Christ” means Christians share in the _______ of God.
    a) Glory
    b) Power
    c) Judgment
    d) Responsibility
  12. The term “redeemed” refers to being _______ from sin and law.
    a) Saved
    b) Blessed
    c) Informed
    d) Ignored
  13. The law is described as a _______ for those who are not in Christ.
    a) Blessing
    b) Bondage
    c) Freedom
    d) Guidance
  14. Believers are no longer _______ but are recognized as children of God.
    a) Lost
    b) Enemies
    c) Slaves
    d) Wanderers
  15. Jesus’ death and resurrection are the foundation of _______ in Christ.
    a) Faith
    b) Doubt
    c) Fear
    d) Conflict


Here are 15 frequently asked questions about the topic “Sonship” along with their answers.

  1. What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of God?
    • It means that Jesus has a unique and divine relationship with God, affirming His authority and role in salvation.
  2. How do we know Jesus is the Son of God?
    • Scripture provides multiple attestations, including His baptism, the voice from heaven, and His self-identification as the Son.
  3. Why are Christians referred to as children of God?
    • Christians are called children of God because they are adopted into God’s family through faith in Jesus Christ.
  4. What is the significance of being a child of God?
    • Being a child of God means having a personal relationship with God, the right to approach Him, and the inheritance of eternal life.
  5. Can anyone become a child of God?
    • Yes, anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior can become a child of God.
  6. What does it mean to be an heir of God?
    • Being an heir of God means sharing in the spiritual blessings and inheritance that God has for His children.
  7. How does faith play a role in becoming a child of God?
    • Faith in Jesus Christ is the means by which individuals are adopted into God’s family, signifying trust in His redemptive work.
  8. What are the rights of a child of God?
    • Rights include access to God, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and the promise of eternal life.
  9. What are the responsibilities of being a child of God?
    • Responsibilities include living according to God’s will, sharing the Gospel, and loving others.
  10. How does Paul describe the relationship of believers to God?
  • Paul describes believers as sons and daughters, emphasizing their privileged status and closeness to God.
  1. What is the relationship between sonship and redemption?
  • Sonship is the result of redemption; through Christ’s sacrifice, believers are made children of God.
  1. Why is Jesus’ identity as the Son of God crucial for Christians?
  • It affirms His authority to forgive sins and offer salvation, making Him essential for the Christian faith.
  1. How can one demonstrate being a child of God?
  • By living a life that reflects the values of God, including love, compassion, and obedience to His Word.
  1. What does Romans 8:1-39 teach about being children of God?
  • It teaches that there is no condemnation for those in Christ and assures believers of their secure position in God’s family.
  1. What does the phrase “Abba, Father” signify?
  • It signifies an intimate, personal relationship with God, recognizing Him as a loving and caring Father.


Here are 10 evaluation questions related to the topic “Sonship.”

  1. Discuss the significance of Jesus’ declaration as the Son of God during His baptism.
  2. Explain how Christians are adopted into God’s family according to the Bible.
  3. Describe the difference between being a servant of God and being a child of God.
  4. In what ways does being a child of God change a believer’s identity?
  5. How does the concept of heirship relate to believers’ relationship with God?
  6. What responsibilities accompany the privileges of being a child of God?
  7. How can believers know they are children of God?
  8. Discuss the implications of Romans 8:17 for Christians today.
  9. How does understanding sonship influence a believer’s approach to prayer?
  10. What practical steps can Christians take to live out their identity as children of God?

These questions and discussions will help solidify the understanding of the topic “Sonship” in Christian Religious Studies.


The lesson ends with a review of the key points, ensuring students grasp the significance of being children of God and the implications of Jesus’ sonship

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