Primary 1 THIRD Term Examination VERBAL REASONING


CLASS: PRIMARY 1                           




Answer all questions

  • Write in small letter
  • G      _____________
  • B _____________
  • D      _____________
  • N _____________
  • M     _____________


  • Re-arrange the following set of letters in alphabetical order
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • Arrange these words in alphabetical order
  1. Cup                        apple                     bag

___________       ____________     ____________


  1. hanger                     fish                       goat

___________       ____________     ____________


  1. Mosque                  Land                    New

___________       ____________     ____________


  1. Niger                     Mango                  Lagoon

___________       ____________     ____________






  • Identify the vowels in these words, circle them and in each words write the number


  1. relationship =  _________________________________
  2. afternoon = __________________________________
  • vehicles  = __________________________________
  1. Picture = _________________________________


  • Count and circle the consonants in these words and write how many they are
  1. ADVENTURE = ___________________
  2. VACANT = ___________________
  • MONEY = ____________________
  1. PUPPY = _____________________






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