Functions/Roles of Extended Family Members Social Studies Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Social Studies Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Social Studies
Class: Primary 3
Term: First Term
Week: 3
Age: 8 years
Topic: Functions/Roles of Extended Family Members
Sub-topic: Roles in Raising a Child
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the roles each family member plays in raising a child.
  2. Compare and contrast the roles of each member of the family.
  3. Demonstrate the roles of a child in the family.

Keywords: Roles, Extended Family, Raising a Child, Responsibilities

Set Induction:
The teacher will show a video or tell a story about a family working together to raise a child.

Entry Behaviour:
Pupils are familiar with family members and have seen or experienced different roles in their own families.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Video or story about family roles
  • Flashcards with roles of family members
  • Role-play costumes

Building Background/Connection to prior knowledge:
The teacher will ask pupils to share what they think different family members do to help raise a child.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Role-playing

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Flashcards with family roles
  • Role-play costumes

Instructional Materials:

  • Video or story
  • Flashcards
  • Role-play costumes


  1. Roles of Extended Family Members:
    • Grandparents: Provide wisdom, stories, and guidance.
    • Aunts and Uncles: Offer support, advice, and sometimes care for the child.
    • Cousins: Playmates and companions, share experiences.
  2. Comparing and Contrasting Family Roles:
    • Parents: Primary caregivers, provide food, shelter, education, and discipline.
    • Extended Family: Supportive roles, help in care, provide additional guidance, and sometimes financial support.
  3. Roles of a Child in the Family:
    • Help with household chores.
    • Respect and obey parents and elders.
    • Be kind and share with siblings.
    • Do well in school and make the family proud.


  1. Grandparents provide _____ and guidance.
    a) stories b) toys c) games d) candies
  2. Aunts and uncles offer support and _____.
    a) advice b) food c) clothes d) books
  3. Cousins are _____ and companions.
    a) strangers b) playmates c) teachers d) workers
  4. Parents are the primary _____.
    a) teachers b) caregivers c) friends d) neighbours
  5. Grandparents share _____ with the child.
    a) wisdom b) toys c) money d) games
  6. Aunts and uncles sometimes _____ for the child.
    a) care b) play c) work d) teach
  7. Parents provide food, shelter, education, and _____.
    a) money b) discipline c) toys d) games
  8. The child helps with household _____.
    a) chores b) money c) shopping d) work
  9. A child should _____ and obey parents.
    a) ignore b) respect c) shout at d) laugh at
  10. Cousins share _____.
    a) experiences b) money c) toys d) clothes
  11. Parents give _____ support.
    a) primary b) secondary c) little d) none
  12. Grandparents tell _____.
    a) stories b) lies c) jokes d) riddles
  13. Aunts and uncles provide additional _____.
    a) guidance b) toys c) food d) clothes
  14. The child’s role includes doing well in _____.
    a) school b) games c) work d) chores
  15. Respecting elders is a role of a _____.
    a) child b) parent c) teacher d) neighbour

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. Q: What role do grandparents play in raising a child? A: They provide wisdom, stories, and guidance.
  2. Q: How do aunts and uncles help in raising a child? A: They offer support, advice, and sometimes care for the child.
  3. Q: What is the role of cousins in the family? A: They are playmates and companions who share experiences.
  4. Q: What are the primary responsibilities of parents? A: They provide food, shelter, education, and discipline.
  5. Q: How do extended family members support parents? A: They help in care, provide additional guidance, and sometimes financial support.
  6. Q: What is the role of a child in the family? A: To help with household chores, respect and obey parents and elders, be kind and share with siblings, and do well in school.
  7. Q: Why is it important for children to respect their elders? A: It shows good manners and helps maintain harmony in the family.
  8. Q: How can children help at home? A: By doing household chores like cleaning and tidying up.
  9. Q: What do grandparents often share with their grandchildren? A: Stories and wisdom.
  10. Q: Why do parents provide discipline to their children? A: To teach them right from wrong and help them grow up responsibly.
  11. Q: How can aunts and uncles be helpful during family gatherings? A: They can offer support, advice, and sometimes take care of the children.
  12. Q: What is one way children can show respect to their parents? A: By listening and obeying their instructions.
  13. Q: How do cousins contribute to a child’s upbringing? A: They play together and share experiences, helping to build social skills.
  14. Q: Why is it important for children to do well in school? A: It makes the family proud and helps the child succeed in the future.
  15. Q: How do parents and extended family members work together to raise a child? A: Parents provide primary care while extended family members offer additional support and guidance.


  • Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Members of Nuclear and Extended Family.”
  • Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Functions/Roles of Extended Family Members.”
  • Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and corrects them when and where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show a video or tell a story about family roles.
  • Explain the roles of different extended family members.
  • Guide pupils in role-playing to demonstrate family roles.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Watch the video or listen to the story.
  • List the roles of extended family members.
  • Participate in role-playing to demonstrate family roles.


  1. Explain the role of grandparents in raising a child.
  2. Compare the roles of parents and aunts/uncles.
  3. Demonstrate one role of a child in the family.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What role do grandparents play in a family?
  2. How do aunts and uncles help parents in raising a child?
  3. What do cousins do for a child in the family?
  4. Name one primary responsibility of parents.
  5. How can a child show respect to their elders?
  6. What role does a child play in household chores?
  7. Why is it important for children to do well in school?
  8. How do extended family members support parents?
  9. What do grandparents often share with their grandchildren?
  10. How do parents and extended family members work together?

Conclusion: The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work and provides necessary corrections and feedback on the topic.

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