Writing an Outline for a Descriptive Essay: “A Place of Interest I Visited” A visit to Olumo Rock

Composition English Grammar JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: English Grammar
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 2
Age: 12-13 years
Topic: Composition Writing
Sub-topic: Descriptive Essay – Writing an Outline on a Place of Interest I Visited
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of a descriptive essay.
  2. Identify key features of descriptive writing.
  3. Create a well-organized outline for a descriptive essay on a place of interest.
  4. Write a descriptive essay on a place of interest they visited.


Descriptive, place of interest, outline, introduction, sensory details, vivid language

Set Induction

The teacher begins by asking students to describe any place of interest they have visited, focusing on what made it unique. This leads into the explanation of how descriptive essays allow us to paint a vivid picture with words.

Entry Behaviour

Students are familiar with writing about experiences and have some prior knowledge of descriptive language.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Whiteboard and marker
  • Paper and pen
  • Sample outline of a descriptive essay

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students have written descriptive paragraphs before and understand the use of sensory details. This lesson will extend their knowledge to describing a place in more detail.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Writing
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Observation

Learning Materials

  • Notebooks
  • Sample essay outline on “A Place of Interest I Visited”

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic English for JSS 2 by [Insert Author]

Instructional Materials

  • Chart showing the structure of a descriptive essay
  • Example of a descriptive essay outline


  1. Definition of a Descriptive Essay
    A descriptive essay is a type of writing that provides a detailed description of a person, place, object, or event, aiming to give the reader a vivid image or feeling about it.
  2. Structure of a Descriptive Essay
    • Introduction: Briefly introduce the place of interest, where it is located, and why you visited.
    • Body: Describe the place in detail using sensory language (sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste).
      • Paragraph 1: Describe the appearance of the place (buildings, landscape, colors, etc.).
      • Paragraph 2: Describe the activities or events that take place there.
      • Paragraph 3: Highlight the unique features of the place and how it made you feel.
    • Conclusion: Summarize your visit and the overall impression the place left on you.
  3. Steps to Writing an Outline for “A Place of Interest I Visited”
    • Step 1: Choose a place of interest you have visited and brainstorm key details about it (location, appearance, activities).
    • Step 2: Organize your ideas into the sections of the essay (Introduction, Body, Conclusion).
    • Step 3: Write brief points for each paragraph, focusing on sensory details and vivid language.
  4. Example Outline:
    • Introduction:
      • I visited Olumo Rock, a famous tourist destination in Abeokuta, Ogun State.
      • The natural beauty and historical significance of the rock made it an exciting place to explore.
    • Body:
      • Paragraph 1: Describe the towering rock formation, the stairs carved into the rock, and the view of Abeokuta from the top.
      • Paragraph 2: The local guides provided interesting stories about the rock’s history during the tour.
      • Paragraph 3: The peaceful atmosphere, the fresh air at the top, and the feeling of being close to nature made the visit unforgettable.
    • Conclusion:
      • Visiting Olumo Rock was a unique experience that deepened my appreciation for nature and history.

Sample Descriptive Essay: A Place of Interest I Visited

A Visit to Olumo Rock

Last holiday, I had the opportunity to visit Olumo Rock, one of the most famous tourist attractions in Nigeria, located in Abeokuta, Ogun State. The trip to this iconic site was not only exciting but also a learning experience as I explored its natural beauty and rich historical background.

As I approached the towering rock, I was immediately captivated by its impressive height and rugged appearance. The rock stands majestically over Abeokuta, surrounded by lush greenery. The path leading up to the rock was dotted with smaller rocks and trees, making it feel like a natural wonderland. The steps carved into the rock made the climb easier, and with every step, the view of the city below became more breathtaking. From the top, I could see the entire city of Abeokuta stretched out before me like a beautiful tapestry, with houses, roads, and hills all blending into the horizon.

During the tour, our guide shared fascinating stories about the history of Olumo Rock. He explained how the rock served as a natural fortress for the Egba people during wars, protecting them from invaders. As I listened to these tales, I could almost imagine the ancient warriors hiding in the caves, using the rock as their shield. The guide also pointed out various carvings on the rock, some of which had been there for centuries, adding to the mystique of the place.

What made the experience even more special was the serene atmosphere at the top of the rock. The cool breeze, the chirping of birds, and the quietness of the environment gave me a sense of peace and connection to nature. I stood at the peak, feeling the fresh air against my face, and marveled at the beauty around me. It was a moment of reflection and calm, far removed from the busy life of the city below.

In conclusion, visiting Olumo Rock was a memorable adventure. It was not just about climbing a rock, but about immersing myself in history and nature. The stunning views, the rich history, and the peaceful atmosphere made it a place I would love to visit again. Olumo Rock is truly a gem in Nigeria’s cultural and natural heritage.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. A descriptive essay focuses on _____.
    a) Telling a story b) Describing something in detail c) Persuading someone d) Explaining a process
  2. The first part of a descriptive essay is the _____.
    a) Conclusion b) Introduction c) Body d) Summary
  3. The body of a descriptive essay should include _____.
    a) Sensory details b) Only facts c) New topics d) General statements
  4. The conclusion of a descriptive essay should _____.
    a) Introduce new ideas b) Summarize the experience c) Be longer than the body d) None of the above
  5. The place of interest I described in my essay was _____.
    a) Zuma Rock b) Olumo Rock c) Aso Rock d) Idanre Hills
  6. The introduction of a descriptive essay should include _____.
    a) A summary b) Sensory details c) Background information d) An argument
  7. The last paragraph of a descriptive essay is called the _____.
    a) Body b) Introduction c) Conclusion d) Thesis
  8. Sensory details involve descriptions related to _____.
    a) Thoughts b) Emotions c) The five senses d) None of the above
  9. The second paragraph in the body of my essay described _____.
    a) The conclusion b) The activities at the place c) My feelings d) The introduction
  10. The purpose of a descriptive essay is to _____.
    a) Argue b) Describe c) Persuade d) Inform
  11. In a descriptive essay, the author should create a _____.
    a) Confusing image b) Clear image c) Question d) None of the above
  12. The third paragraph of my essay focused on _____.
    a) The introduction b) Activities at the place c) Unique features and feelings d) A new topic
  13. Descriptive essays use language that is _____.
    a) Vague b) Persuasive c) Vivid and sensory-rich d) Confusing
  14. The first thing to do when writing a descriptive essay is to _____.
    a) Write the conclusion b) Create an outline c) Write the body first d) None of the above
  15. The essay described a trip to _____.
    a) A beach b) A mountain c) A rock formation d) A market

15 FAQs with Answers for Better Understanding

  1. What is a descriptive essay?
    A descriptive essay is a type of writing that describes a person, place, or thing in detail.
  2. What are sensory details?
    Sensory details are descriptions that appeal to the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.
  3. Why is an outline important for a descriptive essay?
    An outline helps organize ideas and ensures the essay flows logically.
  4. What should the introduction of a descriptive essay include?
    The introduction should briefly introduce the subject and give an idea of what the essay will describe.
  5. Can I include emotions in a descriptive essay?
    Yes, emotions help make the description more vivid and relatable.
  6. How many paragraphs should a descriptive essay have?
    Typically, a descriptive essay has five paragraphs (Introduction, three body paragraphs, Conclusion).
  7. What is the role of the conclusion in a descriptive essay?
    The conclusion summarizes the main points and reflects on the overall experience.
  8. How do I make my descriptive essay interesting?
    Use vivid language, sensory details, and organize your essay clearly.
  9. Can I describe an imaginary place in a descriptive essay?
    Yes, as long as the details are vivid and engaging.
  10. What is the difference between a narrative and descriptive essay?
    A narrative essay tells a story, while a descriptive essay paints a picture through detailed descriptions.
  11. What kind of places can I describe in a descriptive essay?
    You can describe any place of interest, such as a park, museum, or historical site.
  12. Is it okay to use the first-person perspective in a descriptive essay?
    Yes, especially if you’re describing a personal experience.
  13. What makes a descriptive essay vivid?
    The use of sensory details and specific, clear language.
  14. Do I need to include facts in a descriptive essay?
    Descriptive essays focus more on vivid descriptions than on facts, although facts can be included if necessary.
  15. Why should I revise my descriptive essay?
    Revising helps improve clarity, flow, and the vividness of the description.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the structure and purpose of a descriptive essay.
  • Guide students through creating an outline for their essays.
  • Provide examples of vivid sensory language.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the explanation and take notes.
  • Write their own outlines for the descriptive essay on “A Place of Interest I Visited.”
  • Use sensory details and vivid language to describe their chosen place.


Students will be assessed based on their ability to create a well-organized outline and write a descriptive essay using sensory details.

Ten Evaluation Questions

  1. What is a descriptive essay?
  2. Why is it important to use sensory details in a descriptive essay?
  3. How should a descriptive essay be structured?
  4. What is the purpose of the introduction in a descriptive essay?
  5. What should you include in the body of a descriptive essay?
  6. How does a descriptive essay differ from a narrative essay?
  7. What is the role of the conclusion in a descriptive essay?
  8. How many paragraphs does a typical descriptive essay have?
  9. Can a descriptive essay be written in the first person?
  10. Why is it important to create an outline before writing a descriptive essay?


The teacher will go around the class, check students’ essays, and provide constructive feedback.

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