Tag: Primary 3

Functions of Carbohydrates Classes of food

Subject :  PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION ( PHE ) Term : THIRD TERM LESSON RESOURCES Week: WEEK 6 Class : PRY 3 PHE THIRD TERM E-NOTE Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Classes of food  that was taught in the previous lesson Topic : Functions of Carbohydrates Classes of food Behavioural objectives


PRY 3 PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION ( PHE ) THIRD TERM LESSON RESOURCES 3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRY 3 PHE THIRD TERM E-NOTE   Assessment & Evaluation: 1. say the meaning of muscular system 2. list the parts of the muscular system 3. draw and label the muscular system 4. explains the functions of the muscular

Classes of food

Subject :  PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION ( PHE ) Term : THIRD TERM LESSON RESOURCES Week: WEEK 5 Class : PRY 3 PHE THIRD TERM E-NOTE Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of The Human Skeletal System that was taught in the previous lesson Topic : Classes of food Behavioural objectives : At

Skeletal system of the body and its functions

Subject :  PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION ( PHE ) Term : THIRD TERM LESSON RESOURCES Week: WEEK 4 Class : PRY 3 PHE THIRD TERM E-NOTE Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of The Functions of the Muscles  that was taught in the previous lesson Topic : Skeletal system of the body and

Muscular system of the body and its functions

Subject :  PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION ( PHE ) Term : THIRD TERM LESSON RESOURCES Week: WEEK 3 Class : PRY 3 PHE THIRD TERM E-NOTE Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of The Digestive system  that was taught in the previous lesson Topic : Muscular system of the body and its functions

Digestive system of the body and its functions

Subject :  PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION ( PHE ) Term : THIRD TERM LESSON RESOURCES Week: WEEK 2 Class : PRY 3 PHE THIRD TERM E-NOTE Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Systems of the Body and their functions  that was taught in the previous lesson Topic : Digestive system of the

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