Revision History Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes

Revision History Primary 5 Second Term – Week 12

Part A: Review and Revision

20 FAQ with Answers

  1. Who is the Father of Nigerian Nationalism?
    • Herbert Macaulay.
  2. When did Nigeria gain independence?
    • October 1, 1960.
  3. Who was Nigeria’s first Prime Minister?
    • Abubakar Tafawa Balewa.
  4. Who was the first President of Nigeria?
    • Nnamdi Azikiwe.
  5. What was the main goal of Nigerian nationalists?
    • To gain independence from colonial rule.
  6. What region did Ahmadu Bello lead?
    • Northern Nigeria.
  7. Who founded the Action Group political party?
    • Obafemi Awolowo.
  8. What was Margaret Ekpo known for?
    • Fighting for women’s rights.
  9. Who coined the name “Nigeria”?
    • Flora Shaw.
  10. What political party was Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti a part of?
    • Abeokuta Women’s Union.
  11. What is nationalism?
    • The fight for freedom and self-rule.
  12. What is NEPU?
    • Northern Elements Progressive Union.
  13. Who was called the Lioness of Lisabi?
    • Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti.
  14. What year was the Nigerian Youth Movement formed?
    • 1934.
  15. What did Gambo Sawaba advocate for?
    • Women’s education and rights.
  16. Who led the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC)?
    • Nnamdi Azikiwe.
  17. What region did Obafemi Awolowo lead?
    • Western Nigeria.
  18. Why was Margaret Ekpo important?
    • She helped women speak up against unfair treatment.
  19. What year was the Action Group formed?
    • 1951.
  20. What ended colonial rule in Nigeria?
    • Independence.

Part B: Objective Questions

20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. Herbert Macaulay is called the ________ of Nigerian Nationalism.
    (a) Pioneer (b) Father (c) Leader (d) Fighter
  2. Nigeria gained independence on ________.
    (a) January 1, 1960 (b) October 1, 1960 (c) October 1, 1963 (d) January 1, 1963
  3. The first Prime Minister of Nigeria was ________.
    (a) Nnamdi Azikiwe (b) Tafawa Balewa (c) Ahmadu Bello (d) Obafemi Awolowo
  4. Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti fought for ________ rights.
    (a) men’s (b) workers’ (c) women’s (d) children’s
  5. The Lioness of Lisabi was ________.
    (a) Margaret Ekpo (b) Gambo Sawaba (c) Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti (d) Flora Shaw
  6. Who coined the name “Nigeria”?
    (a) Herbert Macaulay (b) Obafemi Awolowo (c) Flora Shaw (d) Ahmadu Bello
  7. Margaret Ekpo was active in ________.
    (a) Lagos (b) Abeokuta (c) Calabar (d) Kaduna
  8. The first political party in Nigeria was ________.
    (a) NEPU (b) Action Group (c) NCNC (d) Nigerian Youth Movement
  9. ________ led the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons.
    (a) Obafemi Awolowo (b) Nnamdi Azikiwe (c) Ahmadu Bello (d) Tafawa Balewa
  10. Nigeria became independent in ________.
    (a) 1959 (b) 1960 (c) 1963 (d) 1970
  11. ________ was the leader of the Western Region.
    (a) Ahmadu Bello (b) Tafawa Balewa (c) Obafemi Awolowo (d) Herbert Macaulay
  12. Gambo Sawaba joined the ________ political party.
    (a) NCNC (b) NEPU (c) Action Group (d) NPC
  13. The Premier of Northern Nigeria was ________.
    (a) Tafawa Balewa (b) Ahmadu Bello (c) Obafemi Awolowo (d) Margaret Ekpo
  14. NEPU stands for ________.
    (a) National Elements People’s Union (b) Northern Elements Progressive Union
    (c) National Education Progressive Union (d) None of the above
  15. ________ led the fight for independence in Western Nigeria.
    (a) Tafawa Balewa (b) Herbert Macaulay (c) Obafemi Awolowo (d) Ahmadu Bello
  16. Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti opposed ________ taxation.
    (a) women’s (b) men’s (c) children’s (d) workers’
  17. The Nigerian Youth Movement was formed in ________.
    (a) 1933 (b) 1934 (c) 1935 (d) 1936
  18. Independence ended ________ rule in Nigeria.
    (a) colonial (b) traditional (c) military (d) economic
  19. Obafemi Awolowo founded the ________ political party.
    (a) NEPU (b) NCNC (c) Action Group (d) NPC
  20. Margaret Ekpo worked to improve ________ rights.
    (a) men’s (b) women’s (c) children’s (d) workers’

Part C: Theory Questions

  1. Who is the Father of Nigerian Nationalism?
  2. Mention three female Nigerian nationalists.
  3. What year did Nigeria gain independence?
  4. Who was the first President of Nigeria?
  5. What was Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti’s main contribution?
  6. Write a short note on Herbert Macaulay’s role in Nigeria’s independence.
  7. What is nationalism?
  8. Who coined the name “Nigeria”?
  9. What political party did Nnamdi Azikiwe lead?
  10. Who was the Lioness of Lisabi?
  11. State two achievements of Margaret Ekpo.
  12. What region did Ahmadu Bello represent?
  13. What is NEPU?
  14. When was the Nigerian Youth Movement formed?
  15. Who founded the Action Group?
  16. Write one role played by Gambo Sawaba.
  17. Mention one challenge faced by nationalists.
  18. Who was the Premier of Western Nigeria?
  19. Write two benefits of Nigeria’s independence.
  20. What ended colonial rule in Nigeria?

Part D: True or False Questions

  1. Herbert Macaulay is the Father of Nigerian Nationalism. (True/False)
  2. Margaret Ekpo was a political leader in Northern Nigeria. (True/False)
  3. Tafawa Balewa was Nigeria’s first President. (True/False)
  4. Gambo Sawaba was from Western Nigeria. (True/False)
  5. Nigeria gained independence in 1960. (True/False)
  6. Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti fought for women’s rights. (True/False)
  7. Flora Shaw coined the name “Nigeria.” (True/False)
  8. Nnamdi Azikiwe led the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons. (True/False)
  9. The Action Group was founded by Obafemi Awolowo. (True/False)
  10. Ahmadu Bello was the Premier of the Northern Region. (True/False)
  11. NEPU means National Education Progressive Union. (True/False)
  12. The Nigerian Youth Movement was formed in 1934. (True/False)
  13. Obafemi Awolowo introduced free education in Eastern Nigeria. (True/False)
  14. Independence brought an end to colonial rule in Nigeria. (True/False)
  15. Margaret Ekpo fought against taxation of women. (True/False)
  16. Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti was called the Lioness of Lisabi. (True/False)
  17. Ahmadu Bello founded the Action Group. (True/False)
  18. Independence was achieved without any nationalist efforts. (True/False)
  19. Gambo Sawaba fought for women’s education. (True/False)
  20. The first Prime Minister of Nigeria was Tafawa Balewa. (True/False)

Part E: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions

  1. ________ is the Father of Nigerian Nationalism.
  2. Nigeria gained independence on ________, 1960.
  3. The first President of Nigeria was ________.
  4. ________ led the Northern Region during colonial rule.
  5. The name “Nigeria” was coined by ________.
  6. The Lioness of Lisabi was ________.
  7. The Nigerian Youth Movement was formed in ________.
  8. The first Prime Minister of Nigeria was ________.
  9. Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti fought against ________ taxation.
  10. ________ was the leader of Western Nigeria.
  11. NEPU means ________.
  12. Margaret Ekpo worked to improve ________ rights.
  13. The first political party in Nigeria was ________.
  14. Obafemi Awolowo founded the ________ political party.
  15. The year ________ marks Nigeria’s independence.
  16. Gambo Sawaba fought for ________ education.
  17. Nnamdi Azikiwe led the ________ party.
  18. Independence ended ________ rule in Nigeria.
  19. Herbert Macaulay was known for fighting for ________.
  20. Ahmadu Bello was the Premier of ________.