First Term Examination Hausa Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 13
First Term Examination – Primary 2
Subject: Hausa
Class: Primary 2
Term: First Term
Week: 13 (First Term Examination)
Age: 7 years
Topics Covered in First Term:
- Answer all questions.
- Choose the correct answer for fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions.
- Provide brief answers for short answer questions.
- Mark “True” or “False” for True or False questions.
- SHA ya fadi ___. (a) JARRABAWA (b) UKU (c) GOMA (d) BIYU
- JARRABAWA shine aikin na ___. (a) biyu (b) uku (c) sha (d) daya
- UKU ya fadi ___. (a) goma (b) sha (c) biyu (d) rashi
- SHA ya kasance goma na ___. (a) uku (b) biyu (c) sha (d) daya
- JARRABAWA shine aikin na ___. (a) sha (b) rashi (c) biyu (d) uku
- UKU ya kasance ___ na uku. (a) goma (b) sha (c) biyu (d) rashi
- SHA shine al’umma na ___. (a) rashi (b) biyu (c) sha (d) daya
- JARRABAWA ya fadi aikin da ake ciki na ___. (a) goma (b) sha (c) biyu (d) uku
- UKU shine al’umma na ___. (a) biyu (b) uku (c) sha (d) daya
- SHA ya fadi ___. (a) daya (b) sha (c) biyu (d) rashi
- JARRABAWA shine ___ na sha. (a) biyu (b) uku (c) rashi (d) goma
- UKU shine al’umma na ___. (a) biyu (b) uku (c) sha (d) daya
- SHA ya kasance ___ na biyu. (a) uku (b) sha (c) daya (d) goma
- JARRABAWA shine aikin ___. (a) sha (b) biyu (c) rashi (d) uku
- UKU ya fadi ___. (a) sha (b) biyu (c) rashi (d) goma
Class Activity Discussion
- Q: Me ma’ana SHA? A: SHA shine al’umma na farko.
- Q: Me ma’ana JARRABAWA? A: JARRABAWA shine aikin na biyu.
- Q: Me ma’ana UKU? A: UKU shine al’umma na uku.
- Q: Me amfanin SHA a hagu? A: SHA ya kasance goma na biyu.
- Q: Me amfanin JARRABAWA? A: JARRABAWA shine aikin da ake ciki na biyu.
- Q: Me amfanin UKU? A: UKU shine al’umma na uku da rashi.
- Q: Me ma’ana SHA shine al’umma na ___? A: SHA shine al’umma na farko.
- Q: Me amfanin JARRABAWA a hagu? A: JARRABAWA shine aikin da ake ciki na biyu.
- Q: Me ma’ana UKU shine al’umma na ___? A: UKU shine al’umma na uku.
- Q: Me ma’ana SHA ya fadi? A: SHA ya fadi a hagu.
- Q: Me amfanin JARRABAWA? A: JARRABAWA shine aikin da ake ciki na biyu.
- Q: Me ma’ana UKU shine al’umma na ___? A: UKU shine al’umma na uku.
- Q: Me amfanin SHA ya kasance goma na biyu? A: SHA ya kasance goma na biyu.
- Q: Me amfanin JARRABAWA shine aikin? A: JARRABAWA shine aikin da ake ciki na biyu.
- Q: Me ma’ana UKU ya fadi? A: UKU ya fadi a hagu.
- Me ma’ana SHA a Hausa?
- Me ma’ana JARRABAWA a Hausa?
- Me ma’ana UKU a Hausa?
- Wane suna amfani da SHA a harshe?
- Wane suna amfani da JARRABAWA?
- Me amfanin UKU?
- Me ma’ana SHA na goma?
- Me amfanin JARRABAWA?
- Me ma’ana SHA da JARRABAWA?
- Me ma’ana UKU da SHA?
- Me ma’ana SHA ya kasance goma na biyu?
- Me amfanin JARRABAWA shine aikin da ake ciki na biyu?
- Me ma’ana UKU shine al’umma na uku?
- Me ma’ana SHA ya fadi?
- Me amfanin JARRABAWA shine aikin?
True or False Questions:
- SHA shine al’umma na biyu. (True/False)
- JARRABAWA shine aikin na uku. (True/False)
- UKU shine al’umma na daya. (True/False)
- SHA ya kasance goma na biyu. (True/False)
- JARRABAWA shine aikin da ake ciki na biyu. (True/False)
- UKU shine al’umma na goma. (True/False)
- SHA shine al’umma na rashi. (True/False)
- JARRABAWA ya fadi aikin. (True/False)
- UKU shine al’umma na biyu. (True/False)
- SHA ya fadi daya. (True/False)
- JARRABAWA shine al’umma na sha. (True/False)
- UKU shine al’umma na biyu. (True/False)
- SHA ya kasance goma na uku. (True/False)
- JARRABAWA shine aikin rashi. (True/False)
- UKU ya fadi rashi. (True/False)
Assessment Method:
- Fill-in-the-Blank Questions: Test understanding of key terms and concepts.
- Ensure comprehension through common questions and answers.
- Simple Short Answer Questions: Assess ability to explain topics briefly.
- True or False Questions: Evaluate knowledge of factual statements related to the topics.
- Review the answers with the students to reinforce learning.
- Provide feedback on areas where students may need additional practice.
- Encourage students to continue practicing Hausa language skills.
This examination format comprehensively covers all topics taught in the first term and should effectively assess students’ understanding. Adjust questions and content as needed to fit specific learning objectives and classroom dynamics
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Edu Delight Tutors
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