Discovering God Through Jesus Christian Religious Studies Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 1
Term: Second Term
Week: 8
Age: 5-6 years
Topic: Discovering God Through Jesus – Obeying God
Sub-topic: Understanding the Meaning of Obedience and Learning from Jesus
Duration: 30 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define obedience in simple terms.
  2. Mention at least two ways Jesus showed obedience to God.
  3. Identify ways they can show obedience at home and school.


Obey, Jesus, God, love, kindness, listen.

Set Induction

Start the lesson by asking:
“Who likes it when their friends or family do something nice for them? Why?”

Entry Behaviour

Pupils should already know basic examples of being kind and following instructions at home and school.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of Jesus teaching.
  • Flashcards with examples of obedient actions.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Ask the pupils:
“Who can tell me something good you did when someone said, ‘Do this’ at home or in school?”
Explain that this is called obedience, and Jesus wants us to obey God with love and kindness.

Jesus' Obedience

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication skills.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Empathy and teamwork.

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work.
  • Bible stories about Jesus (child-friendly versions).

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies.
  • Bible Stories for Children.

Instructional Materials

  • Illustrations showing Jesus helping others.
  • Visual aids for obedience scenarios.


What is Obedience?

  1. Obedience means listening to instructions and doing what you are asked to do.
  2. It involves respect and showing love when following rules.

How Jesus Showed Obedience

  1. Jesus obeyed His parents, Mary and Joseph.
  2. He followed God’s commandments.
  3. Jesus showed kindness to people, even those who were not kind to Him.
  4. He taught His followers to love one another.
  5. Jesus prayed to God for guidance and help.

Examples of Obedience in Everyday Life

  1. Listening to parents when they say, “Clean your room.”
  2. Helping a friend in need, just as Jesus would.
  3. Saying, “Please” and “Thank you.”
  4. Sharing toys with classmates.
  5. Praying to God before eating or sleeping.

Evaluation Questions

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer:

  1. Obedience means _______ to instructions.
    a) Ignoring
    b) Listening
    c) Playing
    d) Sleeping
  2. Jesus obeyed His _______ on earth.
    a) Teachers
    b) Parents
    c) Friends
    d) Neighbors
  3. Jesus said we should _______ one another.
    a) Fight
    b) Love
    c) Ignore
    d) Tease
  4. We show obedience by _______ our teachers.
    a) Listening to
    b) Fighting with
    c) Ignoring
    d) Lying to
  5. Jesus prayed to _______ for help.
    a) His friends
    b) God
    c) His parents
    d) Neighbors
  6. Obedience shows _______ for others.
    a) Kindness
    b) Anger
    c) Fear
    d) Hate
  7. Helping others is a way of _______.
    a) Obeying
    b) Sleeping
    c) Eating
    d) Fighting
  8. Saying, “Please” and “Thank you” shows _______.
    a) Disobedience
    b) Respect
    c) Hate
    d) Sadness
  9. Jesus taught His followers to _______ God.
    a) Obey
    b) Fight
    c) Ignore
    d) Forget
  10. Obeying your parents makes them _______.
    a) Sad
    b) Angry
    c) Happy
    d) Confused
  11. Sharing your toys with others is an act of _______.
    a) Obedience
    b) Fear
    c) Anger
    d) Selfishness
  12. Jesus showed _______ to everyone.
    a) Hate
    b) Love
    c) Fear
    d) Anger
  13. We should obey God with _______ and kindness.
    a) Anger
    b) Love
    c) Sadness
    d) Fear
  14. When your teacher says, “Stand up,” and you do, you are _______.
    a) Obeying
    b) Ignoring
    c) Sleeping
    d) Fighting
  15. Jesus _______ His followers to love one another.
    a) Taught
    b) Ignored
    c) Fought
    d) Forgot

Class Activity Discussion

FAQs with Answers

  1. What does obedience mean?
    Obedience means listening and doing what you are asked to do.
  2. Who did Jesus obey on earth?
    Jesus obeyed His parents, Mary and Joseph.
  3. Why should we obey God?
    We obey God to show love and respect.
  4. Can you name one way to show obedience in school?
    Listening to your teacher.
  5. How did Jesus show obedience to God?
    Jesus prayed and followed God’s commandments.
  6. Why should we be kind to others?
    Kindness shows love, just like Jesus taught us.
  7. Who did Jesus say we should love?
  8. What should you say to show respect?
    “Please” and “Thank you.”
  9. Can praying to God help us obey?
    Yes, praying helps us ask for strength to obey.
  10. What happens when we obey our parents?
    They become happy.
  11. How do we show respect to friends?
    By being kind and sharing with them.
  12. Why is sharing toys an act of obedience?
    Because it shows love and kindness.
  13. What did Jesus teach about helping others?
    Jesus taught that helping others is good.
  14. Why did Jesus love everyone?
    Because God loves everyone.
  15. Can obedience make God happy?
    Yes, God is happy when we obey.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Show illustrations of Jesus obeying God.
  2. Share Bible stories of obedience.
  3. Ask pupils questions to explain the topic.
  4. Guide pupils in discussing obedience examples.
  5. Correct misconceptions as pupils share answers.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
  2. Answer the teacher’s questions about obedience.
  3. Share examples of obedience at home and school.
  4. Participate in class discussions about love and kindness.


Answer the following short questions:

  1. What does obedience mean?
  2. Who should we obey at home?
  3. Who taught us to obey God?
  4. Name one way you can show obedience in school.
  5. Why should we love everyone?
  6. What does praying to God help us do?
  7. Can sharing toys show obedience? How?
  8. Who did Jesus obey?
  9. What happens when we obey God?
  10. Why is obedience important?


The teacher reviews the pupils’ answers, provides feedback, and encourages them to practice obedience by showing love and kindness to others.

SEO Elements

Captivating Title: Discovering God Through Jesus – Obeying God in Primary 1 CRS

Focus Keyphrase: Obeying God through Jesus

SEO Title: Obeying God Through Jesus | Primary 1 CRS Lesson Plan

Slug: discovering-god-obeying-jesus-primary1

Meta Description: Teach Primary 1 pupils about obedience to God with this engaging CRS lesson plan. Learn from Jesus through love, kindness, and practical examples.