Identify the Social characteristics of Adolescence and their Educational implications

A. Development of Personal Identity: Social Characteristic: Adolescents seek to develop their personal identity, asking questions like “Who am I?” They crave more independence. Educational Implication: In education, it’s vital to provide opportunities for self-discovery. For instance, students in Nigeria may explore their identities through cultural projects, like researching and presenting on their indigenous languages

List ten (10) factors affecting personality development among children.

Genetics: Inherited traits and genetic predispositions can influence a child’s personality. Family Environment: The family’s dynamics, parenting style, and relationships among family members play a significant role. Peer Influence: Interaction with peers and friends can shape a child’s values, interests, and behaviors. Cultural and Societal Values: Cultural norms, beliefs, and societal expectations can impact a

Identify any five (5) lessons that can be learnt from the study of intellectual development.

Stimulation Enhances Intelligence: Increased intellectual stimulation plays a crucial role in enhancing intelligence. Teachers bear the responsibility of providing the necessary training and stimulation to help children reach higher levels of intellectual functioning. Intellect Has Many Components: Intellectual development involves various components, just as children study multiple subjects in primary school. This diversity of subjects

Briefly explain the stages of monthly development at the Pre-Natal Stage

The prenatal development stage lasts for nine months and can be summarized as follows: First Month: Developmental Features: The embryo is fixed to the uterus through the placenta. It receives nourishment and eliminates waste through the placenta. Key organs like the heart, liver, and digestive system begin to form. Example: The baby’s heart starts to

Describe the concept of conception.

  Conception takes place when a sperm from the man fuses with the egg (ovum) from a female to form a zygote in a process called fertilization. This is the beginning of human development. This stage is called pre-natal stage and usually lasts for nine (9) months The development at this stage is rapid and

Define “environment” in relation to development. Environment implies all factors influencing the development of an individual right from the time of conception.

In the context of development, the term “environment” refers to all the external factors and influences that affect the growth and maturation of an individual from the time of conception throughout their life. This includes physical surroundings, social interactions, cultural norms, educational opportunities, and more, all of which play a crucial role in shaping an

Explain the concept of “Monozygotic twins”.

  When one egg (Ovum) is fertilized by one sperm, a zygote is formed. This zygote may now divide into two and each half will develop into a separate embryo. These two embryos originating from the same zygote will lead to the birth of monozygotic twins, also known as identical twins. Usually, monozygotic twins are