Onka ni ede yoruba lati ori ookan de ori ewaa

Date: Friday, 1st May, 2020. Class: Pry one Subject: Yoruba Studies   Akole: Onka ni ede yoruba lati ori ookan de ori ewaa.   1-ookan 2-Eeji 3-Eeta 4-Eerin 5-Aarun 6-Eefa 7-Eeje 8-Eejo 9-Eesan 10-Ewaa   Review work:   Kini oruko awon nomba wonyii ni ede yoruba   1: 2- (a) Eerin (b) Eeji 2: 4-


DATE: FRIDAY, 1ST MAY, 2020. CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY TOPIC: PLACES WHERE COMPUTERS ARE USED Computers are very useful for our day to day activities. They are used in our place of work for different reasons. Places Where We Make Use of Computers are: (a) Hospital (b) School (c) Office (d) Supermarket (e)

Social Norms. Nursery 1

  Class: Nursery 1   Subject: Social norms Topic: Types of fruits. There are different types of fruits which are Pawpaw Mango Oranges Banana Tomatoes Waterlemon Apple     Mention four(4) Types of fruits that you know 1. ________________

Reading readiness

Date: Thursday, 30th April,2020. Class: KG 2 Subject: Reading readiness Topic: Reading of letter a – z, identification of letter a – g Reading of letter a – z: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


Subject : Moral Education Topic : Obedience   Content :Obedience is doing exactly what you are told to do at the right time. You must obey your parents, teachers or any elderly people that is giving you good instructions and you must obey and abide with those good instructions that they are giving you. Examples

Natural Resources In Nigeria

Subject : Social Study Topic :Natural Resources Content Natural resources are free gifts of nature that are use by plants and animals. Examples of natural resources are : *.bitumen * coal *gold *crude oil *tin *lead and zinc *oil and gas *cocoa * coffee *cotton *groundnut *kola nut etc. Natural resources can be use for

The Use of Punctuation Mark. Capital letter

DATE: Wednesday, 29th April, 2020. CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: English Language. TOPIC: Punctuation(Capital Letters) Punctuation are the marks placed between sentences to give it meaning. It consist of capital letters, full stop, comma, question mark, colon, semi colon, quotation mark, parenthesis, etc. Capital letter is used to begin the name of a particular person, place,

Nursery 2 English Language

Date: Wednesday, 29th April, 2020. Class: Nursery 2 Subject: English language Topic: Days of the week Write days of the week from Sunday-Saturday 1. _______________________. 2. _______________________. 3. _______________________. 4. _______________________. 5. _______________________. 6. _______________________. 7. _______________________. 8.How many days do we have in a week? ____________ 9.The first day of the week is ____________________.