Nursery Two Term one
Week 1 & 2
Topic: Review of sound and letters
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to match letters , fill in the missing letters and copy down correctly during dictation.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: Charts on the alphabet, movable letters and flash cards on alphabet.
Activities: The teacher should take pupils through the usual activities of teaching letters in nursery one .
Evaluation: practical evaluation
Week 3
Topic: Review two letter phonetic words and sentences
Lesson : 4 Lessons
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read, fill in , match and copy down during dictations.
Materials: flash cards on two letter words
Activities: Take them through activities that will make them proficient in this topic viz: dictation, matching and fill in.
Evaluation: thorough class exercises and homework
Week 4 & 5
Topic: Introduce building of three letter phonetic words
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to build and read thre letter word phonetic words using large movable alphabets and pink picture cards .
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: Large movable alphabet and pink picture cards
Activities: The teacher should extend activities of building words to the whiteboard.
Cu——p, ba——–t , ma——t, ca——t
PAGE 2 NB: Teacher should also do dictation of three letter words .
Week 6
Topic: Matching of words to words and objects
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to match words with words , and match words with objects , fill in the missing letters .
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: Cut out cards of words, movable alphabets , picture cards
Activities: The teacher takes the pupils through activities such as matching words with words . Matching words with objects and filling missing letters.
bat pat
rod cot
pat bat
c——t ( u,d)
c——p( a, t)
b——d (e, c)
NB: The picture stamp pad is useful in this topic.
Evaluation: Class activities and homework
Week 7
Topic: Introduce reading of three lettered words . Phonetic sentences
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read three lettered words and articulate phonetic expressions fluently.
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Materials: Large movable alphabets, white board
Activities: The teacher should form a simple comprehension and take pupils through reading of the comprehension passage – avoid words that are too long for easy pronunciation, Queen Primer 1 is very relevant here.
Evaluation: The teacher supervises them to read the comprehension in turns .
Week 8 PAGE 3
Topic: Introduce phonograms and two lettered non phonetic words .
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce two lettered non-phonetic words and words that has phonograms .
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Materials: Synthetic phonic cubes, sound steps 1 & 2.
Activities: The teacher should explain the two and three lettered non-phonetic words like he, we me, see, bee, my, by, to go, so, no, is ,it etc. He should also teach phonograms such as who, what the, that, which etc.
Evaluation: Ask relevant questions
Week 9
Topic: Provide a word list, read through, dictate, fill and match words with words .
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to copy down during dictation , pronounce each word on the word list, fill in the missing letter and read simple comprehension passage.
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Material: flash cards
Activities: The teacher takes the pupils through the word list and be sure that every is adequately carried along .
Evaluation: Ask relevant questions
Week 10
Topic: Expand reading . Do extensive work on Queen P rimer 1
Objectives: At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to read and answer simple questions from the passage .
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Material: Queen primer 1, flash cards , large movable alphabet
Activities: The teacher should take the pupils through a lot of reading exercises , and allow the sentences to grow into complexity e.g The fat man is with an egg. That is the red hen on a big mat.
Evaluation: Ask them to say some relevant expressions .
Week 1
Topic: Review of two and three lettered words .read and write capital letters
Objectives :At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce , write two and three lettered words , andwrite the letters of the alphabet in capital.
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Materials: Materials used in the previous introduction of two and three lettered words
Activities: Teacher should take the pupils through spelling process for two and three lettered words using large movable alphabets .
Evaluation : Ask relevant questions eg. Write 5 examples each for two and three lettered words
Week 2
Topic: Review the phonogram “th”
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce words that have “th” phonogram such as that, these etc.
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Materials: synthetic phonic cubes, large movable alphabet, flash cards.
Activities: The teacher further treats phonograms “th” and gives more examples
Week 3& 4
Topic: Introduce longer phonetic words with large movable alphabet blue picture cards
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce longer phonetic words like basket, crump.
Lesson : 8 Lessons
Materials: blue picture cards , large movable alphabet
Activities: The teacher should produce a word list, dictate the word, fill in missing letters , match words with words and letters and also build new longer phonetic words
Evaluation: Evaluation should be done according to the activities
Week 5 & 6
Topic: Introduce phonograms “oo”
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce word that has the phonogram “oo” eg. Hook.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: phonogram cards in this category.
Activities: The teacher should build words that have the phonogram “oo” and guide the pupils to pronounce the words . Pupils should also be taken through dictation and oral off hand spelling of some of these words-hook, book, food, zoo, cool, fool, brook, tool, wool etc.
Evaluation: The teacher should consider the activities carried out closely during the evaluation. NB : The teacher should prepare a simple comprehension passage that will help the child to commit these words to his or her memory….the old fool sat by the cool pool in the hot noon. He dip his foot into the cool pool . He looks into the book of zoo with him.
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Introduce the Queen Primer 2
NB: Right from now, comprehension passages from the Queen Primer and other supplementary readings textbooks selected by the school should be used with questions and answers coming from them.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to able to read better and with fluency
Materials : pupils textbooks and and audio visuals
Activities: The teacher reads the comprehension psssage severally while the pupils listen. The pupils are also directed to read in turns while the teacher listens and f urther corrects their errors.
Evaluation: Evaluation is done with the questions emanating from the comprehension passage.
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Phonograms “ee” and “ ine”
NB: Build words such as weed, seed, see , meek, need, bleed. Dictate, fill in, match etc. Form into comprehension passage as in week 5 & 6 . And questions orally and in written form.
Though, the children learn some of the letters of the alphabet in their immediate environment, the teacher should make it a point of duty to teach the alphabet and explain according to the pupils level of understanding ,the difference between sounds of English words and letters of the alphabet.
Week 11 Revision, examination and closing
Week 1 & 2
Topics: Grammar: Noun
Phonics: sh,ch
Composition: My family
Reading: Comprehension passage
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : 1. Define and identify nouns in sentences 2. Pronounce words that have sh and ch in them . 3. Say some expressions about their families- oral composition . 4. Read and answer questions from their class composition passages.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: phonics audio materials, textbooks, and notebooks
Activities: The techer should treat all the above topics adequately one after the other.
Evaluation: Ask relevant questions on each of the topic.
Week 3 & 4
Topics: Grammar: Introduce punctuation marks – capital letters and full stop
Phonics: gh as in light, oy as in boy
Composition : My pencil
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1, identify and use punctuation marks 2. Pronounce words with gh and oy. 3. Write a simple composition on My pencil. a comprehension passage and answer the questions from it.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: phonics audio materials , textbooks and notebooks
Activities: as in week 1 & 2
PAGE 7 Evaluation: as in week 1 & 2
Week 5 & 6
Topic: Grammar – verbs
Phonics – sion, tion
Composition – My class
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1. Define a verb and identify it in a sentence 2. Pronounce words with- sion and – tion 3. Write a simple composition about his class 5. Answer questios on a simple comprehension passage
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: phonics audio gadgets and pupils books
Evaluation: as above
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Grammar – prepositios and pronouns
Phonics – ow, ew
Composition- Myself
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1. Define a preposition and a pronoun
Identify them in a sentence 3. Pronounce words with ow and ew e.g bow, cow, few, sew, blew etc.
Write a simple composition about himself/ herself 4. Answer questions from a simple comprehension passage.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: as above
Activities: as above
Evaluation: as above
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Grammar – Introduce adjectives
Phonics- oi and ay
Composition- My dog
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1. Define an adjective.
2.identify an adjective in a sentence
pronounce words with oi and ay e,g boil, day
write a simple composition about his/ her pet
answer oral questios from the comprehension passage
Lesso: 8 Lessons
Materials: phonics audio materials, textbooks and notebooks
Activities: as above
Evaluation: as above
Week 11 Revision, examination, closing.
Brighter grammar
Sound steps bks 1& 2
Phonics made easy – Harrowgate ventures
Week 1& 2
Topic : Make prints on handkerchiefs
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 3 & 4
Topic: Marble designs with prints
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 5 & 6
Topic: Marble design with wax and crayon paintings
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 7 & 8
Topic: cutting out of picture round an outline created by template of animal shapes , objects etc.
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Make animal album
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 11 Revision, examination and closing
NB: The teacher should ensure that all of these works are concluded and the records must be properly kept . The teacher is permitted to add more periods if the need arises.
Week: 1& 2
Topic: Make leaf album
Lesson: 2Lessons
Week 3 & 4
PAGE 10 Topic: Make bird album
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 5 & 6
Topic: Make insect album
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Make pattern with shapes
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Make prints with leaves
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 11 Revision, examination, closing.
Week 1& 2
Topic: Make paper into snowflakes
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 3 & 4
Topic: Cut paper into puppets
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 5 & 6
Topic:Mould with plasticine
Lesson : 2 Lessons
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Cut patterns with template of animals from a dough or plasticine
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Drawing an object of interest
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 11 Revision, examination and closing
Finger soft dough of different colours
2 . One corrugated and assorted paper shapes
Air dying clay
bubber NB : all of these are in different colours.
The teachers must write legibly by using the simplest form/style of writing i. the best way to write letter a, b, c, d ….
Encourage pupils to reproduce their thoughts on paper from the onset.
The teach explain forms/styles of writing letters on lower and upper case e.g lower case letters are g, j, p, q and y. The upper case letters are d, f, h, l, k and t. Others are middle case letters such as a, c, e, I, m, n, o, r, s, u, v ,w, x, and z. Explain how to write these letters properly on the notebook lines.
Week 1& 2
Topic: Review numbers 1-40, introduce 41-45
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read, write and identify numbers 1-50.
Lesson: 8Lessons
Materials: number cards , white-board, beads
Activities:The teacher takes the pupils through a rigorous numeration drilling.
Evaluation: practical evaluation
Week 3&4
Topic: Introduce odd and even numbers , simple writing in words and figures
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to identify the odd and even numbers between 1 and 50 and write 1-10 in words.
Materials: beads, buttons, match sticks
Activities: the teacher explains skip counting in addition to other numeration activities .
Evaluation: practical evaluation
Week 5 & 6
Topic: More work on addition
Finding missing addends
Addition on the line
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to find missing addends and add on the number lines.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: charts on addition displaying the number line
Activities: The teacher explains how the number line works to pupils using a chart and also find missing addends practically. 3 + = 9
Evaluation: Evaluation according to the above examples
Week 7 & 8
Topic: More work on number and numeration 51-80
More work on subtraction- finding missing minuends and subtraction on the number line .
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read and write from 1-80 . Find the missing minuends and carry out subtraction of the number line.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: chart on numeration, and subtraction on the number line
Activities: The teacher explains the working of the numberline in subtraction and further explains how to find missing minuends using concrete objects e.g beads 8 – 4 = 4
Evaluation: The teacher should ensure that all areas are covered while evaluating.
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Mixed sum on the line. Introduce tens and units
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to solve a mixed sum using the number line
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: chart on the number line ,bundle of match sticks
Activities: The teacher should teach the use of number line in solving mixed sum e.g
NB: The concept of tens and unit should also be taught e.g 40 = 4tens o units or
4 0
1 2
NOTE: The fact that there could be zero units should be explained to the pupils as in the case of 40 which is 4tens 0 unit.
Evaluation: thorough evaluation
Week 11 – Revision,examination, closing.
Week 1 & 2
T0pic: Number and numeration 81 – 100
Step up odd and even numbers
Writing in words and in figures 11 – 15
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupil should be able to count the numbers from 1 – 100, identify all the odd and even numbers between 1 and 100 and write in words from 1 – 15.
Lesson: 8 Lesson
Materials: chats on numeration ( words and figures )
Activities: The teacher should take the pupils through all the usual activities to enhance pupils improvement in numeration.
Evaluation: Ask pupils to do try and error on the chalkboard
NB: Try to encourage the pupils on long numeration i.e writing numbers 1, 2, 3 … at home and in the class because it can be boring, especially, when they do this for weeks.
Week 3 % 4
Topic: Addition and subtraction involving tens and units ( T U ) without carrying.
PAGE 15 Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to solve simple question on addition and subtraction of numbers without carrying.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: charts on tens and units ( T U )
Activities :The teacher explains to the pupils how to solve simple additions and subtractions e.g
Addition T U T U
2 3 3 1
+ 4 1 + 4 5
——————- ———————-
——————– ———————–
Subtraction T U T U
5 8 9 4
– 6 2 – 4 2
——————- —————–
——————- ——————–
Evaluation: Ask questions on addition and subtraction of tens and units.
Week 5& 6
Topic: Building of multiplication tables
Multiplication as repeated addiction
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read and write multiplication as repeated addiction of a number in a given number of places e.g 2 X 1 = 2
2 X 2 = 2 + 2 = 4
2 X 3 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
Evaluation: Ask the pupils to recite this in the class every morning.
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Introduce division as sharing
PAGE 16 Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to carry out a simple exercises on division.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: beads, buttons, and charts on division
Activities: The teacher should teach division as sharing into a given number of places e.g
Evaluation: Ask questions on the lesson taught
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Simple shopping and change collection
Time on the hour
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to do simple shopping and collect accurate change ; tell the time on the hour.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: Analogue and digital wall-clock, denomination of naira from 200naira downwards, class shopping corner
Activities : The teacher sets up the class shopping corner for this topic , makes available the needed currency to carry out simple transactions in the class shopping corner. The pupils do the buying practically. It is important to make coins available too. The analogue and digital wall- clock should be taught side by side only on the hour i.e 6 O`lock, 4 O`Clock, 9 O`Clock etc.
Evaluation: practical evaluation
Week 11 Revision, examination, closing
Week 1 & 2
Topic: Numeration and notation of numbers- 100 – 150
Odd numbers and even numbers
Writing in words and figures
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to write 1 – 150; identify odd and even numbers;write some numbers in figures
Week 3 PAGE 17
Topic: Introduce the equality sign ( =)
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to state that equality the equality sign is a regular part of mathematical expression e.g 3 + 3 = 6,2 X 5 = 10 etc. And that it indicates the final answer in mathematical calculations.
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Week 4
Topic: Addition of numbers with renaming
Objectives: At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to carry out addition of numbers with renaming .
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Materials: beads, buttons, and charts
Activities: The teacher explains how to to do addition with renaming by adding numbers gradually under tens and units e.g T U
3 4 oooo Note : 4 + 8 = 12
+2 8 oooooooo 12 is more than a unit . 12 is 1 tens 2units
————————- write 1 under tens and 2 under units.
The techer should also explain that if a number is more than 9, it is should be written under tens while the numbers belownine should be written under units.
Evaluation: practical evaluation
Week 5
Topic: Subtraction with renaming
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to do do subtraction of numbers with renaming.
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Materials: beads , buttons, charts
PAGE 18 Activities: The teacher should explain the needs for carrying while subtracting i.e borrowing from tens eg T U
3 1
-1 9
1 2
Evaluation: practical evaluation
Week 6 & 7
Topic: Introduce pictorial fraction
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to state the names of fractional parts.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials : plastic fractional parts and charts on fraction.
Activities: The teacher explains the following to the pupils ( 1 ) How many are these? ( 2 ) A whole has been divided ½( 3) A part has been shaded ½ . The teacher mentions the fractional parts etc.
Evaluatiation : practical evaluation
Week 10
Topic: Introduce measurement of length
Objectives: At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to give the approximate distance betwe two points or from an end to the other.
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Materials: ruler, hand, long red rods( number rods)
Activities: The teacher takes the pupils through measuring of their exercise books , tables, white board etc. using a ruler, hand span , feet and tape.
Evaluation: practical evaluation.
Week 11 Revision, examination and closing
Week 1 & 2
Topic: Animals and their homes
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to identify and mention some animals and their homes e.g. birds nest.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: Wipe clean books and charts on animals and their homes
Activities: The teacher explains using charts to show where different animals live e.g. beehive, hornet, pouch sty, kennel etc.
Evaluation: Questions on animal homes and that of man.
Week 3 & 4
Topic: Different classes of animals
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to state at least 5 classes of animals .
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Materials: Charts on animal classification
Activities: The teacher explains and categorise some animals e.g. fishes-pisces, birds-aves, frogs-amphibian, snakes-reptiles, man ,cow etc-mammals
Evaluation: List animals according to their classes
Week 5 & 6
Topic: Parts of root, types and major function
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to state types of roots and their functions.
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Materials: uprooted plants, charts on roots
Evaluation: Questions on roots and their functions
Week 7 & 8
Topic : Land forms
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to define lake,hill, island, and other land forms
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Materials: Charts on lakes and other land forms
Activities: Using charts and other aids, the teacher explains and mention some lakes, hills, valleys, island etc.
Evaluation: Mention lakes, hills and valley that you know
Week 9 & 10
Topic: The food I need to grow
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to state energy giving foods and body building foods
Lesson 2 Lessons
Materials : Charts
Activities: The teacher explains and lists energy giving ,body building and protective foods with relevant examples.
Evaluation: Mention energy giving food and body building.
Week 11 Revision, examination and closing
Week 1 & 2
Topic: The Continent-Africa
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to understand the structure of African map and identify the location of his country in it.
Lesson : 2 Lessons
Materials: The atlas and the globe
Activities: The teacher explains the continent Africa using atlas and globe to show parts of Africa and the location Nigeria in particular.
PAGE 2 1 Evaluation: Mention some countries in Africa . What part of Africa is your country?
Week 3 & 4
Topic:Look at the major region in Africa
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to mention major regions in Africa
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Materials: as in wk 1 & 2
Activities: The teacher explains the fact that the continent of Africa is divided into regions such as west, east, south and central Africa.
Evaluation: Mention some countries found in west Africa
Week 5 & 6
Topic: Flowers around
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to mention some flowers found around the homes and schools and their usefulness to man and plants.
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Materials: Flowers and the school
Activities: The teacher lists the names of some flowers such as hibiscus, rose, morning glory etc and whre they can be found and how to grow them. General care.
Evaluation: List some flowers that you know.
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Uses of flowers in our environment
Objectives At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to say the importance of flowers in our environment.
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Materials: flower vase with synthetic flowers, school flower beds, and flower pots
Activities: The explains flowers as beautifying plants in our surrounding. The teacher take the pupils around the class and the school planting or weeding the flower with thorough explanations.
Evaluation: Oral questions
Week 9 & 10 PAGE 22
Topic: Dangers at home
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to mention things that constitute dangers in and around the home.
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Materials: electric sockets, knives, cutlasses, bottles with unknown content, boken bottles or particles.
Activities: The teacher explains the dangers posed by the listed items above if tampered with by small children of their age
Evaluation: Oral questions
Week 11 Revision, examination and closing
Week 1& 2
Topic: Play with the magnet
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to understand that magnet could stick to iron though not all the iron. It does not stick to wood,plastic etc. classification of objects.A GAME- Finding the treasure could create fun in this lesson.
Evaluation: oral and written questions
Week 3 & 4
Topic: History of Mrs Olufunmilayo KUTI
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 5 & 6
Topic: History of John Brown and Father Damien
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Louis Pasteur Father Coquered
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Marry Slessor, Madam Tinubu
Lesson: 2 Lesson PAGE 23
Objectives: For the above weeks , the lessons are meant to bring in a bit of common history . The pupils should be made to understand the achievements and discoveries of these great people of memorable history in the lives of all men , both the past and the living generations.
Evaluations: oral questions and answers
Week 1 & 2
Topic: Combine all six pairs of smelling jars
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 3 & 4
Topic : Combine all 4 boxes knobbled cylinders
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 5 & 6
Topic : Colour box 2 ( the last four pairs )
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Combine all 4 boxes of knobbled cylinders
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Present all the contents of colour box
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 11 Revision, examination, closing
Week 1 & 2 PAGE 24
Topic: The baric tablets
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 3 & 4
Topic: Present all the content of the baric tablet blindfold and sort into pile according to weight of each tablet.
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 5 & 6
Topic : The geometric solids – cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Make a colour wheel with colour box 3 to show that a particular colour can come in various intensity.
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 9 & 10
Topic : Combine all the 6 pairs of smelling jars , identify them in the environment by their smells
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 11 Revision, examination, closing.
Week 1 & 2
Topic: The geometric solids – cone, pyramid
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 3 & 4
Topic: Mystery bag with a blindfold on
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 5 & 6
Topic: geometric carbinet – drawer 1 PAGE 25
Lesson: 2Lessons
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Match drawer 1 with geometric cards
Lesson: 2 Lessons
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Drawer 2 of geometric carbinet
Lesson: 2Lessons
Week 11 Revision,examination, closing
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