Basic Science Exams Questions JSS 2 SECOND TERM

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  1. ——— is the sum of (usually macroscopic) kinetic and potential energies

A. Mechanical B. Mechanical Wave C. Mechanical Advantage d. Potential

  1. ——— Results when a force acts upon an object to cause a displacement (or a motion) or, in some instances, to hinder a motion. A. Work B. Power C. Energy D. Potential
  2. The law of conservation of energy is also known as —- A. First law of thermodynamic B. Law of mass action C. Pythagoras theorem D. None
  3. The energy of a body or a system with respect to the motion of the body or of the particles in the system is——-A. Potential Energy B. Kinetic Energy C. Potential system D. Kinematic Energy.
  4. The translational kinetic energy is kinetic energy possessed by an object moving on a

A. straight line B. crooked line C. systemic line D. steam line

  1. Calculate the power of a pump which can lift 500kg of water through a vertical height of 12m in 0.3 minutes ,assuming g =9.8m/s A. 3.27Kilowatts B. 3.7Kilowatts C. 3.2Kilowatts D. 3Kilowatts.
  2. A student whose mass is 60kg runs up a height of 7.2 m in 10.4 second. Find the power used by the student (given that g = 9.8m/s) A. 0.40KW B. 0.04KW C. 0.42KW D. 0.004KW
  3. If a force of 200 Newton is applied by a car over a distance of 6 metres ,the workdone is A. 1200joules B. 120joules C. 12joules D. 1.20joules
  4. The mainspring to all life activities is the A. energy B. power C. work D. force
  5. The device which can convert solar energy to electricity is the A. electro magnet

B. photo voltaic solar panel C. Turbine D. dynamic

  1. ——— is the impact of overall health, of current illness or injury, and the scope of the individual’s anatomy and physiology a. A. Biological B. Chemistry C. Geographical D. Hormonical.
  2. ——— is the impact of society and culture experienced by the individual.

A. Sociocultural B. Politicoeconomic C. Biological D. Hormonical

  1. The process whereby a substance in solid state changes directly to gaseous state is known as———— A. freezing B. sublimation C. melting D. cooling
  2. Which of these is not a state of matter? A. solid B. water C. liquid D. gas
  3. Only the fastest-moving molecules will have large enough ——–to overcome the intermolecular forces. A. energy B. power C. work D. sufficiency
  4. ———occurs, and can occur at any temperature. A. Evaporation B. Pressure

C. Boiling D. Melting

  1. ———occurs on the surface of the liquid whereas boiling occurs at the entire length of liquid. A. Evaporation B. Melting C. Condensation D. Boiling
  2. s

A. energy B. power C. work D. gravity

  1. The more the particles vibrate, translate and rotate, the greater the ———-of the object. A. temperature B. heat C. heat flow D. hotness
  2. There is formation of bubbles in———, but bubbles are not seen in evaporation.
  3. Boiling B. melting C. evaporation D. mixing.


  1. Define conductive heat flow
  2. What are the three things to know about the way heat flows?
  3. Mention five factors that influencing the rate of evaporation.
  4. Why is energy required to evaporate a liquid?
  5. Differentiate between solid, liquid and gas.
  6. Mention five Factors influencing individual sense of self worth.
  7. List five examples of energy conversions and their converters in each case.
  8. Define the term energy.
  9. The distance from boys classroom to the edge of a football field is 120 metres .He runs with a force of 100 Newtons across the field. Calculate the work done.
  10. State the classes of potential energy.

